- All Good Things Come To An End
- 10-man Raiding Commences
- For the Horde!
- Starcaller for All
- Dedicated Insanity
- Earth, Wind, & Fire
- The Traitor King
- Wrapping Up Loose Ends
- We Got Our Swim Trunks and Our Flippy Floppies
- ICC Wing 1: Complete
- 99 Problems but a Lich ain't one!
- 5 weeks later...
- Glory of the Icecrown Raider
- We beat WotLK. Next Up: Cataclysm
- H:Halion Down
- Realm Firsts
- Omnitron Defense System
- Magmaw, Halfus, & Conclave of Winds
- Valiona & Theralion and Maloriak
- Chimaeron & Atramedes
- Ascendant Council
- Cataclysm: Week 1
- Cho'gall and Al'Akir (and Working as a Team)
- Nefarian
- Heroic Halfus
- Mix Master
- Heroic Chim-Chim
- Fishier than Heather's... you know.
- Stupid, Incompetent, and Disappointing Minions
- Heroic Conclave of Wind
- Heroic Magmaw
- We got us some Double D's
- I got carried through another boss
- Heroic Omnotron Defense System
- GoL of the Four Winds
- Heroic: Nefarian
- Firelands: Day 1
- Firelands: Day 2
- Firelands: day 3
- Ragnaros Down
- Dragonslayers
- Heroic Shannox
- Hero of the Horde: Vicious
- Downed the Lava Giant
- Heroic Firebird
- Heroic Beth'Tilac
- H-MajorDomo Staghelm
- Heroic Baleroc down 6/7 Heroic cleared
- Business as usual...
- Don't call it a comeback
- Nuchwho
- Progress Update