View Full Version : Shields

12-26-2006, 09:21 AM
Hey Cider:

First hope you and ur clan had a great christmas. A quick question. I currently have Buru's shield and have had it for the last 6 months. We havent had any luck in BWL with the Bullwark in 4 months of raiding. I have a quiraji armament in my bag for the last 6 weeks since we are at Huhu and no guild has downed the twin emps in our server since the patch. I think it could be because they are concentrating their efforts in Naxx for the last push before x-pac. Should I even bother with the quiraji bullwark or just wait and see what I can get in the TBC. I know the shields are getting a little boost once the TBC comes live.

Dont know what to do? LOL

Thanks in advance,


12-26-2006, 02:55 PM
The Bulwark is good up through level 70 5-mans; specifically, Tempest Keep Botanica, which requires a flying mount. Buru's will actually work fine, but if any guild does happen to clear to C'Thun, make sure you see what you can do about getting in on that run. The Qiraji Bulwark has received a substantial armor bonus. :)

12-27-2006, 06:43 AM
Cider again thanks for your always prompt response.

Good Luck with KT and knowing Eventide you guys will down him for sure,

GL again and thanks