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05-05-2010, 07:05 PM
Most important moment of tonight's show? Locke mumbling about the button when he was asleep after surgery. Not sure what it means exactly yet, but that's gotta be huge.
I like this whole part and I like how Jack is trying so hard to try and help Locke. On the island Locke was trying to help Jack.
Sayid told Jack about Desmond, this part will be interesting too cause you know Jack is gonna get him.
Sayid, Kwan's, lots of dead people this episode.
So Jack clearly knows that Smokey can't kill him, I wonder if this episode will help Jack convince the others of this.
Great episode.
05-05-2010, 07:07 PM
05-07-2010, 10:00 PM
I'm pretty sure the button Locke was mumbling about was just the button in the hatch Asano.
05-07-2010, 10:09 PM
I'm pretty sure the button Locke was mumbling about was just the button in the hatch Asano.
Yeah, that's my point. He should have no knowledge or memory of the button, the hatch, or anything else about the island in that timeline.
05-08-2010, 09:18 AM
It's not that important, it just means he's going to have his flash soon when he sees images from the other reality. Or it means he's already had it when he got hit by Desmond.
05-11-2010, 12:59 PM
Possibly big episode tonight. Hope it doesn't suck
05-11-2010, 05:31 PM
2 or 3 + the finale left?
05-11-2010, 05:53 PM
tonight, next week, and then the finale the week after
05-11-2010, 11:53 PM
Hmmm.... not sure what to make of tonight's episode. I think it needed to be about twice as long. I hope they revisit that history before the series is over, because there's still much about the origins and nature of the tunnel, the smoke monster, the "mother", why MIB is "special", how the "mother" designed jacob and MIB so they couldn't hurt each other, etc to be explained.
05-12-2010, 07:28 AM
yep. more questions again.
Weak, I thought Jacob and his bro were alive a lot longer before ships were invented.
05-12-2010, 04:21 PM
So i begin to watch this episode I ask myself who is this older lady and why did she cave the young woman's head in. Going back just a minute as the young lady names Jacob i thought to myself name the next one now "come on, come on, name him Smokemonster".
So the lady playing the mother of Jacob/Smoke seems to pull of the strings of pushing Jacob towards good and Smoke towards evil right from the beginning. She also tells Smoke that he will never die.
So this lady tells the boys as they are walking towards something, away from the men, that men are bad and that she made it so the boys couldn't hurt each other. But as this happens i think to myself "but bitch you caved the young woman's head in".
So there is light coming from a cave and it needs to be protected or else the light will go out everywhere. One question, what about the sun(its a pretty good light source).
So as Smoke sees his mothers(Claudia) ghost, I think, I thought Smoke was controlling the ghosts. SigH.
So she tells Jacob "those people are bad" I need you to stay good. So from the beginning of lost there was always this thing about how the island people were good and everyone else is bad.
When she smashes Smoke on the wall I thought for sure he was going to stab her!
The part that drives me crazy is that these guardians of the island seem to want to be replaced. If the island is so good and everything else is bad why say thank you for allowing them to leave/pass on.
If she made it so that they can't hurt each other why does Jacob keep owning Smoke's face with a barrage of punches.
Great, here we go again with the questions.
05-12-2010, 05:32 PM
So there is light coming from a cave and it needs to be protected or else the light will go out everywhere. One question, what about the sun(its a pretty good light source).
It's not an actual light Yoox - it's figurative for something akin to the human soul. The "light" in the cave is the "light" inside of humans and if human greed tries to take the light it will end up snuffing out all light everywhere aka kill the human race.
You ever wonder how the mother was able to kill all those people and burn down their camp?
Maybe she also went into the light and was turned into smoke. Also, the light must be some sort of scientific anomaly. Just another instance of stupid people trying to rationalize something. Maybe Jacob and the fake mother are just delusional retards. Maybe the island is just some anomaly in the world and some random people stumbled upon it and thought of it as some sort of miraculous sacred thing.
Nah, probably not. Doesn't explain the whole seeing dead people thing.
Maybe it REALLY is some sort of sacred-magical god-like thang. WHO KNOWS YO?
05-12-2010, 07:02 PM
Weak, I thought Jacob and his bro were alive a lot longer before ships were invented.
Ya sux they aren't descended from mount olympus. I wonder if they are even before Richard at this point.
05-12-2010, 07:03 PM
You ever wonder how the mother was able to kill all those people and burn down their camp?
Maybe she also went into the light and was turned into smoke. Also, the light must be some sort of scientific anomaly. Just another instance of stupid people trying to rationalize something. Maybe Jacob and the fake mother are just delusional retards. Maybe the island is just some anomaly in the world and some random people stumbled upon it and thought of it as some sort of miraculous sacred thing.
Nah, probably not. Doesn't explain the whole seeing dead people thing.
Maybe it REALLY is some sort of sacred-magical god-like thang. WHO KNOWS YO?
Did she smite them all down or what. They didn't answer any of it, but they didn't have to really. Cause Smoke killed her for it, she must of.
05-12-2010, 07:04 PM
It's not an actual light Yoox - it's figurative for something akin to the human soul. The "light" in the cave is the "light" inside of humans and if human greed tries to take the light it will end up snuffing out all light everywhere aka kill the human race.
Nuch man lol.
05-12-2010, 08:34 PM
Nuch man lol.
never know with you!
05-12-2010, 08:51 PM
never know with you!
The lady said that they couldn't hurt each other, but Jacob killed smokey by throwing him into the cave. His bones was proof. I'm so confused on this part. They made the whole story where Smokey had to use Ben to kill Jacob.
05-12-2010, 08:56 PM
In a sense he didn't kill smokey, but I guess the question is did he turn into smokey because of the ladies "curse" or the light source. Remember smokey said Jacob took his body a long time ago.
05-12-2010, 09:17 PM
In a sense he didn't kill smokey, but I guess the question is did he turn into smokey because of the ladies "curse" or the light source. Remember smokey said Jacob took his body a long time ago.
Don't think it was the curse, it had to be cause of the light source. That's the part that isn't explained still. I mean Smoke's bones are with the lady's bones in the cave that Jack found. So what counts as dead for them? Cause when Ben killed Jacob his body is dead and Jacob isn't there(but, he's a ghost that Hugo can see), but Smokey is without his body? So was Smokey a ghost like Jacob is currently till he figured out how to control bodies (Locke)?
05-12-2010, 09:34 PM
I was hoping they'd explain the origins of the ash, and why smokey can't cross it.
05-12-2010, 09:34 PM
Have to love how the lady loves Smokey more than Jacob. When Smokey wants to leave the whole time. The secrets of the island are gonna be as bleh as the light in the tunnel. Just like how the mother only picked one name for a boy(Jacob), wasn't expecting another, so he never got a name. I know, I know, we said this from the beginning, but it's still a great show and a good watch.
05-12-2010, 09:58 PM
actually yoox, look at it this way. Everyone at first thought the island is purgatory, and like Smokey said, for him, it IS. Think about it, he isn't dead, but he isn't alive. He sees other dead people and can look like them, but he can't be killed. He is in some kind of limbo. Like the lady said, a fate worse than death. We might find that smokey, can in fact never be killed, and for reasons unknown (hopefully just for now) he can never leave. So all that stuff about the island being his own personal hell is definitely true. They just might be making him look like not such a bad guy, but more tortured, but the end of all this, I don't know.
This is what I think. The light caused some sort of hybridization between it and Smokey, thus causing Smokey not needing his physical body and turning into smoke. The smoke can, obviously, turn into different physical forms.
So, Smokey never died. He just got fucked up with the light and now doesn't need his physical body because his body is now the smoke (which can mold into what looks like his old body).
Hmm, from that deduction...I now think that the fake mother couldn't be Smokey 1.0. I think when Smokey dies (if he does), he will just dissipate or some weird shit. I doubt his body will deteriorate similar to that of a real human--like the fake mother did (thus concluding that the fake mother didn't fuck up the camp as a smoke monster).
How the fuck did she fuck up up that mother fucking fuck camp?
OK, she obviously hinted that she knew of what would happen when someone goes into the light (turning into a smoke monster). So, if she didn't do it herself, someone else must have. Maybe there is somebody else who fucked up that camp for her.
Ugh, no--they won't introduce a totally new character now. I fucking hate this show.
Maybe I'm wrong about the whole body deterioration thing. Maybe Smokey will deteriorate into fucking bones thus making it plausible that fake mom was smokey 1.0. Who Knows.
Fuck. This. Show.
Holy shit, I got it.
Let's say if you go into the light without getting harmed (remember, Jacob hit Smokey in the head before hybridization, which may have killed him), you come out as a smoke monster + your original body (Smokey didn't because Jacob killed his human body). So, there's like TWO OF YOU! SO THERE WAS A FAKE MOTHER HUMAN AND A FAKE MOTHER SMOKE MONSTER.
I BET WE SEE THE FAKE MOTHER SMOKE MONSTER SOON (because Smokey only killed the fake mother human). OMG OMG I FIGURED THIS OUT.
Alright, that's ridiculous. Whatever. I give up. I'll just wait two weeks.
05-13-2010, 07:25 AM
thats the dumbest shit i have ever heard.
05-13-2010, 11:40 AM
thats the dumbest shit i have ever heard.
I thought you guys would appreciate the comedic value.
05-13-2010, 08:06 PM
I thought you guys would appreciate the comedic value.
I did.
05-14-2010, 03:41 PM
Apparently the finale is getting an extra 30 minutes, so it'll be 2.5 hours long.
05-14-2010, 03:46 PM
Apparently the finale is getting an extra 30 minutes, so it'll be 2.5 hours long.
I hope this turns out to be epic.
05-14-2010, 06:31 PM
Wow. This could be really good or terribly bad. It could just be a giant exposition laying out the plot. I don't know.
05-14-2010, 06:45 PM
Wow. This could be really good or terribly bad. It could just be a giant exposition laying out the plot. I don't know.
Yep, that's exactly what I'm afraid of.
05-14-2010, 08:39 PM
It's going to be the Nat Geo commentator sitting in an arm chair reading the script.
05-16-2010, 10:08 AM
Scroll down to the lost promo.
05-19-2010, 08:43 AM
Just the finale left. I feel like most of the BIG questions have answers (not all). Still a million little things left though.
Finale is on Sunday (2hr30mins long including commercials). At midnight (approximately 12:05 AM), on Jimmey Kimmel Live, 3 alternate endings will be aired.
05-19-2010, 05:54 PM
How did Jack get that cut in the beginning of the alternate verse?
I always enjoyed Desmond's role in this show.
Seeing Hurley power walk after kid Jacob made me laugh.
05-23-2010, 11:41 AM
End of an era inc.
05-23-2010, 05:40 PM
I hope we get the biggest lost MONTAGE ever.
05-23-2010, 09:31 PM
Asano i know you cryed.
05-23-2010, 09:35 PM
So I thought it was a good ending. I like how Sawyer called Locke Smokey. So we called it on Hugo being the next Jacob, rofl at that coming true. So a question to throw out there, was the sideverse the afterlife the whole time?
Was nice to see Kate and Jack get back together in the end.
05-23-2010, 09:38 PM
You gotta love in lost where you are told one thing that makes you think you can't do something but it's ok for the story.
EXAMPLE: During the season they said if the light of the island ever goes out there is no turning it back on. It's ok for Jack to turn it off to kill Locke, so it can be turned back on? I thought it couldn't come back on!
05-23-2010, 09:50 PM
So there are some questions we would of liked answered like how the island came to be and the egyptian stuff. As the example in the post before this one with the light, I think the bones leading to the light kinda shows that there were many protectors of the island for who knows how long. I think the protectors went back so long that the information they recieved along the way made them not really know it all. The reasoning behind the egyptian stuff just like the spanish stuff and other stuff just was there over time. I mean I know it sux as an answer, but I think we can only guess at this point.
Some of the other stuff brought up, why was Desmond so special. How did Smokey become smoke at all. Is it cause the protector before Jacob/Smoke set up it up where one of them had to be good and the other bad? Which means Jacob was surpose to be the bad one cause she loved Smoke?
With the other three endings coming up on Jimmy kimmel live I hope one of them is Smoke getting off the island and the world becoming smoke. As for the other two, I haven't had that much time to think about it.
05-23-2010, 10:50 PM
do not watch jimmy kimmel, what a faggot show.
05-24-2010, 12:52 AM
Asano i know you cryed.
Absolutely epic ending. I can't believe it actually lived up to the hype (imo).
There are obviously still lots of little questions left unanswered, but I'm definitely satisfied with how they ended it all. Incredible moment in television history, and anyone following will be hard-pressed to surpass it.
was the sideverse the afterlife the whole time?
That's my understanding, yeah. Which means the island eventually sunk into the sea at some point in time (as we saw in the season opener), right?
do not watch jimmy kimmel, what a faggot show.
Awww, really? It's coming on in about 10 mins here. I kinda don't want to see the other endings, just because it'll just cheapen what I just watched. But I do want to hear from Cuse & Lindelof and the other cast members.
05-24-2010, 01:17 AM
do not watch jimmy kimmel, what a faggot show.
Ok, I've only seen the first 5 mins of JKL so far, but I think his theory regarding the opening scene in this last season with them on the plane, hitting the turbulence, and Rose later saying "It's ok, you can let go now" is spot on. I never picked up on that, but it's way too big of a coincidence. What an amazing show Lost was.
05-24-2010, 02:07 AM
Lol the "alternate endings" were funny
05-24-2010, 02:10 AM
Yeah, the bit with Carlton and Damon was kinda funny, but overall that was a pretty pointless show. Nobody had anything worthwhile to say. Judging by Matthew Fox's response, I'm pretty sure none of the actors will be allowed to say anything specific about the show's story for quite some time. I almost wish I didn't see it, b/c it killed my post-finale high.
05-24-2010, 07:38 AM
Jimmy Kimmel is gay and faggot. That whole thing was dumb.
As for the actually finally, I think I liked it. I was much more satisfied with it as an ending than BSG. I think it makes sense in context to the show, and was an appropriate ending. My only issue is that there were MANY things that just got kinda left out. I don't totally mind it, especially if their explainations would have been lame, but they (writers of show) made it sound like no stone would be left unturned by the time it was all over. So in that sense, I was left a little wanting. Overall, I am good with it. Melissa on the other hand, disappointed.
05-24-2010, 08:23 AM
Loved the ending. Very emotionally charged ending for all these characters that we've seen throughout the years go through hell in service to the island, Jacob, each other, and trying to find themselves and their purpose in life.
In the end the whole "live together die alone theme" was swung in the other direction as we really saw some redemption in all these characters at the end being together.
I was definitely a bit dissatisfied with them not answering a lot of important questions, but I'm not sure how they could of done what I wanted within the 2:30 they had and did they ending they picked as well. A one liner like the answer about the whispers would not of done it for me. It hit home that it definitely was also a character based show and I enjoyed what the characters brought to it a lot more than I expected when I first started watching and just concerned about the mystery of the island.
I do feel however, (crossing fingers for the dvd extras) they eventually address a lot of the answered questions of the mythology for the fan base to give a fitting close to that side of the lost journey.
Its too bad they couldn't do two finales, one for the mythology and one for the characters. What's nice about it is that there's so much room for interpretation and I need to rewatch the series and the ending again to see it in its entirety after knowing how it ends.
Yoox, The smoke monster discreption is almost best compaired to as Agent Smith in the matrix.
The man in black was "stuck" in his natural body, but when knocked out and thrown into the light everything that was "good" is no longer and its just a nightmare manifstation of the man in black who's free to roam/take on who ever is dead on the island.
Its almost as if jacob unlocked the true potenital in the man in black.
05-24-2010, 09:54 AM
I was kind of hoping jack would "plug the hole" (whatever the hell that was) and hurley would be sitting there, and a giant cloud of black smoke would come shooting out. Later we would see jack and hurley talking, and jack would be like "I did my part, now I want to go home" and hurley would be like "dude, you know I can't let you do that".
05-24-2010, 10:08 AM
Here is the other thing I keep reading today that is also wrong. They weren't dead as soon as they got to the island. They all EVENTUALLY die. Jacks dad says so, "your time on the island was the happiest time of your lives." the problem with that is, that means the ending, the whole side-universe has NOTHING to do with the plot of the show/island. The island was just this shared experience, that when they died "united" them. It that sense, I don't actually know if I liked the ending.
05-24-2010, 11:46 AM
Here is the other thing I keep reading today that is also wrong. They weren't dead as soon as they got to the island. They all EVENTUALLY die. Jacks dad says so, "your time on the island was the happiest time of your lives." the problem with that is, that means the ending, the whole side-universe has NOTHING to do with the plot of the show/island. The island was just this shared experience, that when they died "united" them. It that sense, I don't actually know if I liked the ending.
I liked the ending. I enjoyed the show. We knew they wouldn't answer everything. I went into it knowing this would be the last time this show would be on. Enjoyed lost and it will be missed. I kinda did the same for BSG. If you expect all the answers you will only become mad and be disapointed with parts of it. I think they did a good job finishing it up, all good things come to an end.
05-24-2010, 01:57 PM
Dunno if any of you watched the recap episode beforehand, but in it Carlton and Damon said that Jacob and Smokey were -- quote -- Gods -- unquote. I thought that was interesting since I hadn't heard it confirmed before. So you can almost explain them, the mother, and almost everything else island-related with your own god-related beliefs. Kinda of an easy way out for the writers, I suppose, but it does provide some kind of closure to those questions.
BTW, if you didn't catch JKL afterwards, here's a video of the first 5 mins w/ Matthew Fox, which was the only worthwhile moment of the show:
I'd bet money that the writers, Fox, and JKL were all in on that "theory" -- it was a staged/planned release.
05-24-2010, 02:04 PM
I liked the final episode. I was ready for disappointment, but in the end I feel satisfied.
To know that the entire series of events that happened on the island was real made me very happy. To know that Hugo and Ben carried on the "mission" of the island for an indefinite period of time is really cool to me.
I thought that it was clever of the writers to make the island, the perceived purgatory, reality. And the flash-sideways, the perceived reality, purgatory (or something similar). I really didn't come close to seeing that one before hand.
I thought that it was really interesting that almost none of the actors on the show knew shit about the intricacies of the plot. The after show was intriguing just for the fact that Harold Perrineu, Michael, was there. You'd think that if there was any hard feelings he wouldn't be there. The GF told me she read that the only cast member that was invited and turned down the show all together was Echo.
Rambling thoughts ramble.....I'll try to make a concise post soon.
05-24-2010, 02:12 PM
How Lost TRICKED YOU into liking the finale (
I don't agree with everything there, but if you're feeling particularly cynical this morning about the finale, you might find some solace there by commiserating with like-minded cynics.
After sleeping on it, I still love the finale. Maybe we were "tricked" a bit, or betrayed with the lack of answers to the mythological stuff, but I'm willing to overlook a lot of that stuff at this point. We do need to start an "Unanswered Lost Questions" thread though...
05-24-2010, 03:35 PM
How Lost TRICKED YOU into liking the finale (
I don't agree with everything there, but if you're feeling particularly cynical this morning about the finale, you might find some solace there by commiserating with like-minded cynics.
After sleeping on it, I still love the finale. Maybe we were "tricked" a bit, or betrayed with the lack of answers to the mythological stuff, but I'm willing to overlook a lot of that stuff at this point. We do need to start an "Unanswered Lost Questions" thread though...
I'm not really. When you think about it there are many rumors about how nothing was super natural and other things to throw people off track. You can see where they were going with the show from early on, but it was hard to believe in what you thought was true cause you would hear things like no this is 100% wrong like the super natural thing.
We knew that Jacob and Smokey were not human after a period of time, sorta since we knew about the bones in the cave from early on. We were forced to believe something else from being thrown off.
I think it's open for discussion, and in the end what we come up with will be very close. I like what they did. I'd love some explanation to the early stuff that wasn't on the show, the stuff prior to Dharma time period, I think we'd all love that. But that wasn't part of the story for the Jack crew I guess you can say.
05-24-2010, 04:21 PM
Anyone who enjoyed Lost and hasn't tried it already should give "Fringe" a chance. It started as sort of a spiritual successor to the X-Files but has really moved into excellent territory. It bears some hallmarks of the most recent Star Trek movie, but I wouldn't really call that a detriment.
05-24-2010, 04:54 PM
Anyone who enjoyed Lost and hasn't tried it already should give "Fringe" a chance. It started as sort of a spiritual successor to the X-Files but has really moved into excellent territory. It bears some hallmarks of the most recent Star Trek movie, but I wouldn't really call that a detriment.
I missed S1, but i watched S2/S3. I like the story with them in the other universe, specially with how the father from one universe stole Peter from the other universe. The observers are kinda cool too. It can get alittle boring inbetween sometimes with them solving random cases, otherwise it's a decent show.
05-24-2010, 06:38 PM
I wasn't unsatisfied with the ending. It was an ending, we know what happens to the characters, there is room for people to fill in how the characters live the rest of their lives, blah blah blah. I think in that respect it was more than fine. I guess its just the last 2 years i kept reading "Everything will be explained" "no questions will be unawnsered" and stuff like that. So I guess I was just waiting for that stuff, and never got it. The "gods" thing is a cop out, in my opinion.
05-24-2010, 06:46 PM
I wasn't unsatisfied with the ending. It was an ending, we know what happens to the characters, there is room for people to fill in how the characters live the rest of their lives, blah blah blah. I think in that respect it was more than fine. I guess its just the last 2 years i kept reading "Everything will be explained" "no questions will be unawnsered" and stuff like that. So I guess I was just waiting for that stuff, and never got it. The "gods" thing is a cop out, in my opinion.
Yeah I agree about the questions, but the samething with BSG they aren't gonna tell you everything little thing in detail. The reason why this would be alittle more frustrating is cause the writers were kinda telling us one thing then doing another. So you expect this, but got that instead. That part about lost I hated, but overtime dealt with. Also when i would assume or bring stuff up i'd have people tell me stuff like, but the writers said no. Then it came true, that was annoying.
Stephen Hawking made a cool documentary with Discovery. The music was awesome. You should check it out.
05-24-2010, 09:16 PM
I guess its just the last 2 years i kept reading "Everything will be explained" "no questions will be unawnsered" and stuff like that. So I guess I was just waiting for that stuff, and never got it.
I dunno where you heard that. In fact, the writers have been saying the exact opposite all season. They flat out said they wouldn't explain every question and several things would remain unanswered and open to interpretation.
I thought they did a good job of managing those expectations this year, but I could understand why you'd be frustrated from the misinformation.
05-24-2010, 11:14 PM
I just want to know four things.
What is the island?
Why was Walt special?
Was Jack hallucinating when he saw his father when he was back in Los Angeles? (because it was smokey on the island, was it Jacob off the island?)
Why aren't babies able to be born (with the two exceptions of course)?
If I got the answers to those four things I would be completely content.
I'm just going on record as saying i thought the ending was a cheesy cop-out
05-25-2010, 02:31 PM
Interesting read:
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