View Full Version : Star wars might be delayed till 2012
09-23-2011, 11:40 AM
Release date apparently coming in october 12.html
09-23-2011, 12:51 PM
What's the early word on the next WoW xpac? March-ish 2012 would sound about right to me if 4.3 is going to drop sometime in Oct.
Wonder if SWtoR is better or worse off launching around the same time.
09-23-2011, 12:58 PM
How many here are going to actively play Star Wars?
09-23-2011, 01:48 PM
last I checked a good portion of us
09-24-2011, 09:02 AM
09-24-2011, 11:55 AM
I think an amazing star wars mmo, especially set in the old republic, would be killer. However I don't know that this game is going to be great.
09-24-2011, 12:46 PM
Least a release date is announced finally on something. They said they are happy with how their beta is going currently and it's in phase two.
hah if u think 4.3 will be in oct iono about that. im thinking late nov for 4.3 :o
09-25-2011, 01:00 AM
I bet 4.3 is soon, its saying something when even this backwoods server is dead.
also 12/22 to TOR yay this year.
09-26-2011, 09:53 AM
How many here are going to actively play Star Wars?
I'm still lurking around... waiting on the star wars drop. I'll be there.
10-04-2011, 12:10 PM
Anyone else invited to the beta this weekend (7-10th)?
10-04-2011, 03:38 PM
Anyone else invited to the beta this weekend (7-10th)?
Yep, got my invite this afternoon.
10-08-2011, 01:39 PM
Played a Bounty Hunter till level 10. Pretty good game, but I'm afraid it's not the WoW-killer everyone was hoping for. Obviously 10 levels is not very much to judge the game by -- maybe 6 hours or so (it's much slower paced than WoW). But Rift felt much more impressive and exciting in the early game than SWtoR has so far. Rift's graphics are much better, for example -- awe inspiring at times. SW is pretty disappointing in that regard.
The gameplay is pretty fun. Plenty of abilities and cooldowns to manage, even early on. The quests are fairly interesting too. Very story driven and immersive -- not your typical "go here and kill X enemies" or "go there and gather Y things". In fact, I think I've only had a couple gathering quests so far. The voice acting is all really well done. Clearly, the story is the big draw in this game, and so far, it's pretty good.
Overall, I give it a solid B grade. The graphics and overall feel of the game leave much to be desired, but the gameplay works, servers seem quite stable, and the story-driven approach is novel enough to stick with it to see what the end-game is like.
10-08-2011, 04:01 PM
I agree. I've got a level 11 Sith Assassin. The starting areas do a pretty good job of getting you used to the game. There is definitely an emphasis on the story, and I think it's a cool change from the normal "WoW"-style mmo.
There's so much interaction with NPCs which is a plus in my book. They had to have spent so much time with the voice overs, because every bit of dialogue so far has been spoken.
I've done 3 "heroic" quests. The first 2 were easily doable with my companion around level 8. The 3rd required a full party as the Mandalorian elites fucking rape. I ran the first Empire Flashpoint - Black Talon earlier at level 10. It was pretty solid, neat to see everyone in the group participate in the story line that takes place. I think it took us about an hour to complete. None of the bosses were hard, save for the "bonus" boss that actually required someone to heal throughout the fight.
My only gripes so far have to be the advanced class change, since you would expect something popping up telling you where to go. It took me about 30 minutes of running around to find the starting point for the change.
I'd be playing more, but right now no one can log in who is in Drumond Kass (10+ zone).
i think most of the people who want to play this are looking forward to the extreme amount of lore they can pump into this. i know that i'm looking forward the most to seeing all the lore much more than any other game.
10-09-2011, 12:42 AM
ToR will likely be a really good single-player MMO... which is a weird thing to say. Grouping is kinda odd given the story-driven nature of quests/dungeons. Rolling to pick the next dialog option is just odd, especially since there are consequences which may not line up with your own character.
They also phase your class quest line in an interesting way. When you enter a class-specific phase, you "own" it, so that you're the only class in there. If you're grouped with different classes, they can join you. So if Kz and I are both playing BHs, for example, we'll always end up in separate phases. Kinda sucks.
As impressive and immersive as all the voice acting is, it gets old fast the second time through the game. I started playing an Imperial Agent and sitting through all the npc dialog for the same quests was pretty boring. Eventually you just start skipping it all, at which point having to pick dialog options just becomes a nuisance, moreso than in games like WoW/Rift/etc. So it's fun the first time around, but alts will be slow and boring.
The Agent was fun though. One aspect of combat they've added is the ability to take cover behind certain parts of the terrain. You duck behind boxes, etc to avoid enemy fire, peak out in between shots, and then duck behind them again. It's entertaining. The Agent basically takes cover and plays the sniper, throwing flash grenades to incapacitate groups. Kinda neat.
Don't think I'll get a chance to play tomorrow. Definitely glad I didn't pre-order the CE.
10-10-2011, 06:00 PM
From what we gathered and talked about for months now is coming to pass from what you guys are saying. I think with this game Wow will have more competition cause it's another game out there to play. Even if it's like wow in ways. From what it looks like I would enjoy playing it solo to level most likely just cause of how you build your character in this game. I would deal with grouping/phasing etc to group with friends tho if I wanted to group. From their plans on character making you spend alot of time on your character with story/leveling that you probably wouldn't want a 2nd toon. With wow you could power a toon so fast it's easy to have many toons. They claim they will have endgame, warzones, ship fights and other things at launch. Remember when Wow released there wasn't much endgame to start or anything really at max level till they ironed out MC and added Bgs.
Wow right now is boring. It always happens at this time of year, summers end. I just don't see any excitement about 4.3 from guildies or friends out of guild. I had high hopes for cataclysm, but from the actual outcome I can't help but be disapointed overall. Blizzard purposely made 10's harder than 25's to block 10 guilds. From less loot to mobs having the same hp on 10 as 25. Just takes 10 guilds longer loot wise and mob same hp just not able to kill things. Just takes the wind out of my sails cause I always enjoy competing in any shape or form. When there isn't a level playing field that I can't help but say to myself what's the point. It's like starcraft where you are playing at 70% while others have it at 30%, it's dumb. This bugs me alot cause Blizzard promised during beta that everything would be even. That didn't last long. Moving on...
It's nice to see the excitement for new stuff cause the excitement for Wow just isn't there right now. Makes me want to stop playing right now. Unsure if I want to jump into Starwars or Diablo3 just cause I rather make the transition with a group or entire guild. With Diablo3 coming out half the guild wants that, some want Star wars, while others are just like bleh and don't care about a new game.
So i'm on the fence....
10-14-2011, 02:35 PM
New trailer today
Signs of war trailer
Euro release bumped up to same day as north american release date
10-16-2011, 10:36 PM
You guys all gonna play on the same server when it comes out?
11-04-2011, 06:52 PM
New imperial agent vid
11-04-2011, 07:39 PM
Dec. 15th early access pending on when you redeemed your preorder code.
11-11-2011, 01:53 PM
Another test weekend is coming. Just got an email invitation. Per the site:
When we started our Beta Testing Weekends, we told you that each weekend would include more testers than the last. We’re excited to announce that later this month we will be conducting our largest Beta Testing Weekend yet, specifically designed to help us stress test our servers in preparation for the launch of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.
How can you take part in this coming Beta Test Weekend? Well, for starters we are happy to announce that anyone who has signed up for our Game Testing Program prior to today, November 11th, will get invited! Invites will be sent in the coming weeks.
11-11-2011, 02:32 PM
Another test weekend is coming. Just got an email invitation. Per the site:
You Have Been Selected to Test STAR WARS: The Old Republic!
Wtf man i'm playing skyrim.
11-11-2011, 02:40 PM
Yeah I almost felt special, too late SWTOR, it's Skyrim time!
11-11-2011, 03:17 PM
Future invite for some of us I guess, invite this weekend for others.
11-11-2011, 04:40 PM
I got an invite today, but I got Skyrim last night.
Full version game vs beta version game...hard one.
11-14-2011, 12:44 PM
Free keys being given out
yoox you are killing me,
Thats is for the weekend that already and if you already had a key due to the emails this will almost certainly screw your shit up.
now that it is over all the keys given out by this site are ( fine ) but do not work because they are (Event 1) which was the weekend that just passed
11-19-2011, 01:12 PM
Bringing Down the Hammer trailer
11-21-2011, 02:31 PM
IGN live stream november 22nd, 4 pst, 4 hours of gameplay.
11-26-2011, 10:57 AM
Who else is playing beta this weekend? Which server?
11-26-2011, 11:36 AM
FWIW, trying Sith Inquisitor on Ziost (PVE west coast)
11-26-2011, 04:29 PM
Looks like they preserved your characters from previous betas, so you can pick up where you left off. There are some considerable queue times (1h+) on many of the servers though.
I'm seeing quite a few improvements in the UI since I last played. One notable improvement is the ability to enter the phased class-specific quests in a group. That should help quite a bit for those who want to group while leveling.
The Sith Inquisitor is only "ok" so far. The class quests weren't nearly as good as the bounty hunter's, and I'm not a fan of the big meat shield as a companion. However, fighting with a lightsaber is extremely cool. The sounds and graphics for that are really well done.
I'll probably play a few more levels, and then try the Agent again (only played a few levels last time), and then maybe check out the Jedi Knight and/or Trooper.
sorry asano I could have gotten back to this sooner quite a few of my friends are on mandalorin's helmet, most of us are already 20+ just 1 solid day of leveling, we are probably going to be killing the worldboss (lvl 18) in an hour and a half Ill let you know what he drops and maybe get some screenshots.
at the moment we are playing gay republic come release we are going to be imperial, by far my favorite is the starfox spaceship missions they are fun and the asteroid belt is amazing
11-27-2011, 02:42 PM
Nice. We had a raid over here that just killed the world boss. Dropped some level 15 epic blaser mod.
I played an Agent last night till about level 12, and liked it quite a bit. Playing a Republic Trooper right now, and I have to say, it's a lot of fun. The story is really good, and the trooper abilities are about as fun as the Bounty Hunter's. I grouped with a Jedi Counselor a moment ago, and they look like a lot of fun too. So I dunno, Imperials do have Bounty Hunters which are awesome, but overall, Republic might have the most enjoyable classes, imo.
P.S. Have you decided on a server for release?
11-28-2011, 02:09 PM
So from everyone that has played swtor beta from what I've heard is enjoying it.
11-28-2011, 03:36 PM
It's fun for sure, at least for the first 20 or so levels.
From what I hear, the appeal gets lost during the last half of leveling. The end-game is virtually non-existant right now. And it'll run into the same issues WoW had over the last 5 years. Technology-wise, it's about on par with WoW vanilla or TBC. You don't realize what a big difference WoW's phasing made until you suddenly don't have it. Talent trees are bloated and will simply lead to cookie cutter builds. I don't believe there's any kind of in-game macroing. Healing in general feels like an afterthought. My healing-spec'd Commando gets only 3 different healing spells total. Agents/SMugglers seem the same, while Jedi Counselors/Inquisitors get one or two more. Crafting is as boring and tedious as WoW. Some of the quests are super-grindy, e.g. Bonus: kill 135 thugs. And apparently you have to do all the side/bonus quests, or else you'll fall behind the xp/content curve. There's no dungeon finder, and the instances themselves are placed in between planets making it pretty tough to get random groups together. There's also no combat log, and no system for creating in-game mods.
So yeah, it has a lot of problems and it didn't really learn much from previous MMO's mistakes. It has potential though. I had a blast playing it over the weekend. The question is, will they continue to make significant improvements to it over the next few years the way Blizz did with WoW? And are you ok with taking a few steps backwards (compared to WoW) with the hopes that it'll be better down the road?
I think the cold reality is no new MMO at release will ever be able to match WoW today. Wow has effectively been in active development for over a decade. Any other game will be a minimum of 5+ years behind (except Blizz new MMO, of course).
12-07-2011, 03:16 PM
Just 1 more week until Early Access starts, for those of you who preordered. Apparently they're giving 2 more days of early access playtime, assuming you registered your code early enough:
Starts Dec 13 7am EST. You'll get an email shortly before your early access time starts.
Not crazy about the way they're handling this early access thing. It's causing a lot of confusion in the community, and sending out the invites at the last minute makes schedule time off from work pretty tough. Hopefully it's not a sign of troubles to come.
All im thinking is those fuckers better not give out keys to people who ordered the game later then I did.
my date is like 23/07 which was the first day available you could order it so yep.
I understand your attitude about how their handling it that's forsure, hopefully they give at least 2days notice prior to getting an invite, not like a 3 hour before thing.
Aside from that do you already have a guild asano? if not im playing on imperial with a couple friends I met in sc2. They got a guild up and running, as for my overall plans in swtor as for now is just leveling, we'll see about late game raiding when that bridge comes.
just letting you know if you don't have a home or friends already lined up to play with you are welcome to come where we're going.
12-08-2011, 11:23 AM
I believe the earliest you could register your pre-order code was July 21st. So if that's when you registered, you'll probably be good to go on Dec 13, barring any technical issues on their end. They said they'll start sending emails once early access starts -- no advanced warning. There's been some good discussion on the forums from the devs about their logic:
I don't have a guild yet/ Thanks for the invite offer. Let me know which server you end up on. BioWare is supposed to be sending out emails to those with guilds already registered before early access begins, so you should be hearing from them soon.
yea no sign yet on server lists, once that becomes available Ill let you know which they choose.
12-08-2011, 09:10 PM
Have you guys talked about which AC everyone is leveling first?
post went up today as to which advanced class they are playing will keep you posted with numbers and classes.
12-09-2011, 12:25 PM
Age difference between Empire and Republic:
Before seeing the results, I didn't expect there to be much of a difference. But I was wrong.
Empire is more popular, in general, than Republic by about 25%. The smallest demographic, as it turns out, is player under 30 years old playing Republic. The majority of kiddies will be playing Empire.
looks semi decent and expected, whats isn't expected is my imperal agent being a glowing homo at lvl 10 Light :)
12-09-2011, 08:34 PM
Good video on SWTOR crafting:!
Coolest feature ever... logging out of the game won't interrupt any queued missions/crafting your companions are currently working on. So before logging out each night, just queue up a crapload of missions, etc, and the results will be waiting for you the next morning. Awesome!
12-12-2011, 12:31 PM
Allegiance to: The Sith Empire
Server: Davik's Estate
English, US East (EST)
12-12-2011, 05:16 PM
Allegiance to: The Sith Empire
Server: Davik's Estate
English, US East (EST)
Good to know. Thanks.
12-12-2011, 06:23 PM
They starting this at midnight tonight? If not when does the early access first day begin?
12-12-2011, 06:41 PM
Early Access is for those who pre-ordered the game and registered their pre-order code at
Depending on when you registered your code, you'll get 1-7 days of early access game time. They're going to email people as they unlock access for them. That is, you'll get an email as soon as your account has been provided early access. Those emails will start to go out tomorrow at 7am EST. Apparently they'll be inviting people in waves throughout the day, and throughout the next 7 days.
Come Dec 20, you'll need to register your purchased game code in order to keep playing. So if you ordered your collector's edition from, say, Amazon, and don't receive it until 12/25, you'll be locked out for 5 days.
Frankly, this whole early access thing is just a big mess imo. They're only doing it so they don't fall over trying to accomodate everyone all at once on 12/20.
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