View Full Version : Swtor
12-13-2011, 08:30 AM
Time for a new thread now that the game is out. Got my early access as of 5:49am this morning.
And we're off!
Rolled my characters on:
Server: Space Slug
Type: PvE
Location: US West (PST)
Faction: Republic
Characters: Gogan
Fusa and Path:
Server: Davik's Estate
Type: PvP
Location: US East (EST)
Faction: Imperial
Server: Dark Reaper
Type: PvP
Location: US West
Faction: Republic
12-13-2011, 12:40 PM
Updated original post with server info for Fusa/Path and myself. I'm starting off Republic, but I've reserved some names Empire side, in case anyone wanted to play PvE Empire.
I'll try to keep the original post updated if people let me know who/where they land.
12-14-2011, 12:44 AM
Closing out my first night, about 16 hours, made it to level 21 on my Trooper. Skipped most of the dialog since I'd seen most of it in beta. Game just keeps getting better the higher level I get. Really really good game.
12-14-2011, 03:17 PM
Closing out my first night, about 16 hours, made it to level 21 on my Trooper. Skipped most of the dialog since I'd seen most of it in beta. Game just keeps getting better the higher level I get. Really really good game.
Sounds like beastmode to me for someone that's a proclaimed carebear!
12-14-2011, 04:04 PM
I'm a hardcore carebear. =P
I took the day off (well, "worked from home") yesterday so I could indulge in the nostalgia of all-day mmo powerleveling. Ahh, how I missed it! Leveling was always my favorite part of these games. Unfortunately, I'm back to work now, so the indulgence is over... until the weekend.
12-14-2011, 06:01 PM
What level is Path and Fusa at now?
12-14-2011, 08:44 PM
Dunno. I'm playing on a different server. You'd have to ask them.
12-15-2011, 12:41 PM
Level 24 now after a short 5 hour session last night. 1 more level until I get my speeder! My leveling speed has slowed down quite a lot now that I'm listening to dialog again.
I think I'm already starting to out-level the zones I'm in. Finished Coruscant at ~18. Went to Taris (which is supposed to be 16-20) and finished it at 24 (although that includes some space combat). Off to Nar Shaddaa (20-24) tonight, and then Tattoine (24-28). So there's definitely no shortage of leveling content right now.
Had an optional quest last night where I was invited back to this npc chick's (Jaxo) house (because I had flirted with her earlier in the story) and we hooked up. =P Win! It wasn't worth much XP though, either because my char's performance was terrible or he does this kind of thing all the time. I'll assume the latter.
Started some crafting too, which gets kinda cool with multiple companions. I have 3 companions at the moment, and I can assign them each to go off crafting or running missions all at the same time. Even when I'm out in the world questing with one companion, I can assign my other 2 to do jobs.
Tried a bunch of space missions too, now that I have my ship. They're actually a good bit of fun. Worth a decent amount of XP and rewards. Definitely a nice distraction from questing. You can upgrade your ship just like you do with your own gear or companion's gear.
In WoW, I'd always play with all sound off. The music and sounds effects just never did anything for me. But the music and sound is amazing in SWTOR. When you fight a boss, the music really kicks in and makes the whole encounter feel epic -- much like the music you hear in the movies during a big battle or fight scene. I've done a bunch of group quests, but still haven't tried the flashpoints (dungeons) yet.
Taking the day off tomorrow, so I've got a lot of game time ahead of me for the weekend!
How are things going on your end, Fusa?
12-15-2011, 02:49 PM
Fusa says "less typing, more leveling"
12-15-2011, 02:54 PM
I'm at work!
12-15-2011, 03:11 PM
Got my invite a few hours ago. Wanted to drop my info in here as well if anyone cared.
Rolled on a West Coast PvP server
Server: Dark Reaper
Type: PvP
Timezone: West
Faction: Republic
At the time of this writing this is the biggest population PvP server in the west coast timezone. I chose not to roll on Gogan's server because it's PvE and chose not to roll with Path/Fusa because West Coast time is better for me once I start doing Operations (Raids).
I also rolled Trooper Gogan. Changed my mind at last minute and went Vanguard (Assault Speciaist tree). What AC/tree are you doing?
12-15-2011, 05:19 PM
Cool, updated the original post. How are the queue times there? I hear they're getting pretty long now... 1h+ on many of the larger servers. Haven't experienced any yet on mine, but fully expect them as we get closer to launch.
I rolled a Combat Medic spec'd Commando. So healing. Figured it would make finding groups easier that way. I'm really enjoying it so far, though I'd love to try a pure dps Trooper too. And a tank-spec. Troopers just rock. =P
12-17-2011, 06:12 PM
Tonight is the first time I've hit a queue. My server is showing a 35 min queue and I started out as like #480 in line but it seems to be moving pretty fast. Don't really think my queue will get much worse than this unless they just don't open up any new PvP servers for the 'launch' tuesday.
Anybody in here hit 30 yet? I personally just left Coruscant at 17. All the movies and dialouge really make leveling slow (at least it feels slow to me) but I'm too afraid to skip anything for fear of missing a companion or something.
Also Gogan are you grinding Dark or Light Side faction and for us non-force users are there really any bonuses to either? I really wanted to jettison the engineers out the airlock in The Esseles but lost the conversation roll.
I havn't really committed to Light or Dark yet. I mostly choose Light side responses unless the Dark Side ones sound really funny. Like opening up the half dozen engineers to the vaccum of space to save my own @$$ HAHA!!
My character name is Critzy again if anyone does join the server and look for me.
**edit: Just got through the queue. Actual wait time: 26 minutes.
12-17-2011, 07:40 PM
I'm 35 at the moment, and I'm guessing Fusa and Path are 40+. I've only paid attention to my class quest dialog. Everything else I've been spacebarring through. Maybe I'll pay more attention on my next character. I've been grinding instances with a few other people over here. They were in full-time beta, so we breeze through everything. Otherwise, I'd be pretty lost in some of those instances.
I've been noticing the same re: queues. It says it's like 30+ mins, but it does go by quickly.
As for light v dark, I've committed to light side. Only have 200 dark points. I hear some gear can only be acquired with really high light/dark ratings, but I don't know if that applies to non-force classes. We'll see. I have diplomacy too, which I can use to grind out additional light points, so I'm not too worried.
im 35 aswell im on taris stuck in a memory leak spot, have been stuck for about 24 hours now.
on that topic how much RAM do you have asano, because if it more then 8gigs of ram you could prob get me moved a little bit (out of the memory leak) and save me.
Let me know if you have 12+ and you will be my savior.
And Path was 46 when I was stuck, he has his little bro playing for him while he sleeps (cheater) =P.
12-18-2011, 11:30 AM
Sent you a PM.
12-18-2011, 08:27 PM
I think Vayd was going to roll on the same server as you Fusa.
12-18-2011, 10:30 PM
He played for 4 hours and yes I am 50
12-18-2011, 10:31 PM
I did diplo also and I am light 5 and helps with the companions also.
I dunno about 4 hours maybe 4 hours everytime you went to bed =P
12-20-2011, 12:09 AM
Path / Fusa
Raid tomorrow, be on please
12-20-2011, 06:39 AM
Good joke Lach, don't you know SWTOR > *
I just check up on the site and I missed your post lach, im not even max lvl yet Ive been working to much to get max lvl so i don't think Ill be raiding on wow until that happens.
12-21-2011, 09:49 PM
I just check up on the site and I missed your post lach, im not even max lvl yet Ive been working to much to get max lvl so i don't think Ill be raiding on wow until that happens.
Copy - Hang tough with the work load.
For a ball park - You think your MIA for 2 weeks?
I should be 50 before next tuesday if thats what your curious about =)
12-22-2011, 11:32 AM
I felt your pain these last couple days, Fusa. Two nights ago, I got hit by the "3 pending rewards" bug preventing me from completing or accepting any new quests. Couldn't even craft. So that shut me down for a whole night. (fortunately, I was also sick with the flu, so it gave me a chance to rest)
Then last night I got stuck in an instanced zone during one of my class quests and couldn't get out. No bind points to quick travel to, and couldn't use my fleet beacon because the game thought I was still falling. So a large portion of another night was down the drain.
I'm 44 at the moment, hoping I can hit 50 by the weekend. Lots of little bugs in this game so far, but at least they're fixing them.
12-24-2011, 08:45 PM
Hit 50 last night and started running hard modes today with my usual crew. All of us have only been 50 for a day or two, so we weren't sure what to expect.
Definitely seems pretty well tuned at the moment. We cleared all of Esseles except for the last boss. Has a pretty tight enrage timer, and we just couldn't get the last 15% in time. Also cleared about half of Talon V until our tank had to leave for the night. Definitely some very tough encounters in there, at least healing-wise. I was completely gassed by the end of every fight.
On another note, I'm finishing up my class story, and I have to say some of the story arcs are amazing. There are a few flashpoints that picked up on the KotoR storylines too, which is pretty cool. For all its (minor) flaws, this game continues to impress me. Hope Bioware doesn't drop the ball.
12-25-2011, 06:45 PM
Finally picking this up tomorrow. What do you all feel is the least represented role? In Beta is was healers, still the case?
12-25-2011, 09:05 PM
BH Healer/Tank and Op healers.
12-25-2011, 09:05 PM
Inquis/Warrior a million
12-25-2011, 11:04 PM
Republic-side seems to be Smugglers in general. From my limited view, healers do seem under-represented in general as well.
so is this actually a playable mmo like wow or is it just another conan?
12-26-2011, 11:28 PM
alright it is downloading now. I am going with Jedi Knight (whatever tank spec is i guess). Played it a few hours at my brother and loved it. I will probably roll on your server Gogan as i am more of a PVE guy myself.
12-27-2011, 06:36 AM
so is this actually a playable mmo like wow or is it just another conan?
It's WoW, but Star Wars.
PvE is soft and not to mention there are quite a few (phased and/or planets) that the other faction can't get to.
There are tho pvp planets I love em.
How you liking that OP trooper asano =D my sniper is nice but I just bought the wrong set gloves on my sniper =S
I suppose thats my "offset" many buggy chests in the ops we couldn't get loot off the 3rd and 4th boss in the zone so yep going to be hitting it up again this week and I think they said they fixed the chests.
12-27-2011, 11:01 AM
Slicing nerf....
Didn't see that coming
12-27-2011, 11:06 PM
Flash mob
12-28-2011, 12:18 AM
I caved...
DL'ing right now.
12-28-2011, 11:48 AM
Wow is that intentional?
who knows, if it was i'm sure they hoped people wouldn't notice haha
12-28-2011, 12:32 PM
I don't quite get the first two photos. The WoW photo is actually only a few years old, despite the reductio ad absurdum "1983" label. Are you trying to compare the UIs? The fact that both are fighting big droids?
The bottom photos are true, though. SWtoR cities feel fairly empty, but that's because they phase the world like a bunch of other games do. Unless I'm at the auction house, I don't see lots of people around.
If those are your primary complaints/insults, it's not much.
12-28-2011, 12:46 PM
Oh, you're comparing the layouts of IF and the swtor space station? Meh, really weak. They're both circular. It's a coincidence; can't imagine it's intentional. Haters gonna hate though.
i posted them because i thought they were funny...
i'm not hating on swtor at all, pretty indifferent towards it
12-28-2011, 01:59 PM
How you liking that OP trooper asano =D my sniper is nice but I just bought the wrong set gloves on my sniper =S
I suppose thats my "offset" many buggy chests in the ops we couldn't get loot off the 3rd and 4th boss in the zone so yep going to be hitting it up again this week and I think they said they fixed the chests.
Sorry, been sick the last couple days.
The trooper class is definitely fun. Are they really considered OP though? I actually haven't heard that. I'm spec'd purely for healing (and leveled up that way), which I've been enjoying. Fights with massive aoe dmg are a challenge because of my limited aoe healing. But I feel like I have enough tools in general to keep up on every fight I've done so far. I originally heard troopers/BHs were the worst of the 3 healing classes, with sages/inquisitors as the best. But I'm sure the differences are fairly minor. As for DPS, I have no idea. The trooper aoe is pretty insane, so I suppose they would dominate those kinds of fights. I can't imagine they fair too well in pvp though.
I haven't done any ops yet. No intentions of raiding on any kind of schedule, but I'm sure I'll check them out at some point. I figured they'd be fairly buggy right now, so no rush.
Been doing some of the hard mode instances, and even those have loot issues. We ran Taral V last night and while the end boss dropped badges appropriately, his loot was still level 33. =P
01-04-2012, 11:33 AM
Hi guys i started playing TOR afew days back, Im on Davik's Estate playing a lvl 17 Assassin. I def like this game, it feels like wow did back when it was fun. Id def say the lvling experience in this game is great and its fun to quest. Feels like your playing a never ending game of mass effect 2 with all the good features of WoW mixed in.
I really hope end game turns out well, id def recommend this game to anyone who wants to swap over. Msg me in game if you guys want to guild up.
Name is Fzx
01-04-2012, 11:51 AM
Hi guys i started playing TOR afew days back, Im on Davik's Estate playing a lvl 17 Assassin. I def like this game, it feels like wow did back when it was fun. Id def say the lvling experience in this game is great and its fun to quest. Feels like your playing a never ending game of mass effect 2 with all the good features of WoW mixed in.
I really hope end game turns out well, id def recommend this game to anyone who wants to swap over. Msg me in game if you guys want to guild up.
Name is Fzx
Hi, from what those playing have said endgame is fun already. Warzones, raids(3 difficulties), space flying(which they are adding more to soon), new content patch already coming this month adding more bosses.
01-04-2012, 12:01 PM
Dancing exploit
01-04-2012, 12:25 PM
yoox come play with me, game is really good
01-04-2012, 12:46 PM
yoox come play with me, game is really good
Considering it, you should go level on these guys server, they have 6/7 atm they almost have 8 for a guild. Talk to Fusa/Path.
01-04-2012, 01:00 PM
I am on there server!
01-04-2012, 02:16 PM
Cause of the dance exploit
01-04-2012, 02:39 PM
01-04-2012, 03:41 PM
Once I finish my Assassin on Kaas City (co-workers) I'll have to roll another character with you guys.
PvP in SWTOR = LOLKEYBOARDTURNERS at this rate I'll be Elite Warlord in no time.
btw physics we re-rolled to another server to play with GoL members (westcoast server) so before you get into your late 30s go to the server we are all on now SHADOWTOWN
And yes Ill be transfering my 50 off of devik's estate when they open up.
01-04-2012, 09:36 PM
Yeah i am lvl 21 Jedi Gaurdian. It is really fun, i really love how the space combat gives a break in the leveling. I am also enjoying the companions and how they help the crafting by sending them on missions.
I just wish i could afford to build a new computer and really enjoy it!
01-05-2012, 11:35 AM
We still need more nigs for TOR we need some KZ Blake YOOX
games legit
01-05-2012, 07:04 PM
the game so far is really good. Ive been watching streams of the raid content, and it seems good. I really enjoy the leveling a lot more then any other mmo, and being casual, I dont seem to be left behind so much, like wow etc. I just wish my computer was a bit better graphics wise, but it still holds up
01-06-2012, 09:00 PM
So apparently Premonition is playing on my server (Space Slug).
01-09-2012, 01:40 PM
So how go things on the PvP server?
This past week was a productive one in PvE land. Our guild finally got enough people to run 8-man ops for the first time, and we managed to clear EV and Bonecrusher on normal (easy?) difficulty. The encounters were mostly unique and pretty enjoyable. Soa in EV seemed a bit buggy, but otherwise no major issues. I kinda wish there was more storytelling during the ops, like we see in questing/flashpoints though.
The first "boss" in EV took a few attempts before we figured out the deal with the turrets, and we spent a good dozen-plus attempts on Soa. And Soa was the only fight we actually looked up the strat. Bonecrusher was maybe the most fun as we were just thrown into that fight without a clue what was going on, so we basically just ran around like chickens with our heads cut off, but it was a one-shot. We'll probably take a look at hard mode at some point, but we're not in any rush.
We also did all the world bosses, including Belsavis for the magenta crystal recipe. And we did the Tattoine-Hoth-Ilum followup to actually get the magenta crystals. None of the world bosses were particularly difficult. Wish there were more level 50 bosses. Finally, we did the puzzle on the Fleet for the +10 stats datacron. That was crazy -- can't imagine how the first group ever discovered and figured that out.
I've actually been doing a bit of pvp too. Huttball is hell as a pug. But the others are fairly enjoyable. I really like the MVP and medals system -- even if healers get boned compared to dps. Healing for 500k in a match and getting no MVP love stings a little. And since half the medals are tied up in dps-related objectives, healers have to work twice as hard to gain valor. But all that aside, it's still fun.
01-09-2012, 07:31 PM
Slow going on ST, fusa and path are 45-ish, and Im at 24. I don't have as much time to play as Id like, but I'm having fun. Haven't seen any world pvp yet, although I heard some people talking about it in general on Tatooine last night.
Fusa and Path absolutely wreck huttball, and my scrub ass tags along.
01-10-2012, 09:33 AM
i'm on gingertown
So how go things on the PvP server?
This past week was a productive one in PvE land. Our guild finally got enough people to run 8-man ops for the first time, and we managed to clear EV and Bonecrusher on normal (easy?) difficulty. The encounters were mostly unique and pretty enjoyable. Soa in EV seemed a bit buggy, but otherwise no major issues. I kinda wish there was more storytelling during the ops, like we see in questing/flashpoints though.
The first "boss" in EV took a few attempts before we figured out the deal with the turrets, and we spent a good dozen-plus attempts on Soa. And Soa was the only fight we actually looked up the strat. Bonecrusher was maybe the most fun as we were just thrown into that fight without a clue what was going on, so we basically just ran around like chickens with our heads cut off, but it was a one-shot. We'll probably take a look at hard mode at some point, but we're not in any rush.
We also did all the world bosses, including Belsavis for the magenta crystal recipe. And we did the Tattoine-Hoth-Ilum followup to actually get the magenta crystals. None of the world bosses were particularly difficult. Wish there were more level 50 bosses. Finally, we did the puzzle on the Fleet for the +10 stats datacron. That was crazy -- can't imagine how the first group ever discovered and figured that out.
I've actually been doing a bit of pvp too. Huttball is hell as a pug. But the others are fairly enjoyable. I really like the MVP and medals system -- even if healers get boned compared to dps. Healing for 500k in a match and getting no MVP love stings a little. And since half the medals are tied up in dps-related objectives, healers have to work twice as hard to gain valor. But all that aside, it's still fun.
PvP server is fun, on most planets the republic and imperial level on such a vast different part of the map ( until the very end of tattoooonie ) and alderaan. so you don't see many republic which they probably enjoy cause I wreck them.
Ops are great fun but a thing to think about, "nightmare" mode is not that difficult, there are no new abilities just more health more dmg. Which isn't all that great but it is first tier of content hopefully they will start getting better at adding abilities to Nightmare mode rather then just more health/dmg.
Hehe =) first "boss" (the turrets) can be cc'd which makes them a joke. SoA was fun I got to her in the first week I raided never killed her (zone reset the next day and never raided again) P3 is the only strat phase. P2 the fact you just kill mind traps doesn't make it any harder.
P3 you only get a certain amount of dps time on him which is the strat part.
PvP is very enjoyable and I like it a lot, queue times are awesome and they generally try to keep the level of players facing each other to balance out. If you were with me asano ( im a powertech ) Id be guarding you, we would never die (ever) and we would decimate any pvp zone.
I am quickly becoming the #1 target on my server for huttball even if I'm no where near the ball because even if im queueing solo and get the ball powertech is very ez to score.
Myself and path(even if his little bro plays his char) are unstoppable we are probably something like 50-5.
01-10-2012, 05:30 PM
If you were with me asano ( im a powertech ) Id be guarding you, we would never die (ever) and we would decimate any pvp zone.
I have no doubt. As a trooper, I feel almost invincible against 2-3 people endlessly pounding away on me (more if they're stupid and not stunning/interrupting me). To make matters worse, I have Biochem with my Rakkata Medpac, Stim, and Adrenal. The medpac's instant heal for 6k+ and 2.5k hot on a 90s cd is crazy powerful.
I'm definitely understanding why you considered troopers OP. I love it. =P
sly why are you playing star wars
01-13-2012, 12:40 AM
Is everyone still on the servers mentioned on the first page? I ask because i think my server is dead, and am really looking to find a place i can solo and group without spamming for hours.
01-13-2012, 11:15 AM
I think everyone is all over the place.
01-13-2012, 01:54 PM
Theres seven or so of us on Shadowtown, smaller server though. We probably should have picked a larger pop one.
I blame myself!
01-13-2012, 02:15 PM
I'm still on Space Slug. It's one of the higher pop PvE servers, I think. The guild I'm in is quite small though. I don't think there's more than 2-4 people on during the day. Even some evenings are pretty quiet, though it can peak to about 8 people online.
We used to do hard mode FPs a lot, but most of us are either leveling alts (slowly) or pvping instead now that we're mostly done gearing. The alts have been running the lower level FPs.
I have no idea what the other guilds on the server are like. We've rarely had trouble finding pugs when needed though. Plenty of activity on the server. Plus you get to beat up on Premonition in pvp. ;-)
Anyway, I'll be online tonight if you want to create a character there and check things out. Just message me (Gogan) for a ginvite.
Note: nobody else from Fuse/GoL is here. It's just me.
What are you're names on STWOR so i can find you!!
01-14-2012, 12:16 AM
The ones that are usually on:
yep what rotten said, beckinsale is Path.
asano should make an imperial char on our server =D
and lach get a hold of me plz yep
01-16-2012, 05:10 PM
I finally gave in. Playing Empire side on Black Vulkars with a few friends. I'll probably make my way to the Fuse/GoL server eventually since they're pretty slow going over here. Name is L'rr on this server if anybody wants to drop by! XD
01-16-2012, 06:44 PM
Nice Cruci!
Update on Space Slug PvE side... we did hard mode operations last night. I think one of our guildies summed it up best when he recommended BioWare rename the difficulty levels from Normal, Hard, Nightmare to Mostly Works, Sometimes Works, Rarely Works. For whatever reason, we ran into numerous annoying bugs on hard mode, one of which completely stopped us for the night.
Fusa, you probably encountered boss 3 in EV, and the unsolvable puzzles. We must've reset the instance half a dozen times hoping the towers wouldn't bug out on us. Sometimes we'd get as far as the last row before the consoles simply wouldn't activate anymore. Unfortunately, they'd also bug out as early as move #4. Sometimes we'd get combinations that simply weren't solvable in 8 moves. Really really annoying, and I'm hoping this encounter is fixed for 1.1. It stopped us cold last night.
The second boss was pretty buggy too. If we wiped to enrage, he often wouldn't reset. People would spontaneously die on the run back, and sometimes they'd even die while outside the instance. Presumably the boss keeps jumping and somehow people would be affected regardless of where they were. We had to reset that boss (and thus had to re-clear all the trash) a handful of times to fix it.
Loot was buggy too. We got a few schematics that were "invalid" -- people couldn't learn them. And the offhand weapons weren't itemized properly (they were 126 instead of 136).
Fusa, you probably encountered boss 3 in EV, and the unsolvable puzzles. We must've reset the instance half a dozen times hoping the towers wouldn't bug out on us. Sometimes we'd get as far as the last row before the consoles simply wouldn't activate anymore. Unfortunately, they'd also bug out as early as move #4. Sometimes we'd get combinations that simply weren't solvable in 8 moves. Really really annoying, and I'm hoping this encounter is fixed for 1.1. It stopped us cold last night.
Ive never seen the consoles not active, what we did is that we choose 1 console and never touched the other one =P how ever long it took thats how long it took=P
The second boss was pretty buggy too. If we wiped to enrage, he often wouldn't reset. People would spontaneously die on the run back, and sometimes they'd even die while outside the instance. Presumably the boss keeps jumping and somehow people would be affected regardless of where they were. We had to reset that boss (and thus had to re-clear all the trash) a handful of times to fix it.
This is different, there is something called the "shuttle" bug, if you take a travel point from one place to another on the speeder you have a 5% chance of instant death ( it has happened to me in EV at least 3 times, this has also happened to me in Voss (outside traveling and leveling myself.
Loot was buggy too. We got a few schematics that were "invalid" -- people couldn't learn them. And the offhand weapons weren't itemized properly (they were 126 instead of 136).
Yes loot is sometimes bugged, the first week when we ran it all the chests (all of them not lootable after the first person) so we got no loot from 2 bosses.
As for the different item values, they still havn't figured that out, even when you run a Hardmode flashpoint (black talon for ex.) you will find a chest, when you loot it you will see that you get lvl 12 stimpacks not lvl 50.
There is a mean patch today I hope they fix quite a bit.
01-17-2012, 09:27 AM
Ive never seen the consoles not active, what we did is that we choose 1 console and never touched the other one =P how ever long it took thats how long it took=P
Hard mode is supposed to limit the number of times you can activate the consoles. Maybe that's bugged too tho.
This is different, there is something called the "shuttle" bug, if you take a travel point from one place to another on the speeder you have a 5% chance of instant death ( it has happened to me in EV at least 3 times, this has also happened to me in Voss (outside traveling and leveling myself.
We've had that happen a lot too, but this was different. We'd have people spontaneously drop dead if they were just standing still. They'd drop dead while they were *outside* the instance standing at the repair droid on the bridge deck. It was definitely related to the buggy boss.
There is a mean patch today I hope they fix quite a bit.
And sadly that patch was delayed a few days. Apparently they found some big bugs on the test realm. =/
I seen that ya =( and I dunno about the random deaths* other then the shuttle bug, as for the console boss I need to start memorizing the colours or writing them down every switch.
First week you couldn't do the first boss the palace, you would load and be stuck, when you type/stuck you get put up on a ledge in which if you tried to jump down infront of the boss it would own you. They are usually pretty quick as fixing the bugs tho.
01-18-2012, 04:18 PM
For the empire!
01-18-2012, 05:58 PM
Yep, looks like a mess. Someone posted a video of it too, which was pretty funny:
01-19-2012, 12:52 PM
The family tree system that's coming in the future looks interesting. You get new powers just from being in someone's family tree.
01-27-2012, 11:49 PM
The tatooine jawa balloon for the datacron is hardcore. I probably should of waited and got cover pulsed up or another way.
01-28-2012, 01:26 AM
Oh look, once again the servers are down during the time I can play, how awesome.
Why can't they wait till like 3am when no one plays?
I know frequent patches are a good thing, just seems like every other night I can't play.
=( poor rotten has to log on after everyone goes to bed ;)
01-28-2012, 06:10 AM
Bioware killing me..need more valor....
02-02-2012, 12:56 PM
I'm down to playing SWTOR two days per week -- basically just raid nights, and only because we don't have another healer that can take my place. We've cleared Karagga's Palace and all of EV except Soa on hard mode. Don't think we have any intention of doing Nightmare since the gear is the same as hard. Karagga's Palace was a cool instance, but the final boss was ridiculous -- a Hutt sporting a Fedora hat piloting a Wild Wild West styled mechanical spider. Utterly ridiculous.
There's not a whole lot to do after 50. I just don't have the motivation to level an alt, even casually. PvP is fun with pre-mades, but I'm kinda over that too. Playing the GTN was more fun those first few weeks when everyone was still skilling up. Now you can find just about everything on there. Of course, this is the nature of every MMO -- it's not anything unique to SWtoR.
At this point, I'm looking forward to Diablo III.
Hope you guys are still enjoying yourselves on Empire side!
ya, an update for us would be at this point, ummm slower then expected (The PST'ers that showed a little interest in playing that we sorta switched server for) don't play anymore so we are sotra left on a subpar population server, with that being said we are still waiting for yoox/rotten to hit 50.
We have only clear normal EV and we are going to start up hitting the palace tonight, (on normal)
Pug's are bleak and sometime takes like 20-30 mins to find like 2 dps, so for server situation I wish we we're on our original server where we had more 50's dec 31st then we do now on our new server jan 31st make pugging little smoother.
I enjoy pvp a lot, almost more then raiding at this point due to the difficulty factor, which I hope and am sure it will ramp up.
I enjoy the game I take it for what it is knowing what it is ( a new game with very good ideas just not the best client>server language)
02-02-2012, 04:33 PM
Are you guys planning on staying on that server? I mean, if push comes to shove (as much as I'd fucking hate doing it again) I can roll a toon over there if you need mad deeps. I'm sure I can get to 50 in pretty decent time, especially if I did the same class.
02-02-2012, 04:36 PM
Are you guys planning on staying on that server? I mean, if push comes to shove (as much as I'd fucking hate doing it again) I can roll a toon over there if you need mad deeps. I'm sure I can get to 50 in pretty decent time, especially if I did the same class.
I can rock you at leveling bro.
02-02-2012, 04:58 PM
Are you guys planning on staying on that server? I mean, if push comes to shove (as much as I'd fucking hate doing it again) I can roll a toon over there if you need mad deeps. I'm sure I can get to 50 in pretty decent time, especially if I did the same class.
I could do some leveling with you if you want.
02-02-2012, 09:25 PM
Who did you guys switch servers for?
I'll be 50 next week sometimes XD unless something goes wrong.
zaidos//lach who are pst'ers and never really play anymore.
02-03-2012, 04:25 PM
zaidos//lach who are pst'ers and never really play anymore.
I'm sorry Fusa :/
02-03-2012, 07:02 PM
I'm sorry Fusa :/
The force is weak with this one.
nothing to be sorry about =P I honeslty liked the fact we didn't stay on our OG server but just wish we picked a higher pop one (at least right now)
did you kick that guys face in btw lach in your fight?
02-04-2012, 09:56 AM
nothing to be sorry about =P I honeslty liked the fact we didn't stay on our OG server but just wish we picked a higher pop one (at least right now)
did you kick that guys face in btw lach in your fight?
I won the first, lost the second
right on, 1-1 now to go 20-1 =)
02-05-2012, 01:52 PM
02-05-2012, 08:15 PM
The pubs on my server are so fucking god awful. Battlemaster kids talking mad shit after getting stomped, by a guy who just hit 50 @ 2am this morning. Luckily I've managed to open 16 Champion bags and get pretty lucky (9 pieces so far).
-edit my math sucks.
02-06-2012, 12:09 AM
Think I saw a SS of that Blueberry Crisp guy somewhere else...
02-06-2012, 02:36 PM
I am on your server now guys Sith Warrior Gronthor. I dont know any of your names or guild name but if you see me, please invite.
02-21-2012, 04:05 PM
Cancelled my subscription. Still think it's a good game, but not worth sticking around when I'm only logging in a couple times a week to raid the same instances. And I just don't have the time or interest in leveling any alts.
Might fire up Skyrim again, or just wait until D3. One thing is for sure: I don't like being a casual gamer. Unless I can sink 110% of myself into the game, it's just not as much fun.
Hope you guys are still enjoying yourselves.
i joined a LoL team and ima see where that takes me so we'll see
still no name change KZ buy them riotpoints
02-21-2012, 08:03 PM
This is how I roll. Nothing like solo Q'ing and constantly getting "Yoox is immortal". 20+ wins, 50 kills on ilum, voss/some other world datacrons, Voss bonus quests, dailies, and now ready to raid and it's called cause Path is a "insert name calling here". Was a good tuesday till no raid. I feel casual dirty.
02-21-2012, 08:22 PM
Another match just now. This is solo Q'ing. I wonder what having pvp friends is like. Everyone is casual nowadays!
looks like the SWTOR guys are like the retards of wow huh, cant even kill one little gimpxa
02-22-2012, 03:49 AM
I leveled a Powertech up to about 21, but haven't been playing much in the last few weeks.
Anyone playing the D3 beta?
02-22-2012, 08:10 AM
what's your team called KZ?
02-22-2012, 12:00 PM
I leveled a Powertech up to about 21, but haven't been playing much in the last few weeks.
Anyone playing the D3 beta?
When I last talked to Neleus, he said he was playing D3 beta but didn't like it. I don't remember why, specifically. I'm still looking forward to it from a purely single-player perspective.
Ill be playing some d3 on strictly a HC Multiplayer perspective
atm its called WGO (Whats Going on) but may change in near future to Area 51 (if we take the sponsorship at some point)
02-22-2012, 02:24 PM
Have you guys had any tournaments or w/e lately?
Where are you going to be playing mostly (top/mid/jungle/ad/support)?
i play the support. and we have a match thursday in the alienware arena league. we made it into invite division of it by placing top 32 for winter season.
02-22-2012, 04:50 PM
There isn't much to do on the D3 beta so once you play through it once or twice it sort of becomes boring. Not sure if I will even purchase it on release due to lack of time and interest. When I do get some free time I prefer to play some SC2. I'm one of the only people here (other than Fusa) that still plays SC2 regularly...
Ya I will never stop playing sc2, it is one of those games if you stay playing at least 2 times a week you won't lose much "skills" but you definatly wont get any better (which I am fine with)
at 2500 league wins you would rather not play every game a 15-20 min so the lower divisions still like to cheese rush and get games done and over with (win or lose)
02-24-2012, 08:51 AM
KZ, Did you win your match yesterday?
02-24-2012, 03:13 PM
Get the fuck out of the STAR WARS THREAD YOU lOL hippes.
02-25-2012, 11:04 AM
Are you still playing WoI? Is WoI still crazy?
03-02-2012, 10:09 PM
This is how we roll in the future.
03-02-2012, 10:50 PM
What do the tier sets look like?
03-03-2012, 07:53 AM
What do the tier sets look like?
03-03-2012, 04:06 PM
soft serve ice cream?
03-06-2012, 10:59 AM
The 1.15 patch I think it is today, the pvp gains upgrate are great.
03-06-2012, 12:35 PM
The 1.2 changes announced yesterday sound pretty huge -- and slated for release next month. Kind of has me reconsidering my cancelled subscription. It expires later this month. The legacy changes, in particular, sound interesting.
03-06-2012, 07:42 PM
The 1.15 patch I think it is today, the pvp gains upgrate are great.
3000 valor per wz? Yes please.
Still forever away from Battlemaster, I did however go from 53 to 55 in about 3 hours.
03-17-2012, 05:06 PM
so... thoughts on 1.2?
04-02-2012, 04:53 AM
What I did this weekend:
04-04-2012, 11:51 AM
What I did this weekend:
I see you spent a nice day out with the family.
04-12-2012, 09:40 PM
They just gave me 30 free days for canceling my account.
04-19-2012, 10:27 AM
What's sad is that much of the player base can see this happen before it does, but the dev's don't. We just talked about this a few weeks ago and recently again. This won't change till they add more to do. Players don't want to just have access to daily quests > money > to raid. Players constantly want to have things to farm and things to do. I think the classes in this game are or at least before this patch were a lot of fun. Sad.
Anyway we kinda moved on from this game a month ago. What's next? D3 > Pandas?
04-19-2012, 01:59 PM
Agreed. SWtoR is a good game; I liked it. But as one of the commenters said, years of WoW + Rift just left me (and a lot of people, I think) burnt out on that kind of game play. I think the WoW-styled MMO has been done to death. Nobody will displace WoW at this point. Any new MMOs need to offer a new, distinctive gameplay style. SWtoR kinda tried that with the immersive story-driven leveling experience, but as everyone is now finding out, they didn't carry that through in the end-game. Tacking on WoW-style raids won't work. They had a good idea for the game, and they either didn't follow through, or they got pressured into cloning WoW halfway through. Sad indeed.
I think MoP will be a great expansion. I don't know if I'll personally play it much, but for those people still into the WoW-style MMO experience, it'll bring a lot of exciting additions to keep its lead over every other MMO. I won't be surprised to see SWtoR's activity drop off a cliff when it's released.
My future is with D3.
04-19-2012, 05:12 PM
Well TERA open beta starts tomorrow afternoon, if you want someone trying to do something different there ya go. Actually the more and more I look at it the more I think that's where I'll end up till we see what Blizzard is doing with Titan.
04-19-2012, 05:24 PM
Tera pre order or whatever opened today. Looks decent, reminds me of Rift in a way, but I do like the combat more then any mmo so far.
11-04-2013, 12:23 AM
So I've been playing SWtoR again, mostly because it's a really single-player friendly mmo. Perfect for my schedule and interests lately. I'm pretty much only gaming on the weekends these days. I loved the class story of the Trooper the first time I played it a year ago, and just finished the Agent storyline tonight. Really well done. After some reading online afterwards, I'm amazed at how many different ways it could've ended depending on my choices throughout the game.
Gron, you said you were still playing it nowadays. Where are you at; what are you doing? I'm on Harbinger. Almost 55 on my agent and not quite sure what I'll do next. Maybe check out the new raids, or maybe check out a new class. Been leaning towards Jedi Knight or Bounty Hunter; tank in either case.
11-04-2013, 07:45 AM
I am on Harbringer as well. I have a ton of alts as you probably guessed. I have been recently playing a Jedi Sentinel most recently. I have Max levels on both Republic and Empire side. I have a bounty hunter and an agent at lower levels that i intend to play at some point.
My characters are:
55 Juggernaut
55 Marauder
52 Assassin
20 Operative
15 Power Tech
55 Guardian
50 Sentinel
50 Gunslinger
42 Trooper
3 Sage
I like tanking on the Juggernaut/Guardian but only the Juggernaut is set up to tank. As since i solo most of the time i dps most of the time and i enjoy both the Assassin and Marauder/Sentinel the most.
This game is fun to play leveling so i have been trying to level all the classes i didn't get to the first round but i think i will always like light saber classes the most due to it being Star Wars.
I bounce around quite a bit between characters so send me your names and i can add them or i might update this later and add my names next to the classes.
11-04-2013, 02:58 PM
What's been your favorite storyline so far?
11-04-2013, 10:07 PM
Honestly i have like them all. The Consular has been my least favorite. The Smuggler was the most fun. The Knight and Warrior felt very Star Wars and were both very good. The Inquisitor was good. I have not gotten very far on the Agent or Bounty Hunter but both of those are quite entertaining as well. I was really enjoying the trooper's story as well.
This will probably sound silly but i enjoy the each story differently depending on my mood. When i am feeling righteous i will play a knight. When i am feeling a little more sinister i will play the Sith Warrior. When i am feeling indifferent i like to play the agent or bounty hunter. Since i was a Marine relating to the Trooper's story is easy when i am feeling nostalgic. When i am a feeling like a smart-ass playing the Smuggler's story fits.
It is really hard to nail down which one i like best, so the best thing i can do is which one i liked least and that was the Consular and even that was decent.
11-11-2013, 09:06 PM
Finished my Agent. Chapter 3 wasn't as good as 1 and 2, but good story overall.
Is the Makeb storyline different for each class? I didn't think it was all that great on my Republic/Trooper, but rather enjoyed the Empire/Agent story.
11-20-2013, 01:16 AM
No the story is the same, i have only done it once on each faction. I have no desire to do it again. Let me know what you play most as i am bouncing back between Juggernaut and Sentinel/Trooper.
12-04-2013, 04:13 PM
Star fighter is a lot of fun!!
12-04-2013, 04:25 PM
Cool, I'm hoping to have some time to check it out this weekend. I actually enjoy pvp in swtor.
Over the holidays I leveled a Jedi Shadow. You were right about the story -- pretty mediocre. I'm spacebarring through even the class quests at this point (chapter 3). I'm loving the playstyle though. I spent most of my leveling time doing flashpoints, and tanking most of them. Pretty fun.
12-05-2013, 10:20 AM
I like the shadow dps but i feel the tanking has too many buttons to manage. The star fighter is awesome, takes a tad getting used to but is a blast. I am enjoying being a sniper in a gunship!
I missed out on the Double XP weekend, i only got to play a very little bit. When not on my Knight i am trying to level a bounty hunter.
Knight (which i am usually on) is named Jorda'nal
If you are not in a guild i am in an ok one right now if you need the bonus to rep and xp.
12-07-2013, 01:41 PM
So yeah, starfighter is pretty fun. Took me a few matches before I learned about the spacebar and charging up the railgun. =P
I wish your ships were shared between your republic and imperial characters though. I don't see any point in redoing all the ship upgrades/unlocks on different characters.
My Shadow's name is Seikyou, btw.
10-05-2014, 06:19 PM
Have you logged into SWTOR lately, Gron? The new Strongholds (housing) is really pretty cool. Not quite as flexible as Wildstar (e.g you can't resize decorations), but there's a lot of items to collect and the housing environments are really nice. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen it yet.
10-06-2014, 05:45 PM
New xpac announced today:
10-07-2014, 03:30 PM
I realize nobody is probably playing this anymore, but if you've been thinking about it, now is actually a pretty good time. If you pre-order the upcoming xpac ($20, release date Dec 9), you get the previous xpac free as well as the new Class XP Boost which lets you level from 1-55 doing just your class missions -- effectively a full level per mission.
The Class Experience Boost is immediately effective for all players with an active subscription status and who have also pre-ordered the Shadow of Revan Digital Expansion during the pre-order period ending December 1, 2014. Players receive a boost to the amount of XP gained from Class missions, allowing them to advance to Level 55 at an expedited rate while enjoying their Class story missions (the exact multiplier is 12.32).
This makes me happy since I've always wanted to play the other classes for their storylines, but never wanted to grind through all the other questing required.
10-08-2014, 09:44 AM
I might re sub at some point. It was a decent game, but as with most MMORPGs if you are not in a active guild at end level, interest is lost after a few weeks.
10-08-2014, 11:27 AM
For sure. My interest was always slightly there since the class storylines were always pretty good and I never got through them all. And now with housing and dungeon/raid finders (with easy storymodes) I think there's plenty there for a casual player to experience without the need of a guild.
06-16-2015, 05:00 PM
The upcoming expansion actually looks pretty interesting. Sounds like major changes coming. Might need to revisit SWTOR. Haven't played the last couple patches worth of story.
Some interesting speculation in the comments:
What I've been reading so far has all suggested to me that they're moving SWTOR away from a traditional theme park MMORPG towards a non-isolated single player RPG with optional multiplayer content.
They might just be completely moving away from raiding as pinnacle endgame content towards something more reflective of the tastes of modern gamers (more solo and small group oriented content). That would make sense as it would be much more sustainable and able to be updated more quickly than the "raid or GTFO" design that WoW brought us and everyone has copied ever since.
06-19-2015, 08:50 AM
I know i am that is for sure. I am re upping my sub here soon to start playing again, finishing up the Agent and creating another Sorc.
07-09-2015, 12:52 PM
Sounds like some really great changes to flashpoints and operations to keep them relevant regardless of level:
I really liked how FFXIV level-sync'd you when entering low-level dungeons, but SWTOR seems to be taking it a step further by providing level-appropriate loot too. And the solo mode versions of instances sounds pretty neat too. This is the kind of stuff WoW should've been doing years ago. Now they're just getting left in the dust by more innovative teams.
10-07-2015, 04:53 PM
I know there probably isn't anyone still playing MMOs these days (except maybe Gron). You're all busy getting married, having kids, playing shuffleboard with the other members of your assisted living community, etc. But...
The next xpac for SWTOR looks pretty great. They're moving the whole leveling process to be a lot more focused on the core class stories. No more filler quests. Sweeping changes/improvements to crafting, gathering, companions, itemization -- basically everything in the game. Lots of quality of life improvements too. The whole community seems really excited about it all.
Final Fantasy and SWTOR seem to be really killing it lately on the MMO front.
10-07-2015, 08:31 PM
Good to see some people still playing or trying. Few of us are still playing PoE and other things. Seems so hard to find time.
10-09-2015, 11:53 PM
As mentioned i am still around! I only play Diablo and SWTOR now. I am waiting for the XP to dive more into SWTOR. It seems more stable and smoother graphically since they did the improvement patch.
10-23-2015, 12:18 AM
So far it is pretty awesome. Once thing SWTOR does well is story and getting you engaged.
So far i really like the update.
10-23-2015, 11:37 AM
I haven't touched KotFE yet; still finishing up SoR. I finished Yavin 4 last night and going to knock out Ziost tonight. Then on to the xpac. I really love that you can level purely through the class/main story missions now. Will make leveling my alts much less painful.
The new companion system is *so* much better. I can finally play out conversations based on how I want my character to react, and not which lines will gives me the most affection. And being able to bring any companion I want and switch them between tank/heal/dps is fantastic. AND finally having the freedom to outfit them in gear that looks good, instead of worrying about their stats. They really nailed the companions this time around.
Question: I know you lose access to companion stories once you start KotFE. Is there anything else you lose access to? For example, can you still go back and do Yavin/Czerka/Oricon/etc dailies for rep?
10-24-2015, 05:03 PM
Not sure yet. I hit 65 but i am only on chapter 6 of the story. It is pretty nice.
I agree completely with the companions. I may level a new alt just so i can experience the story with the companion i want the way i want. I gave up on a male shadow because the only way i could have the girl (forgot my her name) as a companion was being a tank spec (which i dont like shadow tanks).
The xp story so far is the best i have played in an MMO. I forget i even am playing a game sometimes as it feels more like a movie.
I have no idea what the end game is like, but i doubt i will do much in it (as with any mmo now, the end game no longer fits my life schedule).
10-24-2015, 06:45 PM
I just finished chapter 9. Agreed about the story. I think it played even better than ESO, although it was kind of an odd experience too. It really plays like a single-player game -- I barely ever saw anyone else running around. And it felt like I was on rails the whole time -- very linear, no downtime between chapters. With my companion set to healing, I was never in danger so the combat and boss fights were pretty bland and unexciting. Still, it's a really well done story and was fun to play through. I'm looking forward to playing it again with different characters making different choices to see if/how the story changes.
10-25-2015, 01:42 PM
Are you still on Harbinger, Gron? If so, look for me on the weekends/weekdays. I'm usually on my sniper, Ikuya. Maybe we can tackle some of the [Heroic 2+] Star Fortress flashpoints once you get to that point.
10-26-2015, 02:10 AM
My 65 is on the replublic side, but i am going to level my warrior as well. His name in Gronthor. I will start to play him tomorrow. He is tank spec so with a healer pet you could go full dps with a dps pet and we should probably own those 2 mans.
10-26-2015, 11:59 AM
Cool, I may start leveling my republic trooper soon too. His name is Gogan.
It's looking like the end-game is basically just increasing influence to 50 with all your companions. Meh. Run heroic daily missions for cyrstals/crates to get gifts to give to companions. Definitely not something I'll want to do on more than one character. I'm hoping at least the Republic side has a different cast of companions than Imperial.
10-30-2015, 04:38 PM
Well, I got all the companions that are available right now (gotta wait till Rakghoul event for Lokin). Finally finished my 20 pvp matches for Pierce, and all the Star Fortresses. As much fun as the storyline and acquiring the companions was, the end-game rep-grind doesn't get me too excited to keep playing.
10-17-2016, 04:24 PM
One year later...
I banged out the remaining chapters over the weekend -- chapters 10-16. Took about an hour per chapter. It was fairly enjoyable, with a decent enough conclusion to set things up for the xpac launching on Dec 2 this year.
Overall though, my opinion hasn't changed since last year. The story is pretty cool, but there is no end game to speak of anymore. At no point throughout the story are you ever in danger of actually dying -- it's just way too easy. Your choices never matter; every choice ultimately results in the same outcome. [There is only one exception which surprisingly ends in the permanent killing of one of your companions, but that's it.]
I don't know how anyone can justify a subscription to SWtoR anymore. Sounds like the upcoming xpac will be more of the same as well. It's kinda sad. I'd like to see how the upcoming story plays out, but I think I can just check it out on youtube at this point. No need to actually play it myself.
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