View Full Version : Downloading World Of Tanks

04-27-2013, 10:07 AM

Going to give this a shot see how it is, https://worldoftanks.com Free to play and it is a shooting game with tactics.

Ill post more later on it

First impressions are great, a lot to do , reminds me a little of LoL in way of people who have been playing fucking rape people who havn't but the queue's are decently matched.

There are repairs, so when you get owned you will have to repair also

What onion said is true, there are 10 tiers of tanks, and once you hit the third tier it starts matching you against tier 5 needless to say you never penetrate their armor, and this is a game where you would have to play forever ( at least a good long time ) before you start doing decent. Which is not at all skill based, you can be great at the game you just have tank limitaions, and more often then not if you try to play this game putting no money into it ( not even 15$) you will have a very rough time even though you decently play the game.

defiantly slower paces shooter which rely on baiting / strategic points on the map which is the hardest part, learning the maps

04-27-2013, 01:25 PM
i watched some of Nada's VOD's of it, looks gay as fuck, kinda like you, so should be a perfect fit

btw you watching dreamhack? jaedong vs naniwa up next

04-27-2013, 05:59 PM
It's a fun game, but some tanks are OP because of their matchmaking while some tanks just get shit on no matter what.