View Full Version : Hearthstone
we need to get a new thread that trolls the main posts and what not asano like the wow/d3 ones we have. also Beta Patch Tomorrow - Wipe Will Occur. It's finally here, the most hyped patch for Hearthstone is going to be deployed with tomorrow's maintenance!
most likely by next tuesday at the latest im thinking a major portion of the opt-in's will be going out. could happen as soon as maintenance is done but im thinking it will be starting next tuesday.
edit: also who else is excited about this shit! and there will be no more wipes they announced so this is it when ur in ur in. i recommend getting to level 10 with every class to get a feel for them and to unlock a buncha class cards, and if your not familiar with the game just play normals. but i plan on arena'n non stop to get my card packs instead of buying them. i feel i will be more than capable of being able to endlessly arena like trump does, hoping i get paired up vs him sometime.
10-02-2013, 04:46 AM
Considering I almost sold a child to get into the beta, I'm pretty pumped.
This game is going to consume my soul. Blizzard does it again.
10-02-2013, 11:30 AM
we need to get a new thread that trolls the main posts and what not asano like the wow/d3 ones we have.
What's the main news site for Hearthstone?
10-02-2013, 12:31 PM
Hmm... the forums don't seem to like the RSS feed for that site. I have Blizz's news in there now, but there's no content for each post so I may just remove it altogether. I'll take another look tonight.
aight. kinda odd that u cant get a RSS feed from that site concidering its just like the d3 and mmo site. all owned by curse.
10-02-2013, 12:51 PM
You'd think there were all same, but apparently not so. You can see the structure of the RSS feed is different between, say, diablofans and hearthpwn:
They're owned by the same parent company (Curse), but that's where the similarities end. Probably run by completely different tech stacks and servers.
10-02-2013, 10:34 PM
man i am behind. I don't know what this is either
10-02-2013, 10:43 PM
Blizzard's latest game, a Magic the Gathering clone:
They first announced it only about 6 months ago.
i still find it dumb that they wouldn't do a reset prior to open beta, and god damnit i want in this god damn game right meow! twitter post saying opt-ins not going out til patches prolly tuesday is my guess.
10-04-2013, 01:26 AM
I still haven't got in. :( Asshole blizzard.
same i hate them! i want in soooo bad.
10-04-2013, 01:25 PM
I'm in!
10-04-2013, 01:34 PM
Damnnnnnn asano!!!
Beast mode
10-04-2013, 03:19 PM
I know what I'll be doing this weekend!
10-04-2013, 03:29 PM
I'm going to need a raise soon to fund both PAD and HS.
lol HS u should be able to be self sufficient especially if ur good at arena's.
god damnit blizzard i want a fucking key god damnit!
10-05-2013, 06:21 AM
The wave of keys sent out Friday, October 4th to NA and EU regions have now completed. Please check your emails.
We will not be sending waves over the weekend.
10-06-2013, 10:06 PM
My initial impressions after the weekend:
Overall, fun game and about what I expected. I think those of you that have been waiting will enjoy it. It has a lot of potential and hopefully they don't wait years for expansions.
That said, there are some things that are definitely still missing. It's beta of course, so maybe things will be different come release. I assumed they were pretty close to release since they stated they won't be doing any more account wipes, but now I'm not so sure.
* No achievements screen. There are achievements in game and for certain achievements you even get special cards (e.g. acquiring all murloc cards nets you a special murloc card). It would be nice to see a list of which achievements are out there so we know what to work towards and what we can expect.
* No non-arena means of farming gold. There's a daily quest worth 40 gold, and after that you get 10 gold for every 3 games or so that you win, but that's just not enough. For those of us that won't be consistently getting 7-9 wins in arena (which, despite what KZ says, is not so easy), it'll take a long time to get enough gold to compete. Maybe there will be more quests come release. We'll see.
* There's a "practice" mode which lets you play against the computer with a custom deck, but there really needs to be a practice mode for arena style decks as well. The RNG inherent in the arena draft is just so different from pre-built decks, it would be nice to get some practice at it w/o forking over all your gold.
* Along the same lines, it would be nice to have more AI levels than just Normal and Expert. Three levels seems to be the standard, and it would be even better if they took a page from Starcraft's book and let you choose a play style for the AI, e.g. Murloc deck, control deck, beast deck, etc.
* Rewards for leveling up each class aren't so hot right now. I think the concept of getting the class-specific golden commons is ok, but getting the same ones each milestone is not. For example, I got the hunter's golden Tracking card when I hit level 15 and when I reach level 20 I'm going to get the same thing. Lame. Getting a class to level 60 should eventually net you each of the class's golden cards, and unless they change the curve (e.g. not every 5 levels) it doesn't look like that's gonna happen.
* I wish your rank (e.g. bronze, silver, gold, etc) was class-specific. Additionally, your stats should be broken out per class too. Right now it only shows you how many total wins you've had in Play mode and Arena mode. I'd like to see number of losses, as well as win/loss ratio per class. It would be nice to see which classes I'm most successful with.
* The UI is pretty confusing. For example, the Play and Arena stats are displayed on the quest log screen. In order to see which cards I'm missing from my collection, I have to go into Crafting Mode. Huh?
* You can only make 9 custom decks. Dunno why. Seems ridiculous. That's basically only 1 deck per class. I can easily see wanting to make multiple kinds of deck per class. They really shouldn't limit the number of custom decks.
* Apparently there's going to be a ladder system which resets each week, but there's no sign of it in game. Maybe they're still working on it. But hopefully they build a UI for it in-game so we can see where everyone is at on the ladder. I also hope they have multiple ladders, with some lasting more than just a week. This should be the heart and soul of the game, and it's a little concerning that it's completely absent right now.
nice review one other thing i think it needs is its own Tournament Mode. i think if they did something like a poker Sit n go type thing that would be amazing. where like 10 or 20 people buy in and play it out and winner takes 70% or w/e they wanna do.
* No non-arena means of farming gold. There's a daily quest worth 40 gold, and after that you get 10 gold for every 3 games or so that you win, but that's just not enough. For those of us that won't be consistently getting 7-9 wins in arena (which, despite what KZ says, is not so easy), it'll take a long time to get enough gold to compete. Maybe there will be more quests come release. We'll see.
I laughed at the 7-9 wins for every win someone has to lose, so there will be a lot less people with 7-9 wins then there will be people getting 5 wins
nother wave going out. check ur emails. u can get multiple ones too apparently so if you have one check anyway.
more again today. anyone get lucky cuz i sure didn't :(
10-08-2013, 05:37 PM
No extras on this end.
10-08-2013, 06:04 PM
if u do get extra i say u give them to me and not KZ. just to hear him cry
I would say let blake play diablo 3 I hear he absolutely loves it to death, a good candidate for extras would be myself ;)
blake claimed d3 was a godsend then quit about 1 week after begging me constantly to play, he also denies that he quit but he hasn't logged on in like 2 weeks+
10-09-2013, 05:41 PM
Got in today :D
nice grats quin keep looking for multiple keys many people who have already been tagged via "waves" also get tagged for future waves so it seems. so please be on the lookout I know Kz and I are still in need of a lucky draw of the waves
fucking kaddy go in too i hate my life
10-09-2013, 06:08 PM
5 accounts, nothing yet.
10-09-2013, 06:14 PM
Yeap, if I get an extra key I'll let you guys know.
10-09-2013, 06:55 PM
Yeap, if I get an extra key I'll let you Kz know.
wtf? Falcons suck
10-10-2013, 12:45 AM
I played a bunch today and did one Arena match and just... destroyed the poor guy. He had no idea what to do. Was kind of hilarious.
yea ive seen a lot of people in arena's on streams that are like really bad.
10-18-2013, 05:06 PM
Did you get in yet KZ?
no but i play on kad's acct.
10-19-2013, 10:47 PM
So now that you've played it a bit, what do you think?
i still like it a lot, its not as fun cuz its not my acct. and its very hard to compete with completed decks. i haven't bought a single pack on kaddy's acct. just using the ones i earned from arena which is prolly like 15-20 packs. and i made it into masters 1 star atm. so its definitely not p2w as long as your good u can make it far. the wall i hit tho is priest... they completely counter my deck 100% and there is sooo many priests atm.
the deck i currently use. only have 1 rare and made it to masters.
it is definatly not p2w right now, but like you are seeing at the moment ( if it wasn't your account )I bet you would have spent an easy 15$ already. and you started what only 2-3 weeks late?
The longer they allow people to get cards that rape prior to full release, the more it will be p2w, not even to win really, p2 not get fucking rickrolled. :P
I hate activison-shareholder-moneymachine
priest just seems too strong atm i wish i had good priest cards.
10-22-2013, 12:45 AM
Did you end up getting a key in the latest wave, KZ?
no, i am playing on a friends acct and ive got him 2 legendary's already from my arena'n :(
ya KZ plays on kaddy everytime he invites me to watch him he loses, so I avoid watching him and just hear about his good shit 9-2 wins
Pretty soon I will be starting to stream too, getting a new modem in that has 15MB download / 10 MB upload.
Rather than the standard 10d/1u
10-22-2013, 08:36 AM
Check your PM's KZ.
Check your PM's KZ.
ohh shit kz you might have hearthstone on your own account !!!!
thanks a bunch quin <3<3 did 4 arena sets so far today, 7-3 mage, 6-3 hunter, 7-3 priest, 9-2 paladin. doing 1 more before i go to sleep on druid 1-0 currently. i wish i could stream in better quality but if u want to watch terrible quality u can see me here at
edit: finished 9-2 on druid.
another 9-2 start today after a disappointing 4-3 and 3-3 last night god those were bad decks. ill be back on later to play more
10-24-2013, 03:21 PM
Did you watch something to learn how to draft, or just play a lot? I never seem to do all that well.
i watched Trump a lot
i can help u draft also if u want. also i think trump has a list somewhere of top draft picks.
04-11-2014, 05:51 PM
Pretty excited about the new adventure mode they announced. Hopefully they don't get too greedy with the gold cost, or at least keep the dollar cost low (<$10). If they release new content often enough (quarterly?), I think Hearthstone could get really huge for everyone.
04-11-2014, 07:24 PM
Wow, that does sound pretty awesome. I hope they're working on a multi-player game mode as well like 2 v 2. I guess if they're going to stick to WOW raid zones they could even do a boss "raid" or something, but I doubt they'll do it.
06-19-2015, 04:04 PM
The new Tavern Brawl play mode they just added is a lot of fun. If you guys haven't checked it out, it's worth it. You get randomly assigned one of two decks to play each match (this week is Nefarian vs Ragnaros) and you play against another player. I don't know if there's a leaderboard somewhere based on # of wins or not. But it's a really fun way to play casually and not have to worry about crafting a deck for ranked play. And it's free.
yea and each week u get a free bonus of some kind this week was a free pack of cards.
06-21-2015, 01:11 PM
I keep trying to play this after taking a couple months break, but there are so many new cards that its become a daunting task to get back into ranked play. Always loved Arena mode, so this Tavern Brawl may be something worth trying. Thanks for the update
06-21-2015, 03:56 PM
Nef seems super OP compared to Rag. Not usually a fair fight.
yea nef is OP i think him starting with 5 mana is too much
i win sometimes as rag but i think they need to nerf nef's starting mana to 3 or 4 though
06-21-2015, 07:20 PM
Yep ditto. Doubt they'll nerf it since it'll be different decks next week though.
06-21-2015, 10:47 PM
I'm sure they'll bring it back eventually, though. I'd be curious to see the win percents after this week. And if they do end up tweaking it down the line.
07-08-2015, 01:14 PM
Sounds like a new Argent Tournament themed adventure is coming (or at least being announced) in a couple weeks:
I'm guessing it'll be similar to the Naxx adventure with ~30 new cards.
Pretty crazy how fast they're pushing out content for this game.
Edit: Actually, I guess this could be a full expansion too. Didn't realize BRM was just released a couple months ago and GvG was released back in Dec. Hard to imagine another big influx of cards right now though. My money is still on a small adventure like Naxx or BRM.
11-06-2015, 01:53 PM
New Hearthstone expansion coming next Thursday. Really crazy how fast they're churning out content for this game. Pretty much every 6 months.
Although this one (League of Explorers) looks kind of disappointing. You could hear crickets chirping when they announced it and showed off some cards during the opening ceremony. The new mechanic isn't terribly innovative -- it's basically just Tracking. Like joust, I don't expect to see it in competitive play.
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