View Full Version : Hearthstone patch - Big Nerfs!

01-13-2014, 01:04 PM

Unleash the Hounds’ mana cost is now 2 (down from 4)

Unleash the Hounds was intended to give Hunters their own form of AoE and to have synergy with other beast cards, but its old cost was too prohibitive.

Pyroblast’s mana cost is now 10 (up from 8)

The 8-cost Pyroblast made for an un-interactive experience where the Mage only needed to do 10 damage during the course of a game and then double Pyroblast you for the win. We want Mages to be more interactive with the opponent to achieve victory, rather than delay the game until they can Pyroblast.

Blood Imp is now a 0/1 and now reads: Stealth. At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Health.

The Warlock has three very strong 1-cost minions and that made the Warlock rush deck slightly stronger than we were comfortable with.

Warsong Commander has been reworked and now reads: Whenever you play a minion with 3 or less Attack, give it Charge.

Charge (the spell, not the keyword) has been reworked and now costs 3 mana. The card’s new power reads: “Give a friendly minion +2 Attack and Charge”.

Both of these cards were key components in “One Turn Kill” or “OTK” decks that kill your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. We want the game to be about playing minions and fighting for board control rather than just waiting until you can play your big combo and win in one turn with no interaction from your opponent.

Abusive Sergeant now reads: Battlecry: Give a minion +2 Attack until end of turn.

Abusive Sergeant was changed to make its power the same as the Dark Iron Dwarf and to give it additional versatility.
Dark Iron Dwarf’s buff now only lasts until the end of the turn.

This change was made to reduce the Dark Iron Dwarf’s overall power slightly. We also wanted to make the Battlecry effect the same as Abusive Sergeant‘s as to not force you to permanently buff one of your opponent’s creatures.

Defender of Argus is now a 2/3 (down from 3/3)

Defender of Argus was a card that found itself automatically included in many decks due to its power and stats. We want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks, so cards that feel like they must be in all decks (especially Neutral ones) are not ideal.

Novice Engineer is now a 1/1 (down from 1/2)

The Novice Engineer was played in most non-rush decks (and even some rush decks) due to its cost and power. Similar in reasoning to our Defender of Argus change, we want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks.

Sylvanas Windrunner’s mana cost is now 6 (up from 5)

Sylvanas had power and stats that made it a bit too powerful compared to other 5-cost cards, which made it automatically included in many decks. We want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks, so cards that feel like they must be in all decks (especially Neutral ones) are not ideal.

Expert cards that are being changed can be disenchanted for their full cost for a limited time when the patch goes live. We hope these changes will increase the variety of cards you will see at all levels of play, and make playing Hearthstone a more fun and interactive game for everyone.

01-13-2014, 01:05 PM
iono if im missing something but the abusive sergeant looks to be unchanged...

big nerf to some of the games key cards.

01-13-2014, 06:09 PM
fuck u pyro

01-13-2014, 08:02 PM
figured out the abusive sergeant change. it was give a friendly minion buff. now u can give it to anyone.

01-14-2014, 12:47 AM
lol blood imp change I love it, also defender of argus is still to good needs a 0 attack with 4 life, it is an amazing defensive card already without the 2 dmg

01-14-2014, 04:53 AM
if that's the case, just add the battlecry to shieldbearer

01-14-2014, 07:58 AM
I like the changes! They seem to be doing a pretty good job of leveling out the field. Hope to be at the tourny next week!

01-14-2014, 01:24 PM
didn't know u were playing HS steve. whats ur bnet ID

01-14-2014, 02:35 PM
yoox u should of got ur beta invite, i see xyrana on. u need to get on so we can slam some cards into each other

01-14-2014, 05:08 PM
Yoox, we can slam some "cards" into each other

you are so gay

01-14-2014, 05:59 PM
yoox u should of got ur beta invite, i see xyrana on. u need to get on so we can slam some cards into each other

I'd love to slam my 9i cards into your 4i cards bro. I don't have any emails for hearthstone.

01-14-2014, 06:03 PM
We recently discovered an issue with the beta opt-in process where the opt-in selection setting for Hearthstone (and Heroes of the Storm) may not have been saving properly for Battle.net accounts with no game licenses attached. This issue is now resolved, so any beta opt-in selections going forward should save properly in your Battle.net account.

Please note that we haven’t yet invited everyone into the Hearthstone closed beta test who has opted in. That said, if you have opted in and have not received an invite email, one reason could be because of the above issue, so we highly recommend that you double-check your opt-in settings here. (While we are not ready to begin beta testing for Heroes of the Storm, please do opt in if you want to help us test that game.)

We’re still working on a number of issues as part of the Hearthstone beta-test process—primarily around server-load improvements and stability. We’ve made a lot of progress since the first server issues were reported and plan to continue inviting players into the Hearthstone closed beta test via the opt-in process. Everyone who opts in to the Hearthstone closed beta test will be invited to participate at some point before Hearthstone moves into open beta testing.

If you have been opted in for a while, have not yet received an invite, and were not impacted by the issue described above, we strongly recommend that you check your junk and spam folders as well as your Promotions tab (for Gmail users). Hearthstone beta invite emails have a tendency to end up in one of those locations.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused and once again thank all of you for your interest in helping us test Hearthstone.

should b soon

01-14-2014, 06:05 PM
should b soon

That's good news. Let's hope. I'm actually pretty bored since Fusa quit PoE lol.

01-14-2014, 06:35 PM
yea he plays CS with me now :x

01-14-2014, 07:04 PM
yea he plays CS with me now :x

Oh i'm sure Cz, err Kz.

01-14-2014, 07:10 PM

Just cause you posted the X mouth. When I get into Hearth beta i'm going to break you.

01-14-2014, 07:26 PM
hope u got some $$ to drop or ur gunna have a hard time catchin up

01-14-2014, 07:29 PM

Lots of it. Kz just started something. Now there is this flame inside me, it's burning, bright, heart racing. Rocky music playing in the background. Picture of Kz printed off the internet and taped to my punching bag. SOON AS THAT BETA EMAIL COMES. KZ IS GONNA BE ........to be continued

01-14-2014, 08:08 PM
lmfao. i love u yooxinator

01-14-2014, 09:42 PM
lmfao. i love u yooxinator

This is a preview just for you blakiepoo. Even if Kz was going to give up at this point, this is how much mercy I would show him. GUESS WHO IS THE MUSHROOMMAN.

01-14-2014, 09:44 PM

01-15-2014, 06:40 PM
so wait blake was the guy and KZ was the mushroom?

01-15-2014, 09:11 PM
Yoox that is AWESOME!!! I asked ya'll years ago to play DS and ya'll left me hangin!!!!

01-17-2014, 02:29 AM
Final Wave of Hearthstone Beta Opt-In Invites
The final wave of Hearthstone Beta invites went out today. This should have flagged everyone for beta access who opted-in to the beta test before opt-ins were closed. If you still have not received access, and you opted-in to the beta test, read Aratil's post below for more information on how you can hopefully get in.

u should be in yooxra