View Full Version : Payday 2

06-23-2014, 12:45 AM
Watched someone streaming Payday 2 this weekend so I picked it up off Steam for $10. Anyone else ever play it?

It's basically a FPS but very much geared as a co-op game where you and 3 friends go on missions to rob banks, jewellery stores, malls, etc. There are 4 different "classes" with talent trees that provide additional skills and bonuses. You can go in guns blazing or be stealth-like. Plenty of strategy, e.g. taking and controlling hostages, disabling security cameras, etc all while the police respond and assault you if they get alerted. And plenty of weapons, armors, and modifications for everything.

It's pretty cool. Nothing outstanding, but could be fun if anyone else is interested in that kind of thing.