View Full Version : Hearthstone: Naxxramas

07-21-2014, 11:01 PM
Releases tomorrow! Looks like a *really* fun adventure. The bosses and their abilities look rough -- especially heroic mode. Heroic Loetheb: 99 health, hero power = 3 dmg to enemy hero, 0 cost. Should be interesting...

The fact that we can buy this with gold is fantastic. Can't wait!


07-22-2014, 12:34 PM
pretty fun so far

07-22-2014, 01:56 PM
Just finished all that was released today. AFK a week for the next wing.

07-22-2014, 02:28 PM
Been watching the streams at work today. Not looking as difficult as I hoped it would be. Still, for free content, looks relatively fun.

I hope they add achievements at some point. Might be challenging to have to defeat all the heroic bosses on each class.

07-22-2014, 02:53 PM
Yeah it was *really* easy. Heroic Maex was a little challenging, but after fighting her once I just quickly made a deck to counter her and I won first try.

07-22-2014, 10:38 PM
Finished up all my content. Freeze mage chewed through them all pretty easily. Faerlina gave me a little trouble until I got some good early draws to empty my hand. Maexxna was silly easy once I filled her board with 1:1s and had some healers/Alex in hand.

I probably would've had a much harder time if I went into it blind instead of watching the streams all day. Will try not to cheat next week.

07-30-2014, 04:26 PM
Heroic plague wing was a lot more difficult than heroic spider wing. Definitely had to make specific decks and even then it took some luck. Maybe I'm just not that good at deck building!

I think it took me about 2 hours to clear it all.

07-30-2014, 10:00 PM
So far the Hunter class challenge has given me the most difficulty for some reason. Finally got it on like the 4th or 5th try after he got a really slow start.

Normals were all 1-shot with my ramp druid. H-Noth was 1-shot with the same weird mostly minionless (just Antonidas, two molten, two argus) freeze mage deck I used throughout the spider wing. H-Heigan took me two tries with the same deck.

H-Loatheb is a punk ass bitch. He's wiping the floor with me so far. Not sure how I'm gonna kill him yet.

07-30-2014, 11:11 PM
Finally got Loatheb after a few tries on a priest deck. Lost about 6 or 8 games with a hunter that I thought would've faired better than it did. Never even got close with it. Unless you get *really* lucky draws with a hunter, I'm not sure how any other class besides priest and maybe warrior or paladin could kill Loatheb.

07-31-2014, 11:07 AM
Finally got Loatheb after a few tries on a priest deck. Lost about 6 or 8 games with a hunter that I thought would've faired better than it did. Never even got close with it. Unless you get *really* lucky draws with a hunter, I'm not sure how any other class besides priest and maybe warrior or paladin could kill Loatheb.

I used warrior!

07-31-2014, 11:29 AM
So apparently there's a trick to Loatheb, just like there was for Maexna. If you have a minion on the board with 1 health, Loatheb will always (at least early on when he has the cards) use his spore spell to kill your 1hp minion and create a spore. I watched someone stream the fight demonstrating the trick and he absolutely ran over Loatheb in 6 or 7 turns.

09-06-2014, 10:43 AM
I started playing hearthstone a while back. Should add me as a friend if anyone remembers me.