View Full Version : The walking dead S5
10-11-2014, 10:39 PM
Go! AMC sunday oct 12 9est
First 4 minutes of S5
"Walking Dead" S5 Mid-Season Date Set
10-12-2014, 07:12 AM
Very interested in this upcoming season. Although, I wish they'd air it on nights without prime time NFL!!
10-13-2014, 08:39 AM
pretty good start. Surprised Terminus fell apart so early in the season.
10-13-2014, 11:03 AM
pretty good start. Surprised Terminus fell apart so early in the season.
I'm surprised that happened so fast also. I thought there would be more to that story since they just got there at the end of last season. Fast paced start to this season. Not dropping any spoilers till after most watch it, except one, Morgan at the end of the episode wtf!
10-13-2014, 11:36 AM
Just watched the first 5 minutes from the link above, but didn't have a clue what you guys were talking about (who is Morgan? Terminus seemed just fine). Then I realized S5 actually started last night. Doh... Wasn't expecting it to start until next year.
lawl asano, fucking rufs spoiler
but now that the cat is out of the bag, I like the fact they are using a lot of "NOW" "THEN" etc at the end it shows why* that mental case took terminus in the first place.
10-13-2014, 04:24 PM
fucking rufs spoiler
but now that the cat is out of the bag...
*plugs ears with fingers* LALALALALALALALALALA
10-13-2014, 11:42 PM
Ok, just finished watching. Good start. Brutal beginning. Usually the gore in the show is with the zombies, so it's almost comedic. But that trough scene was intense.
I too am surprised how fast they did away with Terminus, especially since it was the focal point of so many episodes last season. It was cool seeing some of its history in the end -- how it came to be. Kinda wish they spent more time on telling that story. Seemed like at least another episode of it would've been time well spent.
10-14-2014, 03:18 PM
Dude....It was a walking dead season 5 thread, how could you not expect people to be talking about the episode in it...sorry
10-14-2014, 03:20 PM
So, not sure anyone noticed, but the blonde guy who exchanges looks with rick before his..."shave" the dude from last season with the girlfriend with a broken leg who rick lends his watch to.
Also, I found it a stretch that the audience was supposed to pick up on this on their own, but the crazy dude they let out of the boxcar with the beard is the same guy who is part of the raping and pillaging group that says "it won't get better" or something to that effect.
10-14-2014, 03:40 PM
I wasn't complaining; Fusa and I were just kidding. I fully expect this thread to contain spoilers while the show is on the air.
I didn't pick up on either of those things, but I love when shows put in little references like that from previous seasons. Makes your investment in the show that much more valuable. There used to be (might still be) a show that came on right after Walking Dead called The Talking Dead that usually featured an actress or two from the show and they'd talk about the episode. I always learned about little things that I missed. At some point I really need to go back and rewatch the entire series.
lol, sorry if I came off the wrong way rufus, hard to sarcasm over forums =D also good catch on the blonde guy I didn't notice that.
10-14-2014, 06:54 PM
Good call Mike, I never would've realized that. It took me a few to recognize Morgan. Impressed so far, kinda glad that place went down instantly, back to survival!
10-14-2014, 07:21 PM
What's interesting is that they didn't really aknowledge the guy at all. Was pretty subtle. Also the guy on the table who looked like rick was the guy he held at gun point when he first got there. They shot and killed their own guy.
My wife also completely forgot who Morgan was.
10-14-2014, 07:45 PM
My wife also completely forgot who Morgan was.
Not gonna lie, I did too. I had to google him to find out who you guys were talking about.
Second episode: Wow the black guy got caught.
also I think the rev might have kicked all of his congression out of the church to the zombies? what else could he have done? guy seems like an all around pussy
10-21-2014, 12:32 PM
I'm guessing he just sat there with the doors locked, huddled in a corner while they screamed/cried to be let in. The zombie with the glasses was obviously a good friend who he directly fucked by doing that. Probably even wrote the note.
Bob (the black guy who got caught), just wait, its gonna be cool. Also, I definitely thought that they were gonna make a "dark meat" joke.
I'm curious what is going to happen with this cars with the crosses and kidnapping beth story. It's something that doesn't appear in the comics at all.
10-21-2014, 05:28 PM
Bob (the black guy who got caught), just wait, its gonna be cool. Also, I definitely thought that they were gonna make a "dark meat" joke.
I'm curious what is going to happen with this cars with the crosses and kidnapping beth story. It's something that doesn't appear in the comics at all.
It was a little disturbing when he said you don't taste bad at all.
I was wondering if Beth is dead, it's been a while since she was taken. Don't think car-nappers have anything to do with Gabriel.
10-21-2014, 09:09 PM
It was a little disturbing when he said you don't taste bad at all.
I was wondering if Beth is dead, it's been a while since she was taken. Don't think car-nappers have anything to do with Gabriel.
Oh man, what an awesome ending. I loved that big reveal in the Walking Dead game, and the tv show pulled it off even better. I wish that was how they revealed the group to be cannibals too though, like the game did. Not sure how it went down in the comic. Great ending though. Too bad for Bob.
I had totally forgotten about Beth. I really liked her character last season too. Glad they're bringing her story back.
10-22-2014, 07:03 AM
I haven't played the game, so i don't know what happens there. But there is more to this from the comic, but i don't want to go on, because its too much of a spoiler. This season has been good. It's kept up the social drama stuff, but also been exciting. Hope this season keeps it up.
10-27-2014, 07:26 AM
seasons staying strong
10-27-2014, 11:01 AM
I didn't think the story with the man-eater group was going to end so quickly. It's fine that it did, I thought the plan to ambush them was great.
Wtf is really going on with the Beth stuff.
10-27-2014, 12:03 PM
yeah, they didn't waste any time on that, thats for sure. People pointed out that if this was season 3, the gareth would have been around until the finale, bob would take 10 episodes to die and we wouldn't see darryl until 8 episodes later. This season is definitely moving.
lol rufus it is true though
10-27-2014, 09:20 PM
This season, much moreso than the others, has been downright gruesome. I don't consider all the zombie-related gore all that gruesome because it often comes across as so over-the-top that it's usually comical. And I don't mean that in a bad way. But this season... man, it's been on a whole other level. In E1 when the canibals were killing people at the trough; E2 with the leg eating at the end; and now E3 with the church. All just brutal to watch.
I called a lot of stuff in this last episode though. During E2, you got the feeling that Bob was bit during the food store raid. And it became pretty clear that Rick's group was setting up a trap. Still, great episode.
Can't wait for next episode to see what's going on with Beth. It looks really good from the preview.
10-27-2014, 09:49 PM
The preview made it look like she was in a nut house or a hospital, trapped by zombies. Just looks like something really weird is going on. Now that the main group is splitting I look forward to whats next.
10-27-2014, 11:27 PM
I assume someone put her in that hospital judging from her gown and bandages. Should be interesting.
I don't expect the group to be split for long. Too many major characters between the two groups. I assume it'll be one last adventure to get Carol and/or Beth back and then they'll be catching up with GIJoe and the gang.
10-29-2014, 01:24 PM
My guess is beth had some sort of psychotic break. Darryl said "shes alive, but shes gone". Curious to see what happens as well. I agree asano, this season has been pretty brutal.
11-02-2014, 09:01 PM
Another brutal episode. I feel stupid not realizing the preview from last episode was from last season.
11-09-2014, 10:00 PM
Eugene got hit pretty hard. I wonder if he is dead.
LOL he got knocked the fuck out, I was laughing so hard the mullet dropped like a brick
11-10-2014, 06:56 AM
i don't think so, but he definitely got knocked the fuck out. Overall probably my least favorite episode of the season so far, but still decent. Just like with Terminus, I thought they would draw out Eugene being full of shit for longer. Considering there is still like 10 episodes left in the whole season, I'm pretty curious to see where they end it. Still been the most solid season in a long time.
11-10-2014, 10:01 AM
One thing that I think the show missed out on this episode was explaining abrahams backstory more. Apparently the men he killed were his neighbors, whom he had known for years. When we went out on a run, apparently they raped his wife and daughter. He then went apeshit and killed them. I think it SORT OF implied, but maybe not clear enough for people to 100% get that from the show. Still a good episode, and glad to see those people fleshed out a bit more finally.
11-10-2014, 10:31 AM
Just to be clear.
So the family was scared of him for killing the neighbors? Even tho were raped.
The family skipped out on him when he was sleeping and got killed by walkers? He found them and wasn't long for this world. Before he was about to end himself, Eugene showed up like the big giant pussy that he is.
Cause that is what I got from it. I didn't know they were his neighbors, but they seemed like part of a crew. Also was a little hard to tell they were raped, but figured it had to be bad for him to going nuts on them. They looked scared which helped put it together some.
Don't get that guy pissed. He has a nice temper, berserk mode.
11-10-2014, 10:50 AM
Yeah, apparently they explained all of this on "The Talking Dead". In the comics the only difference is that its his ex-wife, which I guess is still possible. I guess it explains why the wife has black eyes and stuff. I wish they had been a tad bit clearer. I got that he killed some "living" people, but part of me just thought it was over food or something, and his family seeing him willing to do that, flipped out. Would make sense too, gotta remember this would be kind toward the beginning, people wouldn't quite be used to the whole "kill or be killed" thing. But the fact that they were raped makes it a bit odd. Maybe they'll go more into this. This is from the actors mouth, so maybe he knows more about it, future episodes maybe.
11-10-2014, 11:02 AM
Yeah towards the beginning makes it understandable. Killing the living was much less acceptable. You remember in the earlier episodes of people killing people, people were flipping out over it. What they talked about some later in the episode was just about that, I think someone said, people are different now, those that survived are the strong ones that did what they had to. They go on to say stuff like that. Also most of them are more scared of the living now than they are of the dead. But it seems that if they were raped, they were obviously willing to just say screw it, we were raped, you shouldn't of killed them. Cause also early on having five guys on the team to protect them from the walkers had to be a good thing. Till things started going sideways.
11-10-2014, 11:06 AM
yeah, i thought that line about "its been long enough, only ones left are the strong" was a really good one.
11-10-2014, 08:48 PM
Lot of good little moments like that in the last episode. I cracked up when Eugene got caught watching Abraham and GI Jane shackin up. Although I was heartbroken to learn that they were actually an item. She so hot, and he's so... ugh.
It was pretty clear from the start that Eugene was full of shit. I always hated his character. I never liked that whole "gotta get to washington to save the world" storyline, but I think I'll like the ensuing drama now that the jig is up. And I find Eugene more likable now too.
I somewhat found the same thing about Eugene the mullet, I am starting to like his character ( even if he didn't tell his secret to everyone) he was opening up a little bit prior to spilling the beans.
11-11-2014, 06:20 AM
For Yoox:
He told him "I am smarter than you"
he might wake up dumber
11-11-2014, 09:24 AM
you forget, he said "STILL smarter than you"
11-11-2014, 11:08 AM
Yeah I laughed at the image and the smarter than you comments. You could see that outcome after he said i'm not a scientist. Kinda felt bad for Eugene even after the bullshit story. The way him and Abraham met, he needed him to survive, Abraham was pretty much going to kill himself, he had to think of something quick. With how Eugene is he knew that Abraham was probably going to kill him if he told him at any point. Abraham's temper didn't make it easier, Eugene was scared of him. With them getting closer he just knew he had no choice. Look what he got with Glenn on Abraham's back trying to stop him.
So much for that glimmer of hope his bullshit story was giving the group. Rick all happy yay let's go to Washington to save the world. The group all perking up.
11-16-2014, 08:55 PM
Good episode. Glad to see 2 episodes left, thought it was just one.
11-24-2014, 10:58 PM
Such stupidity displayed at the end of that last episode.
11-25-2014, 07:29 PM
Speaking of women, did you see Rosita on Talking Dead afterwards?!?! HOLY MOLY
11-25-2014, 08:34 PM
Speaking of women, did you see Rosita on Talking Dead afterwards?!?! HOLY MOLY
12-01-2014, 11:24 PM
Wow. I guess I should be used to shocking endings by now, but I did not see that coming.
12-02-2014, 07:01 AM
No doubt. The put the whole first half emphasis on those 2 and bam.
12-02-2014, 09:20 AM
Seemed like Beth would be around longer after being reintroduced this season after the kidnapping. With all that was going on in the hospital it seemed less likely. It even seemed like Beth and Dawn would of had an understanding at least, specially after Beth helped Dawn at the elevator. Once Beth took the scissor you knew something was gonna happen and it wasn't gonna be good. Even when Dawn shot her as a defensive reaction, Dawn didn't seem to want to kill her, she liked her and even respected her, at least it seemed so. Dawn knew she was dead as soon as she did. She didn't want to give up her power it seemed, she proved that by killing the cop. I wonder why she went all out to keep Noah, specially when she knew Beth and Noah were close. What Dawn did with Noah, no way Beth would let that go. I wonder why Dawn wanted Noah so bad, besides being her ward, she didn't seem that attached to him. If anything she seemed to be forming a bond on some level with Beth.
12-02-2014, 09:52 AM
What i'm wondering about is Morgan and his motives. His eyes lit up when he saw Rick's name on the map to Washington. Will the change of plans with Eugene and what happened at the hospital throw the scent off of Morgan tracking Rick. Will Morgan head to Washington now, while the group heads somewhere else cause they are obviously not going to Washington now. The way Morgan's eye lit up when he saw Rick's name made me wonder if he was even tracking Rick at all. Little to go on since they show him for 30 seconds in the start of the season then 30 seconds at the middle. He seemed to be trying to find Rick cause Morgan went to all the places Rick was, who knows. Really seemed like Morgan's story was done cause he wasn't gonna be the same after his son died. What made him change.
12-02-2014, 12:14 PM
I'm guessing Dawn insisted on getting Noah back simply as a show of dominance. Like the other cops said about her, she needs to maintain the appearance that she's in control. Anything less would be seen as weakness and undermine her authority. It's bullshit of course, but that's how she thinks/operates. She was probably also bitter about losing Beth, whom she had grown close to, and kind of lashed out at her by taking the one thing she knew Beth cared about.
As for Morgan, I assumed he was tracking Rick all this time. The fact that he seemed surprised when he saw Rick's name on the map goes against that thinking though. I have no idea what he's up to now.
Anyone else watch Talking Dead afterwards? They had the actress that plays Beth on, and she broke down several times throughout the show. She seemed really sad that she wouldn't get to be with all her friends from the show anymore. Gotta be rough to get killed off and be told "you can't play with us anymore." Was also shocking to hear the actress who plays Maggie talk -- she has an English accent! For a Brit, she sure does a good southern accent on the show.
12-02-2014, 02:26 PM
I'm guessing Dawn insisted on getting Noah back simply as a show of dominance. Like the other cops said about her, she needs to maintain the appearance that she's in control. Anything less would be seen as weakness and undermine her authority. It's bullshit of course, but that's how she thinks/operates. She was probably also bitter about losing Beth, whom she had grown close to, and kind of lashed out at her by taking the one thing she knew Beth cared about.
Well said. I agree with all of it.
As for Morgan, I assumed he was tracking Rick all this time. The fact that he seemed surprised when he saw Rick's name on the map goes against that thinking though. I have no idea what he's up to now.
Same boat.
Anyone else watch Talking Dead afterwards? They had the actress that plays Beth on, and she broke down several times throughout the show. She seemed really sad that she wouldn't get to be with all her friends from the show anymore. Gotta be rough to get killed off and be told "you can't play with us anymore." Was also shocking to hear the actress who plays Maggie talk -- she has an English accent! For a Brit, she sure does a good southern accent on the show.
I usually don't watch it. Maybe I should, the actors talk about the characters they play and what they think about what's going on. Does give you little more closure. Sad about Beth breaking down on the show. I wanted to see her character progress some more. She really seemed liked the character would turn into a not taking no crap from anyone with evil intentions type. Thinking about it really seems like the group is sort of a righteous crusade. I mean I wouldn't go that far, but they are doing some extra cleaning up since the Governor.
I think it makes them stronger as a group. Might also make them weaker if they try to do to much. Beth is a good example of knowing when to fold.
Enjoying this season, look forward to next years return.
12-02-2014, 02:42 PM
I'm guessing Dawn insisted on getting Noah back simply as a show of dominance. Like the other cops said about her, she needs to maintain the appearance that she's in control. Anything less would be seen as weakness and undermine her authority. It's bullshit of course, but that's how she thinks/operates. She was probably also bitter about losing Beth, whom she had grown close to, and kind of lashed out at her by taking the one thing she knew Beth cared about.
As for Morgan, I assumed he was tracking Rick all this time. The fact that he seemed surprised when he saw Rick's name on the map goes against that thinking though. I have no idea what he's up to now.
Anyone else watch Talking Dead afterwards? They had the actress that plays Beth on, and she broke down several times throughout the show. She seemed really sad that she wouldn't get to be with all her friends from the show anymore. Gotta be rough to get killed off and be told "you can't play with us anymore." Was also shocking to hear the actress who plays Maggie talk -- she has an English accent! For a Brit, she sure does a good southern accent on the show.
Actually most Brits can typically do a good southern accent. Incidentally the southern draw we know of today came from British Royalty. I saw a show about that a while back of how the southern accent came to be, and it was the British influence, especially upper class.
12-02-2014, 02:48 PM
Interesting. And ironic.
British Royalty also influenced nakedness in the south
the super rich ones**
12-02-2014, 06:21 PM
Thanks for verifying what I knew all along Gron!
12-02-2014, 09:23 PM
British Royalty also influenced nakedness in the south
the super rich ones**
Some high class ass right there.
02-25-2015, 10:37 PM
90 minute season finale on March 29. Really enjoying this season so far.
03-17-2015, 12:17 AM
Brutal episode last night. And another one unexpectedly bites the dust.
I wonder if this new mayor's plan isn't to basically get rid of her own weak people and have Rick's group effectively take over. Basically her own method of self-preservation. I guess she'd have to prove herself useful Rick's group somehow. She seems smart and cunning though, so she has to have an end-game in mind.
Wonder how she'll react next episode when she finds out what happened during Glenn's supply run.
03-17-2015, 11:57 AM
I think she is worried that seeing how strong Ricks group is/was since arriving that she is now losing her power. The construction leader saying how Abraham is a great leader and should be in charge of that operation. Maggie vouching.
I think Rick is going to not allow his group members to die off cause of the weak group not meshing well with his, getting his people killed. It's gonna come head to head. I think Rick is going to confront that girl he likes husband and it's gonna get ugly and that will probably make the groups go at each other.
Wonder how she'll react next episode when she finds out what happened during Glenn's supply run.
That was her son and all right?
I like how they showed off the cowards of the show. Eugene stepping up and protecting his friend and helping the group out instead of running. You know he thought about running. Then we have the priest. Oh boy, this guy has some nerve judging the group after what he did to his flock. Then telling her about the bad things that the group did to survive.
Looking forward to this.
TBH I thought that was two unexpected deaths sure 100% Noah but it should not have been her son to die should have been the other random( then her son would have been the cause of noahs death and even more a rift between the two).
I like that Eugine is growing a pair over the episodes, I thought he would have died long ago ( some time around terminus)
that Priest's speech to that woman was very self-reflective about "satan disguises himself as a servant of light, false apostles of righteousness, undeserving" etc etc "tearing apart everything they have built" . Not to mention he seen a gift from Rosemary and tore the shit out of that bible. RIP bible
Abraham goes haxsawjimdougan (motherdick) on the pack of zombies probably the best we have seen of him ( HE IS BACK READY TO F A's)
03-23-2015, 11:41 AM
Lots of drama this week! I was left under the assumption that the show WON'T be following the comics on how Alexandria's arc progresses. Guess we'll see in the finale, can't wait!
LLLLLLALWWWLLLLLLLL did you see that ending WOW that was a good one.
03-29-2015, 09:36 PM
Wow. This was a good season.
03-30-2015, 11:16 PM
Good last episode. I knew Rick was going to kill that guy sooner or later, just sux she had to lose her husband to convince her Rick was right.
Morgan scenes always leave me pondering. Morgan said all life was precious. When he let the two guys live that tried to kill him in the back seat I was wondering why he honked the horn? Also when Morgan arrived just in time to see Rick kill that guy, I was wondering what Morgan thought about that, if he does believe all life is precious now.
The wolves saw the pictures of the town that Daryl and Aaron left behind getting out of there in a hurry. The ones they use to recruit people. So S6 is wolves.
Enjoyed the season.
Fear the walking dead ( this summer. Starts off around the sametime the first season of The walking dead started I assume. In a different area with different cast. Signed up for two seasons. Six episodes for season one.
03-31-2015, 06:10 AM
They had Morgan on Talking Dead afterwards and someone specifically asked about why he honked the horn (I presumed to it was to attract walkers). He explained that his intentions were good, that he wanted to see if any one/thing was around before he set back off in search of Rick.
They never elaborated on how Morgan is going to perceive what he just saw upon entering the walls. I'm assuming he'll at least give Rick a chance to explain himself..
All in all it was a great season. Some people/media outlets out there are complaining about the finale being lackluster, but when you wrap the season up as whole, it was pretty wicked.
03-31-2015, 01:34 PM
I think it could of been a 2 hour episode. When I was watching the final 10 minutes I was thinking to myself a lot of stuff is still going on to finish in only 10 minutes left.
03-31-2015, 02:08 PM
Yeah grupp. I read that he said he was "making sure the coast was clear". I do think they didn't do a great job of conveying that. I kind of have a feeling we are going to find out the wolves are the 3 people that Alexandria kicked out a long time ago. I think this season was great overall. I don't think the show has to be non-stop action to be good, and I think this season had a good mix of drama, suspense and action. Also, Abraham.
03-31-2015, 02:09 PM
Yoox, apparently the new show is going to be about the time period when rick was in a coma.
03-31-2015, 10:49 PM
Just watched the finale tonight. Great ending to a fantastic season -- easily one of the best in the series, imho. I'm kinda glad they didn't end it with some dramatic cliffhanger or a shocking new death (although I was seriously worried about Glen there for a while). Like you said Rufus, they don't need to do that every episode or every finale. Well, I guess they did kill off the old nice guy and that was shocking, but he wasn't exactly a core character. I looooved the wife's reaction ("Rick... do it") and Rick not even hesitating. So much win.
The wolves being the 3 castoffs from Alexandria is a good prediction -- I didn't even think about that. It'll be interesting to see what they can do with that band to make them worthy adversaries for Alexandria.
04-01-2015, 12:38 PM
He was nice but he was the city's engineer. Now they are down a surgeon and the designer of the defense/power. Quite a loss to the community. Next season will probably be pretty rough on the town.
04-01-2015, 07:09 PM
Yeah gronthor, I agree. Those are two highly specialized, invaluable skills that i think rick kind of considers "dead" but, really, you need that shit. We'll see. I agree Asano, all I kept thinking with glenn "they didn't show his body" but the episode kept getting closer and closer to ending and I was like "oh shit, they did it". Unfortunately for Gabriel, Morgan showing up re-begins Walking Dead's "Black Highlander" problem.
04-01-2015, 08:30 PM
unfortunately for gabriel, morgan showing up re-begins walking dead's "black highlander" problem.
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