07-06-2015, 09:10 PM
Has anybody played this yet? Burned through it this weekend myself, absolutely incredible from start to finish.
For anyone not in the know, it's a platformer in the same vein as the Metroid games with a Zelda feel to the storytelling (...and obnoxious voice soundeffects). The wheel isn't reinvented by any means, there won't be many surprises with the puzzles and mechanics if you're even a little bit familiar with the platform world. Ori just borrows heavily and executes perfectly. Puzzles can be a little bit challenging from time to time but never quite venture into sadistic territory; really great balance in my opinion. The controls on the Xbone are smooth as butter. It's the visuals and music are what put it over the top though. One of the most visually appealing games I've ever played. If you get a chance, go for it! If you've already tried what did you fellas (and lady fellas) think? Solidly in my top 5 ever.
For anyone not in the know, it's a platformer in the same vein as the Metroid games with a Zelda feel to the storytelling (...and obnoxious voice soundeffects). The wheel isn't reinvented by any means, there won't be many surprises with the puzzles and mechanics if you're even a little bit familiar with the platform world. Ori just borrows heavily and executes perfectly. Puzzles can be a little bit challenging from time to time but never quite venture into sadistic territory; really great balance in my opinion. The controls on the Xbone are smooth as butter. It's the visuals and music are what put it over the top though. One of the most visually appealing games I've ever played. If you get a chance, go for it! If you've already tried what did you fellas (and lady fellas) think? Solidly in my top 5 ever.