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Yooxra 06-10-2013 05:48 PM

I like how Tywin said something like "just cause he's king doesn't mean he has power" then says something like "someone with an army has power". Btw he has win in his name so he owns that little shit king.

I enjoyed the season and with how big of an episode 9 was I didn't really need some huge conclusion for the finale. They left it off with the whitewalkers on the way to crush all was good enough for me. They tied up most things nicely for S3 for me. I haven't read any of the books so it's easy for me. Looking forward to Storm of swords it is? Feast of crows? Dance with dragons? I believe the next few seasons are called.

Also did you read the article on the game of thrones series possibly shaky future?

Gogan 06-10-2013 06:05 PM


The other issue here is Martin's books. If a new one isn't done in the next, say, three years the show will have run out of material to adapt. And while it's probably a good bet that Martin will get the next novel, Winds of Winter, out by then, he still has the final book to work on afterward. As a failsafe, Martin did tell Weiss and Benioff his overall plan for the story, but has also expressed that he'd be displeased if the show went on ahead of the books. "I don't think I'd be happy with that," Martin told EW.
What an ass. WTF does he expect the producers to do? They can't just sit on a TV series for a few years while his old ass tinkers with the books. Sadly, I can't fathom he finishes the 7th book before the TV show catches up to him given his current rate of book releases. Martin is delusional if he thinks tiding us over with prequels and this "Hedge Knight" story is going to fly -- especially if it results in losing some of the current GoT actors.

rursusferre 06-10-2013 07:49 PM

The episode it's self was of the same quality th show has always been. It's just they could have ended in a way that really would have made you say WHAT THE FUCK, asano. The problem with that ending is I didn't feel it will leave the audience with much to aganoize over in anticipation of the next season. For me the season finale is all about making you crazy for the best season. I thought ending it with daenerys didn't do that.

Yooxra 06-10-2013 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by rursusferre (Post 84166)
The episode it's self was of the same quality th show has always been. It's just they could have ended in a way that really would have made you say WHAT THE FUCK, asano. The problem with that ending is I didn't feel it will leave the audience with much to aganoize over in anticipation of the next season. For me the season finale is all about making you crazy for the best season. I thought ending it with daenerys didn't do that.

I think the red wedding did it for me for S3 & S4 finale. That was insane. They closed up some of the story well and left it prepped for the next season I think.

I think that Rursus is just jealous that the dragon lady got called mommy way more times than he had been called daddy by a female.

rursusferre 06-10-2013 08:40 PM

A dead woman can't call me anything.

McGrupp 06-10-2013 09:50 PM


Rhun 06-10-2013 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Gogan (Post 84164)
What an ass. WTF does he expect the producers to do? They can't just sit on a TV series for a few years while his old ass tinkers with the books. Sadly, I can't fathom he finishes the 7th book before the TV show catches up to him given his current rate of book releases. Martin is delusional if he thinks tiding us over with prequels and this "Hedge Knight" story is going to fly -- especially if it results in losing some of the current GoT actors.

ask anyone who read the series as it came out, this won't be a surprise to any of them, rotten/ghoul and a dude i work with read these books as they were released...

dude is either going to die, or yeah what you said, they are going to run out of material, what happens next will be comical

Rhun 06-10-2013 11:09 PM

also for the record they decided to go with an interesting timeline, they cut out a lot that was in the third book, i'm sure they will make up for it in the 4th season....weird thing is they blew their load... there's a few pretty major things that happened in the third book that they did not show yet, but once they do....there is a ton of boring stuff they haven't delved into at all in the show, so i guess if they really need to that can draw out season 4 with a ton of shit.....

they really sped through some of the storyline in season 3

ok well i'm a bit drunk and i keep going from point to point and probably not making much sense, but i guess...they still have a bunch of material so i guess they can drag it out if they want to, but it's going to get boring, dani sits on her ass a lot, arya does a ton of shit...bran does too and they didn't show coldhands yet...sansa's storyline gets kinda crazy...the iron islands stuff happened a little differently, i'm sure they will focus on that in the 4th season as well yeah sorry for the rambling...just interesting how they are doing this, they really expedited some of the stories, dunno how they can really show much for people like dani for the next season

ok one last thing, every scene with ramsay cracks me the fuck up, they are doing the best possible job with that character

Rhun 06-10-2013 11:15 PM

oh and asano...pretty sure jon only takes one arrow in the book, and if i remember correctly he's not 100% sure it was from ygritte, he was trying to gtfo asap, he ends up getting shot once in the leg or arm or something, it's been a while so i could be wrong

Yooxra 06-11-2013 08:16 AM

I actually get nervous reading this thread due to not reading the books.

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