Gentlemen of Leisure

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rogort 08-20-2008 05:35 AM

Odd, all of them are planning on going back to WoW?

I really dont have any interest in WoW anymore, and doubt i'd spend money to move my rogue and not play it.

Keep me informed i guess.

rogort 08-20-2008 05:36 AM

Tell them all i said hi btw.

Quintilian 08-20-2008 08:52 AM

Yea, some of em are. I pointed this thread out in Kali (Well, we use a program called Mara now that Darineth wrote). I will though, since I think at least a few people are planning on playing at Wrath. Company would be good, I'd love to have you and Zor around!

Veloz 08-20-2008 09:07 AM

I have been playing a bit of Warhammer beta on my friends account, I'm definitley going to pick it up.

rogort 08-20-2008 10:08 AM

Neat, you should roll on the same server as me Veloz. Im gonna be a DE sorcerer. If you chose the opposite faction, ill have you kill you. :(

Veloz 08-20-2008 12:13 PM

Gladiator Veloz Fears No Sorcerer

rogort 08-20-2008 01:58 PM

You better hope i dont find you before level 15! or ill 1-2 shot you sir! :D

medeia 08-20-2008 02:27 PM

Ima pickup WAR also, the pvp in the game looks jesus.

rogort 08-20-2008 03:21 PM

Do i know who medeia is?

Veloz 08-20-2008 05:35 PM

jedeia was his name i think, so yes.

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