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Gogan 05-16-2016 06:01 PM

Holy shit, the latest Overwatch short is so good. Covers Gengi and Hanzo:

It's almost a shame they're developing this world and these characters as an FPS, where there's no room for storytelling inside the game. This is probably my favorite IP Blizzard has created. I hope to god they're already in the process of creating a movie or anime series for it.

In case you missed the other shorts, which were equally great:

Widowmaker -
Winston -

Xenosis 05-24-2016 01:48 PM

Well...that was a hell of a launch. Can't remember the last time I enjoyed a basic FPS this much. Plus is Kapalan and alot of the original WoW dev team that made it.

Cruci 05-25-2016 12:31 PM

Aside from the 18 minute delay and party functions not working the first night, the launch was flawless! No server issues at all, never played a class game that was so well balanced from the get go (allbeit a couple years of beta had more to do with that).

Which platform are you on? I'm on Xbox with a consistent group of 5-6.

Kz 05-25-2016 01:48 PM

i play PC and some classes need a little help but overall fairly balanced. Lucio my fav and reaper if im offensive

Gogan 05-25-2016 02:27 PM

Which classes do you think need help? I've seen almost all of them played surprisingly effectively.

My favs are:

Offense: Soldier 76 and Pharah. I love Genji and Tracer too, but I'm just not very good with them.
Defense: Bastion. Torbjorn second. I really like Widow and Hanzo too, but I'm just so bad with them.
Tank: D.Va all the way.
Support: I enjoy playing all of them except Mercy. She's just not my jam. Zenyatta probably my favorite. Symmetra is all about knowing good locations for turrets and teleporter.

Xenosis 05-26-2016 01:26 PM

PC here since I still can't stand the quickplay/PuG players on consoles and hate using a controller for an FPS

Probably the highest praise I can give right now is that I've been playing Zen and Mercy nonstop since launch. I've NEVER played a healer in any co-op game. Ever. I've always done straight up dps and some support classes, but it's just so much damn fun playing with the level layouts to effectively hide while healing/boosting.

Honestly though, it just feels like a game made by people that really do know what their doing. People that have have spent most of their lives processing feedback from the community (hense them actually making good use of the length of the beta) and have a solid understand of what does and does not work in an arena gaming environment.

Gogan 05-26-2016 01:47 PM

Yeah, I've heard a lot of people say that about the support classes. They did a really good job of making those heroes fun to play.

There was a great 3-part video series (~60 mins in total) just last month with Blizzard (lots of Kaplan and Metzen) talking about Titan and how Overwatch grew out of it. Their roots were in FPS shooters back in the day and you really get the sense that these guys know and love the FPS genre.

Xenosis 05-26-2016 02:05 PM

That's actually what got me interested in the game for launch. I'd played like 30 minutes of the beta as Bastion and felt like if I didn't get into Team Fortress (which I didn't) that I wouldn't like it. I watched all those gamespot vids and then gave a shot to Mercy, Mei(Fuck yeah fps frost mage), and Zen. I had way more fun than I thought with just a bunch of randos in a quickplay and realized how solid a game it's gonna be 6mo to a year after launch once activision really starts pouring money into it.

Kz 05-27-2016 07:54 AM

i dont think soldier 76 and widowmaker are very good cuz of the lack of mobility. even though i like widows kit i just think she has no way of escaping if someone is on here.

Gronthor 05-27-2016 07:57 AM

I just bought it and am going to check it out. I haven't played FPS in years so it will take time for me to get back in the saddle. It looks great though.

How are the tanks in the game, i want to try the guy with the giant mace and shield?

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