Gentlemen of Leisure

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Cruci 08-27-2019 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Yooxra (Post 91171)
Quest turn in lines

hah. People forming lines for quests. I would so skip that entire line and start a forum war so fast.

Hahaha, that's better than what I saw. We ran into queues of 10-12 people for named mobs though...and proceeded to go straight to the spawn point and spam. Complete savages but hey, we tagged them one the first or second go each time!

Yooxra 08-27-2019 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cruci (Post 91172)
Hahaha, that's better than what I saw. We ran into queues of 10-12 people for named mobs though...and proceeded to go straight to the spawn point and spam. Complete savages but hey, we tagged them one the first or second go each time!

Making me proud.

McGrupp 09-02-2019 08:56 AM

I saw some streams and a holy paladin rolling on dungeon made me think of Nuch in his turqoise dress when you guys xfer'd over. Ha. I was tempted for a moment, but as with Yoox, I simply can't justify paying monthly. Hope you chums are well

Kz 09-03-2019 08:09 AM

i just cant do it. you guys ready for TBC next year lol. let the cycle begin again right.

Blake 09-04-2019 06:45 AM

Im actually having a lot of fun with it. Everything is really easy but the sense of community is really fun. How big the world is again without flying is pretty crazy. You really have to commit to where you're going and plan it out.

Lynched 09-07-2019 09:06 PM

Currently on herod. but I have baby boy #2 inbound any day now, so idk how serious I'll be at first.

I'm interested to see how things play out years later. Raid comps will be fun

Stag 09-09-2019 08:16 AM

Stag is back!

Yooxra 09-09-2019 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Stag (Post 91217)
Stag is back!

Always the best news when Stag returns.

McGrupp 09-10-2019 09:18 AM

Stag, I was wondering when you'd grace us with your presence, sir.

Blake, what server are you on?

Blake 09-11-2019 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by McGrupp (Post 91219)

Blake, what server are you on?

Skeram, Horde. Currently level 47

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