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Yooxra 04-28-2014 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by McGrupp (Post 86375)
Lord Baelish + Olenna! You'll see why she (Tyrells) and Baelish had the MOST to gain

Baelish wanted Sansa since the first time he saw her. Couldn't have the mom, so the next best lookalike. Even tho he claims he is marring an aunt. I still think he is lying to her and secretly wants her.

Yooxra 04-28-2014 11:49 AM

Possible spoiler.

So the night king might be a Stark huh. Coolness.

rursusferre 04-28-2014 02:57 PM

Yoox, that end of the episode really answered so much more than anything even in the books.

This thread has some potential spoilers in it, but it does an amazing job piecing together what we do know about the White Walkers and forming a very good picture of who/what/why they are. Usually this kind of stuff is pretty stupid and easy to ignore, but this guy builds a pretty awesome case that makes a ton of sense in the GoT world. It leaves a lot unanswered but it does paint a pretty interesting picture of the White Walkers specifically.

Rhun 04-28-2014 04:48 PM

Yeah that was a crazy episode. Most of it never happened in the books.

Fusa 04-28-2014 05:43 PM

I wish I never read it.

kinda makes sense and sorta ruins my favorite story line ( spoiler wise)

and this is my guess as to what Ned's sister made him promise before her death.

Rhun 04-28-2014 06:19 PM

Pretty cool theory, I already knew and believe one part of it, though I do not think the rest of that theory is true (wouldn't mind if it was though i guess).

edit - if you don't wish to be spoiled, don't visit either of the link fusa posted

Gogan 04-28-2014 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Rhun (Post 86384)
edit - if you don't wish to be spoiled, don't visit either of the link fusa posted

So... tempting... must... resist...

Yooxra 04-28-2014 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Gogan (Post 86385)
So... tempting... must... resist...

Oh I resisted, twice now. Not gonna do it.

McGrupp 04-28-2014 07:30 PM

Definitely been piecing the puzzle together since none of that white walker scene is in the books. My thought is all the Whitewalker elites are Castor's sons?!

rursusferre 04-28-2014 07:54 PM

The thing is, with that link, it all makes sense, but it in NO WAY for sure. Martin is just too hard to predict. It could be 100% spot on or it could be total garbage.

rursusferre 04-28-2014 07:54 PM

Its more complicated than that grupp, but to some degree thats true.

rursusferre 04-28-2014 07:59 PM

The thing is, we have sort of been told that Castors sons are turned into white walkers before, its just never been confirmed. Castors wives made the comment akin to "His brothers are coming to take him" or something, implying this to be the case, but like with most things, we don't know if its just bullshit or not. The episode confirms this to be true, which is a big deal. The BIGGER deal is that apparently HBO accidentally released a huge spoiler in the episode description saying that we meet the Night King. In the books, he is just one of the million stories we are told about. Some people refer to him as a story, others as a prophecy for the future. This episode definitely (apparently) shows/states who/what he is. It was the first time something happened on the show that is potentially in the future books, kind of a reverse direction spoiler. In the end it doesn't really ruin anything, it just really helps flesh out a part of the story (The white walkers) that has literally had ZERO information through all five books. Thats why the internet is so a buzz. We have never had The Land That Is Always Winter even described before and then BOOM, not only do we go there, but we see that they are apparently organized into a real society.

Fusa 04-29-2014 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by rursusferre (Post 86392)
The thing is, we have sort of been told that Castors sons are turned into white walkers before, its just never been confirmed. Castors wives made the comment akin to "His brothers are coming to take him" or something, implying this to be the case, but like with most things, we don't know if its just bullshit or not. The episode confirms this to be true, which is a big deal. The BIGGER deal is that apparently HBO accidentally released a huge spoiler in the episode description saying that we meet the Night King. In the books, he is just one of the million stories we are told about. Some people refer to him as a story, others as a prophecy for the future. This episode definitely (apparently) shows/states who/what he is. It was the first time something happened on the show that is potentially in the future books, kind of a reverse direction spoiler. In the end it doesn't really ruin anything, it just really helps flesh out a part of the story (The white walkers) that has literally had ZERO information through all five books. Thats why the internet is so a buzz. We have never had The Land That Is Always Winter even described before and then BOOM, not only do we go there, but we see that they are apparently organized into a real society.

This is not a spoiler, it is just a very funny reaction compilation as to what is going on in the tv series.

I have never read the books nor will I, but this is exactly how all of you book readers felt as you watched the show.

Also on my own theory about the white walkers are sorta like Grupps, Castor wasn't afraid to be out there, he was either (forced to do this) or ( agreed to do this).

I forget the episode but one Woodward Tree as Sam and the woman pass by with the baby ( yells/calls for a whitewalker to get the baby//also if I am wrong I thought it reacted to the death of one of the white walkers), so the (greenseer/raven) knows about these babies/whitewalkers as-well.

Which makes me think that some how all of these things are intertwined, maybe Bran is going to see the Raven who is in a sorta truce/working with the white walkers who is in turn somehow related (maybe by blood) with Castor but overall I think everyone including the whitewalkers are working for and somehow have the same ambition as the Raven beyond the wall. ( There has to be a reason why he went beyond the wall and stayed there )

What I don't understand is the relationship between the two, like why would the trees warn about a baby leaving and why haven't the white walkers killed/fucked with the children of the forest.

Rhun 04-29-2014 10:00 AM

well since rufus already said that that dude was the nights king, here is another thing...

notice how many there are in this picture? the night's king was the 13th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

rursusferre 04-29-2014 01:01 PM

Yeah, I am not sure it is a spoiler or not. It's just a fleshing out of back story we have never heard.

Gogan 04-29-2014 01:16 PM

I get the feeling that this story about the others/white walkers/whatever is completely lost on the tv-only audience. Seems like there's tons of backstory that is pretty critical (and interesting) to appreciate what we're seeing. Hope they can fill us in and do it justice to it later on.

Wonder whether it's just going to consist of these thin threads of a story revealed in little bits throughout the seasons until it becomes the main story at the end -- requiring us to rewatch the whole series to pick up on everything.

Fusa 04-29-2014 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Gogan (Post 86396)
I get the feeling that this story about the others/white walkers/whatever is completely lost on the tv-only audience. Seems like there's tons of backstory that is pretty critical (and interesting) to appreciate what we're seeing. Hope they can fill us in and do it justice to it later on.

Wonder whether it's just going to consist of these thin threads of a story revealed in little bits throughout the seasons until it becomes the main story at the end -- requiring us to rewatch the whole series to pick up on everything.

I think it is more of the fact, the books are very detailing (in general) and when it come to the white walkers (everything is vague) so pretty much book readers have been waiting for a new book forever but they infact just got new information from the tv show ( and I think the tv and the books are going to go two different directions)

they would have to the show is progressing faster then books are being produced (2 more seasons just got signed and the last show of this season is named (The Children) assuming bran gets to the cave ( that is where the books end))

rursusferre 04-29-2014 02:49 PM

Honestly Asano, not really. There is literally NOTHING about the White Walkers over 5 books. My wife is constantly asking me things about them and I just have to say "I have no fucking idea". You know (as a show watcher) really everything the people who have read the books do. Thats always kind of puzzled me about the books. There are 2 books left to tie up not only all of the stuff involving the politics of the show, but really, if we are to believe the way the story is hinting at it, a war between humans and ice walkers. The problem is this war hasn't even really started yet, let alone knowing WHY there is a war.

Rhun 04-29-2014 07:10 PM

Yeah there are bits and pieces throughout the current 5 books about the wights. But for the most part there isn't much. One of the stupid things about the whole story. It starts with how a wight kills a night's watch guy, and after 5 books, not much at all has happened with them.

It's nice the makers of the show are getting ahead of the books, they at least see that it's pretty dumb to have an audience wait that long to get to the real story (even if it's only a tease, it's still fun to see new stuff).

Also none of stuff about Jon and the night's watch guys going to attack the mutineers ever happened in the books. Which is another thing that's cool to see as a book reader, not know what they're throw at you makes a better experience.

Kz 04-29-2014 07:32 PM

i want bran to worg him some dragons!

McGrupp 04-30-2014 10:19 AM

Yea, I'm interested to see if Jon and Bran's paths will cross in the show...

rursusferre 05-05-2014 07:38 AM


Yooxra 05-05-2014 08:29 AM

Lady of the vale it is? That bitch is nuts. Is she slow or something? Cause she just seems bonkers.

Blake 05-05-2014 09:05 AM

i feel even sadder for sansa now than i did before. the vale people are fuckin crazy. she has to marry a little retarded kid whose still suckin on his moms tit. out of all the people in the show i think that she has it the worst. her life has really sucked since going to the capital.

Fusa 05-05-2014 10:08 AM

I think Hodor has it the worst, poor guy doesn't even remember fucking people up.

aside from jokes you bring up a valid point blake, it would suck to be in little fingers grasp, he seems to know what he is doing, including fucking the shit out of that crazy bitch (in the dark)

Kz 05-05-2014 10:49 AM

yea that bitch is fucking crazy as fuck for sure and so is the kid. sansa probably would have had an ok thing with tyrion b/c he's not a complete dick like every other guy seems to be. but naturally if she was still in the capital her life would have been hell.

Yooxra 05-11-2014 09:29 PM

Holy fuck Trial by combat. Wtf

Blake 05-12-2014 01:04 AM

top post on reddit after the episode

Fusa 05-12-2014 08:16 AM

Obreyn : So did you?
Shea: Did I what?
Obreyn : Fuck him like it was his last night in this world?

rursusferre 05-12-2014 10:48 AM

Yoox. Prepare your anus.

Gogan 05-12-2014 10:49 AM

Great ending. I assume he'll name Jamie to fight for him. Wonder who he'll have to fight.

Fusa 05-12-2014 01:57 PM

I find it funny because Tywin wanted so badly for his "name" to carry on, with Tyrion doing what he did means Jamie is still in the kingsgaurd and Tyrion is pretty much "dead" to the family.

That little meeting with Jamie and his father was pretty much fucked.

Yooxra 05-12-2014 02:08 PM

Tywin thought he had it all planned out. To force Jamie into the position to go carry on the name. Tyrion could carry on the name if they would just let him. The father and the sister just hate him to much to allow it. Can't wait for next week. The whole trial was amazing. This season is so good.

Yooxra 05-12-2014 02:23 PM

I might be over thinking it but I think the prince is going to take a liking to Tyrion after how the trial went and champion him. It's gonna be vs the mountain cause he needs to have revenge at the same time. Cause Jamie or Bronn is to obvious as his choices.

rursusferre 05-13-2014 05:55 AM

Notice how Tywin said "you'll father children named Lannister". He knows the rumors are true.

Rhun 05-13-2014 11:32 AM

Well also because even if the realm doesn't know the truth about the incest, Tommen and Myrcella still have the surname Baratheon, which doesn't help pass down the family name.

Yooxra 05-13-2014 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by rursusferre (Post 86430)
Notice how Tywin said "you'll father children named Lannister". He knows the rumors are true.

He knows everything that matters pretty much when it comes to his family. Is why he planned to use the trial to force Jamie into having kids that will allow the name to go on, knowing well that Jamie would protect Tyrion. He doesn't care about the hardships that he will be putting Tyrion into. He has been doing it to him all his life. The problem is that Tyrion is to smart for one and he is no coward.

I don't know if Tyrion would ask Jamie to fight for him like he would of before cause of the one hand and all. Bronn wouldn't do it either cause even tho they are pals the risk might be to high for any reward. Since the prince is a judge and the trial's champion will most likely be the mountain. This is where I think the prince will step in to champion Tyrion just to get his revenge on the mountain. Not really cause of Tyrion.

Gogan 05-13-2014 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Yooxra (Post 86432)
I don't know if Tyrion would ask Jamie to fight for him like he would of before cause of the one hand and all. Bronn wouldn't do it either cause even tho they are pals the risk might be to high for any reward. Since the prince is a judge and the trial's champion will most likely be the mountain. This is where I think the prince will step in to champion Tyrion just to get his revenge on the mountain. Not really cause of Tyrion.

That makes sense.

Blake 05-13-2014 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Yooxra (Post 86432)
Since the prince is a judge and the trial's champion will most likely be the mountain. This is where I think the prince will step in to champion Tyrion just to get his revenge on the mountain. Not really cause of Tyrion.

good call yooxie

rursusferre 05-13-2014 04:50 PM

This season still had a lot to give. You guys are gonna love it.

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