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At first I thought that was serious and thought "wtf, this hans zimmer music doesn't work at all." Then I kept watching and LOL'd.
I laughed at that yoox. Another thing i feel a bunch of people missed is when they were talking about the beetles, and tyrion was naming all the types of murder, Jamie looked down, raised an eyebrow and said "cousins". People seem to forget he killed his cousin while held captive by Robb Stark's army in order to escape. Just a nice little layer to an already awesome scene.
Speaking of that scene, it does not occur in the books. A lot of people have been talking about all the different meanings of the scene. Obviously there are a lot of things that can be read into the discussion Jamie and Tyrion have, but apparently, its a jab at Orson Scott Card, of Enders Game. Apparently he feels the show is terrible, with a terrible script and that it relies on pornography to cover up its terrible writing. As a big fuck you to Card, they wrote this scene to apparently show off they can write a descent scene not in the books. Pretty funny when you go back and watch it and realize the retarded cousin is named Orson. My wife didn't appreciate the reference because she has never read Ender's Game. |
Agreed. Pretty boring book hinging on one little twist.
i feel like ive missed so much, I haven't watched any since the episode right before the wedding, so I have no clue about any of this! or some of the characters you are all mentioning
You should stop reading this thread and watch all of your missed episodes immediately.
oh hai stag
Did you guys read this
http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/06/...es-books?watch Might be 8 books instead of what they had planned. |
No surprise, my guess his he'll finish the 6th book in a year or two, whether he lives or cares to finish the series is anyone's best guess. The show is quickly catching up, as far as I can recall Sansas story is completely caught up. Other characters stories are pretty far behind though, like Arya. But they are going to finish the show in 7 seasons regardless of what he does. I'm guessing they know what he has in mind to conclude the series, and they're going to do what they want so the ending is going to end up differently.
At this point I wonder if they'll get to the shit going on in Dorne and the Iron islands or just skip it altogether. (Not complaining about the way the tv show creators are going about it, i think they've made pretty good decisions on everything, though at the same time it kinda sucks to not see certain characters.) |
I read somewhere that he's writing 6 and 7 as parallel entities, so half of each is complete. Main hiccup seems to be what direction to take Dany
I'll look for the story (It may be dated) and edit with a link when I find it
edit: Couldn't find the link, but now that I've slept, I remember more clearly that as he has been writing Book 6, it lead into arcs for 7 (Something like 20% of Book 7 is already written), not that the story is parallel. Sorry for the confusion! |
Best part about tonight is that they added a 6man group dungeon apparently and even a boss.
You know nothing Yooxra Snow
RIP Grenn and Pyp
Not a bad episode tonight, but easily the weakest of the season. I don't think they did a good job showing the enormous size of the wildling army. I know they only threw a fraction of the entire army at the wall, but it never looked like very many people. I was expecting a Braveheart like battle, but instead it looked like any other skirmish they've shown so far. Sad to see Ygritte die; she was one of my favourites. But I suppose that was inevitable. |
*I haven't seen this episode yet but...* Its been a few years since I read the book, but if I remember correctly the battle between the Thenns and the Night's Watch where Ygritte dies only involved a couple hundred people. A small bunch were sent to scale the wall in order to surprise Castle Black (sending in the special forces to do some infrastructure damage so the grunts can roll in and claim all the women...!); it sounds like the show is just staying true to the book. One thing this show doesn't seem to lack is scale. If the Blackwater was any indicator, I have a hard time believing that you'll be disappointed when we see what Mance has up his sleeve. |
Season finale or NBA finals game 5...Hmm (JK)
Well, internet died so posting on my phone.
Holy shit great season finale. The last 20 minutes were what I expected, but 2 things really caught me off guard. The fight between Brienne and Sandor Clegane was awesome, nice call Loren. Also wtf...i don't remember jojen dieing, pretty sure he didn't. I was really hoping Coldhands would show up and save them but that didn't happen. was cool to see bloodraven though (the three eyed crow) for you non book readers edit - Sandor Clegane (the hound) died much earlier and they never got near as far as the Eyrie in the books, so that whole spinoff was pretty cool. Brienne fought Biter and Rorge who were killed by Arya and the Hound in the show, so all that was pretty interesting of a switch up. |
Internet is back up, one thing that was interesting to me was the reaction of the captain of that ship. It's been a while since I read that part but, it really makes me wonder if Jaqen Haqar and Sirio Forel are the same person and either he still is the first sword of Bravos, or the king or whatever himself. It has something to do with the Iron bank I'm sure, but what I dunno.
edit - Stannis' arrival and decimation of the wildlings was a bit anti-climactic for me, was hoping for a better battle, but whatever. |
Ok one final note to add...
Extremely disappointing that they didn't add Tyrion saying something about Lannisters not shitting gold after he kills Tywin. They really fucked that up, cause holy shit martin writes some hilarious stuff sometimes. |
He never says that in book. He only thinks it. I assume he will say it next season. Also jojen is assumed to be dead in the books because he goes off and is never heard from again and its assumed he died but no one wants to tell bran. This is an acceleration in to part of A feast for crows. I haven't actually seen the last two episodes yet because I am still in Greece but I have just been reading about it. Still disappointed it didn't end with the scene I wanted it to but I guess it will be OK.
Great season finale. I really thought Tyrion was going to die. Loved how they handled the Lannister story. Wonder how Cersei will react when she finds out Jamie freed Tyrion.
Arya's story was great. Love how much of a cold-blooded killer she's turning into, although it was also a little sad to see her treat the Hound like that after all he's done for her. I agree about the Stannis/Wildling scene being anti-climactic. It all happened too fast, imo. Bran's story continues to get stranger and stranger. I have no idea where they're going with it, but it seems like at some point Bran will be warging Dany's lost dragon. Also, did anyone else think the CG skeletons looked out of place and not very well done? It was *really* obvious that they were CG -- as opposed to the dragons, for example, which have always looked really great. Overall great ending. As usual, will be a long 9 months until next season. |
I liked Tyrion killing his dad getting a little redemption for himself after being pretty much (put in every situation by his father hoping he would be dead)
ya stannis attack on the wildlings I didn't understand, maybe 400 the first night were were the other 9600 to fight stannis 300-400 knights. Looks like a slaughter of 5 sheep by armed men on horseback. Brans story I think is going to be neat, tbh I think he will be rooted to that tree right beside that oldman for a while. Arya story was amazing love how she finally used her Iron coin and by saying the line automatically earned her respect/cabinspace/a ride. My thoughts on Arya/Hound was, she was always one to reason with people as to why they should not be lingering in pain, and usually the person in "need" of a swift death are trying to talk/linger. ( and if I am right usually the Hound was the one who ended up killing the person saving their agony) With the hound he is begging her to end his pain swiftly, but she removed his name from her list and is unable to just kill him. Ever since she met her fellow assassin friend Jaqen H'ghar she almost used the same rules to her killing(must be on a list//save people=killpeople0. the only one that I remember at this time she killed who wasn't on any list was that fat boy early in the series. I might be wrong maybe 2 people. in season 7 I forsee the Hound jumping from a cliff to land on the dragon bran is warg'd to help Jon snow, kill the mountain 2.0 if that crazy wackjob maeser gets him standing again. Oberyns a bad ass poisoning his blades. |
Don't remember if it's been said in this thread but Valar Morghulis means "All men must die" and the captains reply, Valar Dohaeris means "all men must serve" both in Valyrian.
The show has put much more emphasis on who Jon Snow's mother is...Some good theories out there. There's no better character portrayal than Charles Dance as Tywin. He will be missed!
Doesn't Arya put Needle through his heart in the books? It's been year since I've read them... I too, was a bit underwhelmed by the happenings North of the wall. The books state Mance's army to be massive (100,000+), however undisciplined, which enabled Stannis' knights to crush them. However in the show, Stannis' army looked exponentially larger than the wildlings' forces!! All in all, I really enjoy how the show has progressed. I think Martin realized the Greyjoy Arc is unappealing, so he made their presence in the show modest at best. I personally love the Martell arc, maybe next season?! |
See I don't think the show has put enough emphasis on Jon's parentage. The one thing I heard was left out of the finally (well the one thing I will talk about since it isn't a huge spoiler) is the absence of Tysha.
Unfortunately most show watchers probably barely remember it so I'll bring it back up. We learn early on that tyrion was indeed once married to a woman he loved very much. Tysha. She was about to be raped and tyrion saved her and they fell in love. His father finds out and has all the men at his camp have sex with her, leaving a silver, ultimately having tyrion do the same at the end. Tywin tells him that she was a common whore and apparently her willingness to do this proves it. Tyrion is obviously heartbroken. BUT in the books, when Jamie releases tyron he reveals that tysha was indeed not a whore. She actually loved tyrion. His father had all those men rape her one after another in front of him, ultimately having tyron rape her last. This is what leads tyrion to go confront his father and ultimately kill him. Makes a lot more sense to me and adds a lot of tragedy to tyrion. Dad they left that out. |
defiantly adds a lot more tragedy to Tyrion, but as a show watcher only, I think there was "MORE" then enough motive for him to kill his father.
Wow, good stuff.
Well i believe its also big motivation for him to leave westeros because I think he is going to find her. Or atleat he thinks he is. We'll see. There is still a lot of ground to cover.
holy fuck 2023
do you guys think the TV series will ruin the story? |
Sounds like even under the best case scenario, the tv show will finish before the books. And since GRRM told the tv writers how, roughly, it'll end, then yeah I'd say the TV series will ruin some large parts of the story for the readers.
I don't think it'll ruin it, I watched the first season before reading the 1st book, so something similar may be on the horizon
I don't think it will ruin it, the show has already combined chars, deleted story lines, and pretty much changed the course of everything.
so its like taking an early fork in the road that (may or may not) end up at the very same ending. and even if that is true and the endings are miraculously the same, when the show diverges/changed/altered the course it wouldn't "ruin" anything. Most book readers were upset at the s4 final because it was no where near the same. - Tyrion wasn't told by his brother that his first wife wasn't a whore ( so jamie is still liked by tyrion) - Vary's got on the boat with Tyrion and left kings landing - That kid (Jojen) never died before he entered the cave ( still alive ) - No lady stoneheart - Three eye'd raven still has two eyes LAWL - Oh and I forgot the major thing people apparently liked that wasn't in the books The Hound vs Brienne of FOOKin Tarth |
I haven't read the books so I may be speaking completely out of ignorance here, but...
I wouldn't consider any of the inconsistencies you mentioned as "major". The major story arc is how the different characters/factions come together in Westeros and challenge each other for supremacy. Who are the white walkers, what is their motivation, and what impact will they have once they breach the wall? Does Daenerys reach Westeros to challenge the Lannisters as rightful heir to the throne? What role will Bran, Jon, and Arya play in all of this? By the end of the tv show, we will no doubt have answers to all of those questions and they will likely play out very similarly to the books (or at least GRRM's vision for the books). Nobody knows how this whole story will end, but GRRM's fundamental vision will come through in the show. And that's what will be spoiled for the readers. |
Pretty much what asano said.
My GOL bookmark now has a logo! Not sure if this is intentional or not lol.
While some of the stories and characters have changed, been omitted, or were never introduced, the synopsis of the series is accurate. |
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