Gogan |
06-04-2015 12:27 PM |
Yeah, at first I hated having to think of a last name. But then I realized I could have any of the first names I like because the last name will ensure it's unique.
I keep looking for you in-game, but I guess we're missing each other (I'm usually on from 6:30 PST - 11pm/midnight, all day on weekends). I'm in the Crowne of Thorne free company (often abbreviated as CoT above player's heads). If you see someone running around with that tag (we're everywhere), feel free to submit an app to join. Right click them, select View Company Info, and there should be a button to apply. We accept everyone and we're currently under the member cap (512) so there shouldn't be any issues, though sometimes people are lazy about inviting applicants. Worst case, I'll see it when I logon at night.