Gentlemen of Leisure

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Nucholza 10-06-2012 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Aurila (Post 82044)
Man I miss all that shit, it made me go look and see if I had any old screenshots, that was so many computers ago I don't have anything left ;(. Hope everyone is doing well, even you Nuch!

You know Aurila, the other morning I was thinking back to old MC when I had to promise you that I could be kicked out of the guild for taking the cloth robe with +2% crit on it if I didn't actually use it! Put a smile on my face.

Aurila 10-08-2012 10:20 AM

Ah yes you were a pioneer in paladin healing I will always remember you're out of the box thinking when it came to your role. I remember you wearing it too, someone has to have a picture of Nuch wearing that robe! Hope you're doing well man, I don't know what everyone is up to these days.

Sly 10-08-2012 12:27 PM

robe and green cap

Vet 01-08-2013 05:17 AM

I'm comin' back to check out some pandas. What server are you all on now? Kil'jaeden?

Coog 07-09-2014 05:34 PM

I cannot believe this forum is still up. You all suck.

Coog 04-14-2016 06:24 PM

bump! Looking for old Sunwell videos. Plz hook it up!

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