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Rottenzombie 01-13-2012 12:54 PM

Theres seven or so of us on Shadowtown, smaller server though. We probably should have picked a larger pop one.
I blame myself!

Gogan 01-13-2012 01:15 PM

I'm still on Space Slug. It's one of the higher pop PvE servers, I think. The guild I'm in is quite small though. I don't think there's more than 2-4 people on during the day. Even some evenings are pretty quiet, though it can peak to about 8 people online.

We used to do hard mode FPs a lot, but most of us are either leveling alts (slowly) or pvping instead now that we're mostly done gearing. The alts have been running the lower level FPs.

I have no idea what the other guilds on the server are like. We've rarely had trouble finding pugs when needed though. Plenty of activity on the server. Plus you get to beat up on Premonition in pvp. ;-)

Anyway, I'll be online tonight if you want to create a character there and check things out. Just message me (Gogan) for a ginvite.

Note: nobody else from Fuse/GoL is here. It's just me.

Akhn 01-13-2012 03:33 PM

What are you're names on STWOR so i can find you!!

Rottenzombie 01-13-2012 11:16 PM

The ones that are usually on:

Fusa 01-14-2012 06:38 AM

yep what rotten said, beckinsale is Path.

asano should make an imperial char on our server =D

and lach get a hold of me plz yep

Cruci 01-16-2012 04:10 PM

I finally gave in. Playing Empire side on Black Vulkars with a few friends. I'll probably make my way to the Fuse/GoL server eventually since they're pretty slow going over here. Name is L'rr on this server if anybody wants to drop by! XD

Gogan 01-16-2012 05:44 PM

Nice Cruci!

Update on Space Slug PvE side... we did hard mode operations last night. I think one of our guildies summed it up best when he recommended BioWare rename the difficulty levels from Normal, Hard, Nightmare to Mostly Works, Sometimes Works, Rarely Works. For whatever reason, we ran into numerous annoying bugs on hard mode, one of which completely stopped us for the night.

Fusa, you probably encountered boss 3 in EV, and the unsolvable puzzles. We must've reset the instance half a dozen times hoping the towers wouldn't bug out on us. Sometimes we'd get as far as the last row before the consoles simply wouldn't activate anymore. Unfortunately, they'd also bug out as early as move #4. Sometimes we'd get combinations that simply weren't solvable in 8 moves. Really really annoying, and I'm hoping this encounter is fixed for 1.1. It stopped us cold last night.

The second boss was pretty buggy too. If we wiped to enrage, he often wouldn't reset. People would spontaneously die on the run back, and sometimes they'd even die while outside the instance. Presumably the boss keeps jumping and somehow people would be affected regardless of where they were. We had to reset that boss (and thus had to re-clear all the trash) a handful of times to fix it.

Loot was buggy too. We got a few schematics that were "invalid" -- people couldn't learn them. And the offhand weapons weren't itemized properly (they were 126 instead of 136).

Fusa 01-17-2012 03:04 AM


Fusa, you probably encountered boss 3 in EV, and the unsolvable puzzles. We must've reset the instance half a dozen times hoping the towers wouldn't bug out on us. Sometimes we'd get as far as the last row before the consoles simply wouldn't activate anymore. Unfortunately, they'd also bug out as early as move #4. Sometimes we'd get combinations that simply weren't solvable in 8 moves. Really really annoying, and I'm hoping this encounter is fixed for 1.1. It stopped us cold last night.
Ive never seen the consoles not active, what we did is that we choose 1 console and never touched the other one =P how ever long it took thats how long it took=P


The second boss was pretty buggy too. If we wiped to enrage, he often wouldn't reset. People would spontaneously die on the run back, and sometimes they'd even die while outside the instance. Presumably the boss keeps jumping and somehow people would be affected regardless of where they were. We had to reset that boss (and thus had to re-clear all the trash) a handful of times to fix it.
This is different, there is something called the "shuttle" bug, if you take a travel point from one place to another on the speeder you have a 5% chance of instant death ( it has happened to me in EV at least 3 times, this has also happened to me in Voss (outside traveling and leveling myself.


Loot was buggy too. We got a few schematics that were "invalid" -- people couldn't learn them. And the offhand weapons weren't itemized properly (they were 126 instead of 136).
Yes loot is sometimes bugged, the first week when we ran it all the chests (all of them not lootable after the first person) so we got no loot from 2 bosses.

As for the different item values, they still havn't figured that out, even when you run a Hardmode flashpoint (black talon for ex.) you will find a chest, when you loot it you will see that you get lvl 12 stimpacks not lvl 50.

There is a mean patch today I hope they fix quite a bit.

Gogan 01-17-2012 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Fusa (Post 79136)
Ive never seen the consoles not active, what we did is that we choose 1 console and never touched the other one =P how ever long it took thats how long it took=P

Hard mode is supposed to limit the number of times you can activate the consoles. Maybe that's bugged too tho.


This is different, there is something called the "shuttle" bug, if you take a travel point from one place to another on the speeder you have a 5% chance of instant death ( it has happened to me in EV at least 3 times, this has also happened to me in Voss (outside traveling and leveling myself.
We've had that happen a lot too, but this was different. We'd have people spontaneously drop dead if they were just standing still. They'd drop dead while they were *outside* the instance standing at the repair droid on the bridge deck. It was definitely related to the buggy boss.


There is a mean patch today I hope they fix quite a bit.
And sadly that patch was delayed a few days. Apparently they found some big bugs on the test realm. =/

Fusa 01-17-2012 11:51 AM

I seen that ya =( and I dunno about the random deaths* other then the shuttle bug, as for the console boss I need to start memorizing the colours or writing them down every switch.

First week you couldn't do the first boss the palace, you would load and be stuck, when you type/stuck you get put up on a ledge in which if you tried to jump down infront of the boss it would own you. They are usually pretty quick as fixing the bugs tho.

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