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rursusferre 04-29-2013 04:56 AM

No, they happen, just later in the series. They moved it forward a bit in order to keep the actor on the show and the character in people's minds.

Rottenzombie 05-01-2013 12:13 AM

Yeah when they brought him back in the books, I couldn't remember what actually happened to him it had been so long.
Seeing him now in the show is like wtf, you're skipping a whole book which = +5 years IRL.

Gronthor 05-01-2013 10:29 AM

The scene with Jamie explaining his actions about the mad king was a really good piece of television and acting.

Gogan 05-01-2013 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Gronthor (Post 83844)
The scene with Jamie explaining his actions about the mad king was a really good piece of television and acting.

Yeah, that was a fantastic scene for so many reasons. One of my favorites so far this season.

rursusferre 05-01-2013 10:48 AM

Overall, the quality of casting/acting of this show is just insane. This is really not a television show but a multi-part movie series we get to see each week.

McGrupp 05-05-2013 08:43 PM

Good stuff tonight! The guy playing Theon's captor is in character! The discussion between Tywin and Redwyne was well done. Good filmography on the wall..Damn good stuff!

Onion 05-05-2013 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by McGrupp (Post 83861)
Good stuff tonight! The guy playing Theon's captor is in character! The discussion between Tywin and Redwyne was well done. Good filmography on the wall..Damn good stuff!

Just so people aren't confused, Olenna Redwyne/Tyrell (Margaery's grandmother) is a Redwyne who married a Tyrell lord. Some noble women keep their family names after marriage (like Cersei Lannister) and others take the name of their husband (like Catelyn Stark). Usually it depends on which family has the stronger name.

Blake 05-06-2013 02:34 PM

iono i thought the episode was pretty boring, sure lots of info n shit but man with only 10 eps in a season... i wanted more. also after the past few episodes had such awesome endings i thought that little flash forward thing was pretty gay.

i really wanted to watch the imp tell sansa and his lover that he has to marry her. fuck i wanted to watch shae beat the shit out of him and sansa break the fuck down

Gogan 05-06-2013 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Blake (Post 83864)
i really wanted to watch the imp tell sansa and his lover that he has to marry her. fuck i wanted to watch shae beat the shit out of him and sansa break the fuck down

Yeah, I really wanted to see that too. I hope it's in a director's cut for the blu-ray or something.

I thought last night's episode was really strong; not at all boring. So many great moments, e.g. Tywin v Redwyne; the Red Priestess foreshadowing Arya's destiny; Littlefinger v Varys, Jon Snow and Ygritte's pre-climb chat. I can't get over how great this show is week after week.

One thing I'm still confused about though... why are Snow and the Wildlings trying to get south? Are they trying to assault Castle Black, and if so why? Or are they trying to open the gate to let the rest of the Wildlings through? Is this all just to flee from the white walkers, or is there some other motivation? What's their end game here?

rursusferre 05-06-2013 03:10 PM

They are trying to open the gates I believe.

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