Gentlemen of Leisure

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Yooxra 01-18-2012 03:18 PM

For the empire!

Gogan 01-18-2012 04:58 PM

Yep, looks like a mess. Someone posted a video of it too, which was pretty funny:

Yooxra 01-19-2012 11:52 AM

The family tree system that's coming in the future looks interesting. You get new powers just from being in someone's family tree.

Yooxra 01-27-2012 10:49 PM

The tatooine jawa balloon for the datacron is hardcore. I probably should of waited and got cover pulsed up or another way.

Rottenzombie 01-28-2012 12:26 AM

Oh look, once again the servers are down during the time I can play, how awesome.
Why can't they wait till like 3am when no one plays?
I know frequent patches are a good thing, just seems like every other night I can't play.

Fusa 01-28-2012 03:48 AM

=( poor rotten has to log on after everyone goes to bed ;)

Megasteve 01-28-2012 05:10 AM

Bioware killing me..need more valor....

Gogan 02-02-2012 11:56 AM


I'm down to playing SWTOR two days per week -- basically just raid nights, and only because we don't have another healer that can take my place. We've cleared Karagga's Palace and all of EV except Soa on hard mode. Don't think we have any intention of doing Nightmare since the gear is the same as hard. Karagga's Palace was a cool instance, but the final boss was ridiculous -- a Hutt sporting a Fedora hat piloting a Wild Wild West styled mechanical spider. Utterly ridiculous.

There's not a whole lot to do after 50. I just don't have the motivation to level an alt, even casually. PvP is fun with pre-mades, but I'm kinda over that too. Playing the GTN was more fun those first few weeks when everyone was still skilling up. Now you can find just about everything on there. Of course, this is the nature of every MMO -- it's not anything unique to SWtoR.

At this point, I'm looking forward to Diablo III.

Hope you guys are still enjoying yourselves on Empire side!

Fusa 02-02-2012 12:20 PM

ya, an update for us would be at this point, ummm slower then expected (The PST'ers that showed a little interest in playing that we sorta switched server for) don't play anymore so we are sotra left on a subpar population server, with that being said we are still waiting for yoox/rotten to hit 50.

We have only clear normal EV and we are going to start up hitting the palace tonight, (on normal)

Pug's are bleak and sometime takes like 20-30 mins to find like 2 dps, so for server situation I wish we we're on our original server where we had more 50's dec 31st then we do now on our new server jan 31st make pugging little smoother.

I enjoy pvp a lot, almost more then raiding at this point due to the difficulty factor, which I hope and am sure it will ramp up.

I enjoy the game I take it for what it is knowing what it is ( a new game with very good ideas just not the best client>server language)

Megasteve 02-02-2012 03:33 PM

Are you guys planning on staying on that server? I mean, if push comes to shove (as much as I'd fucking hate doing it again) I can roll a toon over there if you need mad deeps. I'm sure I can get to 50 in pretty decent time, especially if I did the same class.

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