Gentlemen of Leisure

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Ciderhelm 05-23-2007 12:09 AM

So, new RPG installed (blame Yoox if it sucks)
Since we couldn't find any for the Arcade, we installed a pretty sweeping Forum modification. It was written for VBulletin 3.5x (the one most warez users have), unfortunately we run 3.6x, so I've had to recode parts of it.

If any issues come up -- which is quite possible -- I will disable the mod until I can fix it.

Other major issue -- I sorta screwed up royally badly. I deleted the entire database of character options, etc. :eek: Am going to try to reinstall them.

Ciderhelm 05-23-2007 12:18 AM

oh and because I forgot the most important thing:

RPG should be on the upper right hand side of the same menu bar that your Arcade button is on.

Ciderhelm 05-23-2007 01:06 AM

again blame yoox. just finished a good bit of troubleshooting, appears to work well now. :)

I'm going to put a full bar in for now. if we don't like it, i'll put it into the mini format.

Ciderhelm 05-23-2007 01:07 AM

btw "Silver" is earned by quite a few things. Posting is one of them. Don't be a douche and spam the forums to get it, but feel free to post more frequently.

smell 05-23-2007 04:52 AM

this shit is hard! i start with 5 silver and get my ass reamed by a dire wolf cuz i got no weapon. wtf?

Ciderhelm 05-23-2007 04:54 AM

yeah i've been listening to people bitch about the dire wolf for about six hours now

Oakfire 05-23-2007 06:47 AM

dude smell i know what you mean, that wolf fucked me hardcore

i didnt touch it and im down to 4 hp.

Oakfire 05-23-2007 06:48 AM

ps mage masher is my kinda weapon

Xandar 05-23-2007 07:31 AM

This RPG sucks, I blame Yoox.

Oakfire 05-23-2007 08:40 AM

taking donations pst

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