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rursusferre 05-22-2010 08:06 AM

Dragon age: origins
I know it's been out a while, but I just started playing it. I think it's a pretty damn good game. The complexity of the differnet story components is really pretty awesome, and watching my friend play through parts I already had, I as really suprised how different stuff can turn out. Anyone check this one out?

Subere 05-22-2010 08:19 AM

Yeah it's pretty awesome. I stopped a bit ways in but have been meaning to pick it back up. Curious how the DLC is. I think they just released a new one.

I always pick ranged casters in RPG's and I always get bored with them. Don't know why I don't try something different. Mages make the game pretty easy though.

Yooxra 05-22-2010 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by rursusferre (Post 72049)
I know it's been out a while, but I just started playing it. I think it's a pretty damn good game. The complexity of the differnet story components is really pretty awesome, and watching my friend play through parts I already had, I as really suprised how different stuff can turn out. Anyone check this one out?

Yes. It's a great game. I played through the vanilla. I stoped before beating it just cause i want to buy it again with all the download contents and play it again.

The darkspawn chronicles that just came out allow you to play darkspawn, which looks really cool.

Gogan 09-20-2014 04:39 PM

I know it's an old game now (DA:O), but I finally got around to finishing this one today. Good game.

Anyone played Dragon Age 2? How is it compared to the first?

McGrupp 09-21-2014 09:15 AM

DA:2 is considered a let down in comparison to its predecessor. I mostly agree with this...

EA Mainstreamed the game, the story line is piss poor. You're literally stuck in one huge city the whole time. Only thing that is comparable is combat, which is a lot of fun, and based on differing opinions, improved. If you can find it cheap its worth a quick playthough

Gogan 09-21-2014 03:16 PM

Thanks Grupp.

I started playing DA2 today. Feels a lot like the difference between ME1 and ME2. Graphics and UI are all a lot more streamlined, if not a bit simplified. Combat is a lot more fun imo. Playing a rogue in DA:O was a letdown -- backstabs, stealth, pickpocketing barely played a part in the game. It's much more action-oriented in DA2. I really love the skill trees in DA2 as well -- lots of interesting choices there. Definitely agree about the storyline so far. It started off great, but they totally abandoned the dwarf-as-a-storyteller aspect used in the beginning. Now it's just seemingly meaningless side quest after side quest. Agreed about the same environment being a bit boring. Too bad. The game feels a lot easier too. I had legitimate difficulty on Normal mode in DA:O. But I'm breezing through Normal on DA2. Not a big deal though.

More fun so far, but far less interesting story-wise.

McGrupp 09-21-2014 08:38 PM

You summed it up beautifully.

Origins is frustratingly difficult on the higher tiers, which we love, and is rewarding. DA 2 is so easy, its just mindless combat-based fun (more like a rpg bred with a hack n slash)

Let's hope Inquisition combines the best of both!!

Gogan 09-21-2014 08:42 PM

Yeah, really looking forward to the new DA and ME. Loving these style of games.

Gogan 09-24-2014 11:12 PM

Finished DA2. Thought it was a great game. Loved the cameos from the various companions in DA:O.

Started reading about DA3 and watching some of the gameplay videos... man, I can't wait until Nov 18. It looks amazing. Supposed to be even harder than DA:O. And 150 hours of gameplay?! Crazy. My only concern is the UI. Looks like it's made for consoles -- very similar to Skyrim, which I don't think worked all that well on the PC. We'll see.

McGrupp 09-24-2014 11:33 PM

Thanks for the links, looks amazing!

Blake 09-25-2014 06:58 AM

Lol nice 3rd video. Those videos are being played on the PS4. Maybe the PC version will have a different UI.

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