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Kz 08-25-2011 07:08 PM

PvP Group
Should We Continue. if you vote no please post why.

Kz 08-25-2011 07:09 PM

Can't continue to play wow 6 nights a week, i would like a little downtime and pvp is the first on the list to go for me, sorry to all of you who want to continue to PvP.

Sataynia_ 08-25-2011 07:10 PM

I know I am new to the mix and would like to see them continue. But cannot blame anyone for not wanting to do them anymore seeing as some/most of you guys do have your mounts/titles from last season.

Nucholza 08-25-2011 07:13 PM

We're making next to no headway on rating, people constantly show up late or not at all. I dread PvP nights now and they almost always make me angry, whereas last season they were a lot of fun. I at least want to take a bit of a break and I'd be up for doing it again later on.

Torchholder 08-25-2011 07:14 PM

I'm ok with continuing, however I could use a break from needing to be on 5 nights a week.

Also, seems like we are having issues getting a consistent group together.

Critzy 08-25-2011 07:22 PM

I voted yes to continue because I really enjoy PvP and gaming with you guys in general but I understand the concerns that the senior members have. We do have a less consistent group this season and in the past several weeks we really have had a lot of backsliding.

Looks like it's over for the PvP group for now, so I may not be online as often, but I'll still be trolling the forums and hanging out in vent a few nights a week to say hi to everyone.

See everyone online again when STAR WARS launches!!

Yooxra 08-25-2011 07:23 PM

I enjoy RBG's to much, they are extremely fun. However our group right now isn't that good due to people not showing up or showing up very late. Playing wow to much and I'm becoming frustrated that I rush home most nights for what feels like a waste of time being stuck at 2k. This along with alt runs not being that good need to cut back some, pvp is first to go. Alt run on the chopping block next if it keeps up.

Diablo beta, SW beta, PoE beta being around or being around soon just even more makes me want to relax some before we dive into that stuff.

I'd be fine with going back to pvp at some point if people want/can show up regularly so we can have a decent unit.

Danzar 08-25-2011 07:57 PM

I enjoy BGs more then anything else in the game and hope there is a future doing them togather, if not thank you for making me feel welcomed and I would be interested in doing them in the future. In place of cutting them out completely any thoughts on 1 day a week?

Onion 08-26-2011 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Nucholza (Post 77654)
...I dread PvP nights now and they almost always make me angry...

Don't lie, everything makes you angry

Megasteve 08-26-2011 03:32 PM

I voted No. We're stuck rating wise, our group comp has always been sub-optimal and some people make the same mistakes every week.

Plus with my new job, I can't guarantee that I'll be around every Mon/Thurs for the rest of the year, so you'll be with a sketchy healer.

Stag 08-26-2011 04:37 PM

Steve you get no say in this until you make alt raid

Megasteve 08-26-2011 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Stag (Post 77664)
Steve you get no say in this until you make alt raid

What's that?

Quintilian 08-26-2011 06:58 PM

I'm taking a break from gaming for a bit, so it's a No for me. Just too busy with the woman and new work stuff.

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