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Time for a new thread now that the game is out. Got my early access as of 5:49am this morning.
And we're off! Rolled my characters on: Server: Space Slug Type: PvE Location: US West (PST) Faction: Republic Characters: Gogan Fusa and Path: Server: Davik's Estate Type: PvP Location: US East (EST) Faction: Imperial Critzy: Server: Dark Reaper Type: PvP Location: US West Faction: Republic |
Updated original post with server info for Fusa/Path and myself. I'm starting off Republic, but I've reserved some names Empire side, in case anyone wanted to play PvE Empire.
I'll try to keep the original post updated if people let me know who/where they land. |
Closing out my first night, about 16 hours, made it to level 21 on my Trooper. Skipped most of the dialog since I'd seen most of it in beta. Game just keeps getting better the higher level I get. Really really good game.
I'm a hardcore carebear. =P
I took the day off (well, "worked from home") yesterday so I could indulge in the nostalgia of all-day mmo powerleveling. Ahh, how I missed it! Leveling was always my favorite part of these games. Unfortunately, I'm back to work now, so the indulgence is over... until the weekend. |
What level is Path and Fusa at now?
Dunno. I'm playing on a different server. You'd have to ask them.
Level 24 now after a short 5 hour session last night. 1 more level until I get my speeder! My leveling speed has slowed down quite a lot now that I'm listening to dialog again.
I think I'm already starting to out-level the zones I'm in. Finished Coruscant at ~18. Went to Taris (which is supposed to be 16-20) and finished it at 24 (although that includes some space combat). Off to Nar Shaddaa (20-24) tonight, and then Tattoine (24-28). So there's definitely no shortage of leveling content right now. Had an optional quest last night where I was invited back to this npc chick's (Jaxo) house (because I had flirted with her earlier in the story) and we hooked up. =P Win! It wasn't worth much XP though, either because my char's performance was terrible or he does this kind of thing all the time. I'll assume the latter. Started some crafting too, which gets kinda cool with multiple companions. I have 3 companions at the moment, and I can assign them each to go off crafting or running missions all at the same time. Even when I'm out in the world questing with one companion, I can assign my other 2 to do jobs. Tried a bunch of space missions too, now that I have my ship. They're actually a good bit of fun. Worth a decent amount of XP and rewards. Definitely a nice distraction from questing. You can upgrade your ship just like you do with your own gear or companion's gear. In WoW, I'd always play with all sound off. The music and sounds effects just never did anything for me. But the music and sound is amazing in SWTOR. When you fight a boss, the music really kicks in and makes the whole encounter feel epic -- much like the music you hear in the movies during a big battle or fight scene. I've done a bunch of group quests, but still haven't tried the flashpoints (dungeons) yet. Taking the day off tomorrow, so I've got a lot of game time ahead of me for the weekend! How are things going on your end, Fusa? |
Fusa says "less typing, more leveling"
I'm at work!
West Coast PvP
Got my invite a few hours ago. Wanted to drop my info in here as well if anyone cared.
Rolled on a West Coast PvP server Server: Dark Reaper Type: PvP Timezone: West Faction: Republic At the time of this writing this is the biggest population PvP server in the west coast timezone. I chose not to roll on Gogan's server because it's PvE and chose not to roll with Path/Fusa because West Coast time is better for me once I start doing Operations (Raids). I also rolled Trooper Gogan. Changed my mind at last minute and went Vanguard (Assault Speciaist tree). What AC/tree are you doing? |
Cool, updated the original post. How are the queue times there? I hear they're getting pretty long now... 1h+ on many of the larger servers. Haven't experienced any yet on mine, but fully expect them as we get closer to launch.
I rolled a Combat Medic spec'd Commando. So healing. Figured it would make finding groups easier that way. I'm really enjoying it so far, though I'd love to try a pure dps Trooper too. And a tank-spec. Troopers just rock. =P |
Tonight is the first time I've hit a queue. My server is showing a 35 min queue and I started out as like #480 in line but it seems to be moving pretty fast. Don't really think my queue will get much worse than this unless they just don't open up any new PvP servers for the 'launch' tuesday.
Anybody in here hit 30 yet? I personally just left Coruscant at 17. All the movies and dialouge really make leveling slow (at least it feels slow to me) but I'm too afraid to skip anything for fear of missing a companion or something. Also Gogan are you grinding Dark or Light Side faction and for us non-force users are there really any bonuses to either? I really wanted to jettison the engineers out the airlock in The Esseles but lost the conversation roll. I havn't really committed to Light or Dark yet. I mostly choose Light side responses unless the Dark Side ones sound really funny. Like opening up the half dozen engineers to the vaccum of space to save my own @$$ HAHA!! My character name is Critzy again if anyone does join the server and look for me. **edit: Just got through the queue. Actual wait time: 26 minutes. |
I'm 35 at the moment, and I'm guessing Fusa and Path are 40+. I've only paid attention to my class quest dialog. Everything else I've been spacebarring through. Maybe I'll pay more attention on my next character. I've been grinding instances with a few other people over here. They were in full-time beta, so we breeze through everything. Otherwise, I'd be pretty lost in some of those instances.
I've been noticing the same re: queues. It says it's like 30+ mins, but it does go by quickly. As for light v dark, I've committed to light side. Only have 200 dark points. I hear some gear can only be acquired with really high light/dark ratings, but I don't know if that applies to non-force classes. We'll see. I have diplomacy too, which I can use to grind out additional light points, so I'm not too worried. |
im 35 aswell im on taris stuck in a memory leak spot, have been stuck for about 24 hours now.
on that topic how much RAM do you have asano, because if it more then 8gigs of ram you could prob get me moved a little bit (out of the memory leak) and save me. Let me know if you have 12+ and you will be my savior. And Path was 46 when I was stuck, he has his little bro playing for him while he sleeps (cheater) =P. |
Sent you a PM.
I think Vayd was going to roll on the same server as you Fusa.
He played for 4 hours and yes I am 50
I did diplo also and I am light 5 and helps with the companions also.
I dunno about 4 hours maybe 4 hours everytime you went to bed =P
Path / Fusa
Raid tomorrow, be on please |
Good joke Lach, don't you know SWTOR > *
I just check up on the site and I missed your post lach, im not even max lvl yet Ive been working to much to get max lvl so i don't think Ill be raiding on wow until that happens.
For a ball park - You think your MIA for 2 weeks? |
I should be 50 before next tuesday if thats what your curious about =)
I felt your pain these last couple days, Fusa. Two nights ago, I got hit by the "3 pending rewards" bug preventing me from completing or accepting any new quests. Couldn't even craft. So that shut me down for a whole night. (fortunately, I was also sick with the flu, so it gave me a chance to rest)
Then last night I got stuck in an instanced zone during one of my class quests and couldn't get out. No bind points to quick travel to, and couldn't use my fleet beacon because the game thought I was still falling. So a large portion of another night was down the drain. I'm 44 at the moment, hoping I can hit 50 by the weekend. Lots of little bugs in this game so far, but at least they're fixing them. |
Hit 50 last night and started running hard modes today with my usual crew. All of us have only been 50 for a day or two, so we weren't sure what to expect.
Definitely seems pretty well tuned at the moment. We cleared all of Esseles except for the last boss. Has a pretty tight enrage timer, and we just couldn't get the last 15% in time. Also cleared about half of Talon V until our tank had to leave for the night. Definitely some very tough encounters in there, at least healing-wise. I was completely gassed by the end of every fight. On another note, I'm finishing up my class story, and I have to say some of the story arcs are amazing. There are a few flashpoints that picked up on the KotoR storylines too, which is pretty cool. For all its (minor) flaws, this game continues to impress me. Hope Bioware doesn't drop the ball. |
Finally picking this up tomorrow. What do you all feel is the least represented role? In Beta is was healers, still the case?
BH Healer/Tank and Op healers.
Inquis/Warrior a million
Republic-side seems to be Smugglers in general. From my limited view, healers do seem under-represented in general as well.
so is this actually a playable mmo like wow or is it just another conan?
alright it is downloading now. I am going with Jedi Knight (whatever tank spec is i guess). Played it a few hours at my brother and loved it. I will probably roll on your server Gogan as i am more of a PVE guy myself.
PvE is soft and not to mention there are quite a few (phased and/or planets) that the other faction can't get to.
There are tho pvp planets I love em. How you liking that OP trooper asano =D my sniper is nice but I just bought the wrong set gloves on my sniper =S I suppose thats my "offset" many buggy chests in the ops we couldn't get loot off the 3rd and 4th boss in the zone so yep going to be hitting it up again this week and I think they said they fixed the chests. |
Slicing nerf....
Didn't see that coming </sarcasm> |
I caved...
DL'ing right now. |
That a boy rotten
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