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Rhun 02-01-2013 06:47 AM

Final Fantasy XIV
beta is starting up for this soon, myself and some other guildies will be playing if anyone wants to come check it out

Nucholza 02-01-2013 03:14 PM

I really hope this one doesn't suck complete and utter horse cock. A good FF MMO would be one of the only things to get me to play another MMO.

Rhun 02-21-2013 02:11 PM

beta starts feb 25th


Hello again to all of you eagerly awaiting FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn. Yoshi-P here, and I survived my flight, allowing me to bring you the forty-third Letter from the Producer from San Francisco! (I don't know why I have to fly everywhere. )

I'm sorry for taking so long to put up this letter, but the news you've all been waiting for is finally here. Assuming no dastardly bugs or server errors slow us down, phase 1 of the beta test will begin on February 25!

The roadmap we released has the schedule set for mid-February, so the start is about a week late. However, the extra time has allowed us to prepare more system features and character options for testing. While you all enjoy the game, I hope you also provide us with tons of feedback like you did during the alpha test.

I've been on a roll with screenshots lately, so here are a few from our own phase 1 testing that I found tucked away on my hard drive.
go here for more news

Nucholza 02-21-2013 06:45 PM

Has anyone received a Beta invite?

Rhun 02-22-2013 12:25 PM

they have started coming out, i haven't got one yet

Rhun 04-07-2013 11:12 AM

they sent out another wave recently, i didn't get one still

here is some new stuff

Blake 04-07-2013 12:42 PM

just signed up. probably to late to get in tho. never played a FF MMO before but ive heard one of them was rly awesome

Blake 06-27-2013 06:43 PM

just got my beta invite, anyone else in it?

Nucholza 06-27-2013 06:49 PM

share your infoz with me! I'm leaving for Colorado on Sat. but I'd like to play when I get back in 11 days!

Blake 06-27-2013 06:58 PM

k, infoz in PM, ima be playing tonight and this weekend, and the GF is gunna be playing, but im sure there will be plenty of times when its not in use. just ask. i use Gtalk / AIM / MSN / Skype 24/7 or u can txt me (just got the new S4 after dropping my S3) you can hardly tell the difference

Nucholza 06-27-2013 07:03 PM

Thanks Blake - check your PMs

Rhun 06-30-2013 12:25 PM

finally got an invite, i'm on excalibur

Blake 06-30-2013 01:57 PM

nuch got his own invite also, were on midgardsomething.

this weekends test is over. u should roll with us. sucks having to pug ppl for the instances but I guess next test the LFG system will be ingame.

what lvl did u get to

Rhun 06-30-2013 09:52 PM

i barely got a chance to play, server went down yesterday and when i tried to play today the test had ended

Fusa 07-01-2013 01:11 PM

lol zorthy

and lol more at the

Gogan 07-01-2013 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Fusa (Post 84279)
and lol more at the

That's actually pretty funny. It is a joke, right?

Rhun 07-01-2013 04:49 PM

try to click anything on that page

and if you are ever bored, this thread is pretty entertaining:

Gogan 07-01-2013 05:04 PM


How do free guilds even work? Are they ad-supported? That sounds miserable.

Blake 07-03-2013 05:58 PM


The next Beta test is scheduled to begin July 5th at 2:00 a.m. (PDT)/9:00 (GMT).

We will begin stress testing the duty finder feature at the start of the next Beta Test; however, the system is still undergoing QA testing. As a result, there is a possibility that the duty finder will not be available at the start of the test, but instead will be implemented through an update that occurs during the Beta test.

Testing details, such as when the duty finder will become available and also the closing schedule of the next Beta test, we will be making another announcement before the test begins.
you should roll on midgard zorthy so we got more ppl to do duties with

keep in mind your class determines your starting location. around 18 you get to a common area where everyone can play together

Rhun 07-04-2013 11:44 AM

i work doubles on fridays, then only have evenings off for sat/sun, so my time is pretty limited for this anyway.

Blake 07-04-2013 12:37 PM

this test might be longer then just this weekend. they havnt announced the end and only said that once the duty finder is bug free will they end this test.

Megasteve 07-05-2013 03:39 PM

Keys, if anyone needs one still:

Blake 07-05-2013 05:05 PM

roll on midgardsomething

Blake 07-09-2013 09:45 AM

Dates and Times
July 10, 2013 (Wednesday), 2:00 a.m. to July 15 (Monday), 2:00 a.m. (PDT)

* Beta test phase 3 will conclude on Monday, July 15th. The beta test phase 4 schedule will be announced at a later time.
* Testing of the new Lodestone will conclude on Wednesday, July 17th at 2:00 a.m. (PDT) / 9:00 a.m.(GMT). Please note that the new Lodestone will be inaccessible when testing has ended.

Gogan 07-09-2013 10:22 AM

How's the game so far?

Blake 07-09-2013 01:28 PM

its not bad, its a lot like all the other MMO's.

There is a main quest line and then little sub quest. The questing is ez, most kill quest are like 5 mobs, the quest items drop for everyone, and the gathering quest are lootable by the whole party. You get these quest that you can only do so many per every few hours. You go to a spot and initiate it and it allows you to pick a difficulty setting 1-4. The higher setting the more reward you get.

also things like "rifts" spawn randomly where everyone in the zone can go inside the area and kill shit to complete it. you get ranks depending on how much you contribute

moving around from place to place is kind of tedious and confusing but it is starting to get easier. its got loading screens between each zone. you can pay to teleport to main crystals you have already activated. the return skill has a 15min CD and takes you to the crystal you designated as home. there is gryphon type things but they kinda suck. you get your first mount at 22.

once you get to like 18 or 20 you unlock the availability to be any class in the game. Just do a little questline for each and then all you go to do is change your wep and it changes your class. but each class has its own lvls so if I change my 22 archer to a paladin then i go back to lvl 1. its a pretty cool concept so you dont have to make a lot of diff chars.

gathering/crafting is just like changing ur class. when you go to your gather/craft mode you lose your current class and everything. also you wear totally different gear while in this mode.

currently our toons are like lvl 22 but in order to progress the main questline you need to have lvl19 gather/crafting so we pretty much just stopped there

Fusa 07-10-2013 02:22 PM

asano, i have played and it is 90% just like GW2 PvE, same quests, same idea of a "timed" minizone within zones that are like events.

i am also only lvl 11 took me about 4 hours

Gogan 07-10-2013 04:49 PM

I guess that's not surprising. Every MMO is pretty much identical. Just a matter of which lore you like best. FFXIV's idea of the class switching sounds pretty cool though.

Nucholza 07-10-2013 08:20 PM

I think it's hard to judge right now how good the game will be - but I feel that way about any game in beta. What really matters is the end game PvE and PvP, which you can't really judge too early on.

I just finished my first group dungeon. It was pretty boring and trivial. Not sure how much things will change once you get out of classes and into jobs.

In either case, I plan on playing for at least a couple months and checking it out since they covered the game in final fantasy nostalgia.

Yooxra 07-10-2013 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Nucholza (Post 84335)
It was pretty boring and trivial. Not sure how much things will change once you get out of classes and into jobs.

YOU said it Nuch, when the game turns into a job. GG.

Yooxra 08-27-2013 12:58 PM

How's the relaunch going?

Nucholza 08-27-2013 02:01 PM

I haven't been playing at all due to the PAD addiction

Kz 08-27-2013 04:29 PM

PAD > FF14 confirmed by nuch

Gogan 08-27-2013 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Kz (Post 84749)
PAD > FF14 confirmed by nuch

Not that I've played FF14, but I feel comfortable confirming this as well.

Yooxra 08-27-2013 05:22 PM

When we gonna get a new banner Asano


Gogan 08-27-2013 05:29 PM

Haha I should!

Nucholza 08-27-2013 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Yooxra (Post 84751)
When we gonna get a new banner Asano


As soon as you get a smartphone and join us!

Gogan 03-22-2015 04:37 PM

A few people I watch on twitch have been raving about FF14 lately. Apparently there was a big patch recently that turned the game around. So I grabbed a copy for $20 this weekend. Anyone played this recently?

I've played as a Conjurer up to level 11 so far. Gotta say, I'm not impressed. The class/job system is slightly intriguing and unique, but otherwise the game is just like every other MMO out there. Quests are boring and uninspired. Story isn't terribly engaging. The cutscenes that have voiceover are cool, but they're few and far between. Moogles, which were cute and funny in past FF games, come across as ridiculous in FF14 -- they make space-like martian sounds as they fly around. The scenery is quite nice, but the zones are very small and every zone switch requires a short loading time.

I don't understand why people rave about this game. Definitely not worth a monthly sub fee, imho.

Gonna try out ESO soon now that there's no sub fee.

Nucholza 03-22-2015 08:28 PM

I bought the game pre-release and have yet to install it lol

McGrupp 03-23-2015 10:37 AM

Same here. Pre-ordered, installed it, and was so pissed after an hour that I threw the game away..It was expensive too :(

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