Gentlemen of Leisure

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Serena 02-18-2007 02:39 PM

Question about your KT movie!
Hello there Eventide, I come from the Destromath server (whoa what am I doing here? Heh.) and I was browsing some Kel'Thuzad video kills, seeing as I never made it there myself. At any rate, and this is probably a very silly question, but what mod are you using for the raid/party windows (lower left corner) for the video? I can recognize bongos etc, but I can't quite figure out what you're using for the party windows, but I do like the look of them. At any rate, thanks for at least reading the post over.

Ciderhelm 02-18-2007 06:49 PM

Let me finish raid and i'll post what I can!

Ciderhelm 02-20-2007 11:25 AM

Ok, sorry about the delay.

AGUnit Frames is what I am using there. It is very, very customizable in terms of colors, design, etc., and that's why it looks dissimilar to alot of other raidframes you'll see -- some of which are AGUF themselves. Find the link at Wowace or anywhere, or maybe someone has a link here. :)

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