Gentlemen of Leisure

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Pearson 08-19-2008 04:58 PM

I just got banned from your Ventrilo server about 10 minutes ago.

The reason given for the ban was "Negative". Which I assume was a response to my comment "Request Administrator assistance".

...Don't really know why I was banned... The only logical conclusion I could come to was.. I was talking in another Vent, and may have absent-mindedly pressed the wrong talk key.

I'm really not a douche-bag... And I do my best not to be annoying. I know I'm not in your guild, and nor do I even play WoW, but I still had a fun time in your vent, and would very much like to drop in every once in a while. Even if I stay restricted the lobby.

I would like to be unbanned

My Vent name is "Pearson"
And my IP is


Pearson 08-23-2008 08:28 PM

I imagine the no reply means you've decided not to unban me. Which is unfortunate, but I do somewhat understand.

A fried of mine pointed out that you may have assumed I was a spy. I don't suppose my word will do any good.. But I can assure you, I'm not a spy. I do have some evidence to that truth, if you so need it.

At the very least, I would like an explanation as to why I was banned.. So that I can try to prevent this in the future.


Quintilian 08-23-2008 08:42 PM


Nightlive 08-23-2008 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Pearson (Post 55846)
I imagine the no reply means you've decided not to unban me. Which is unfortunate, but I do somewhat understand.

A fried of mine pointed out that you may have assumed I was a spy. I don't suppose my word will do any good.. But I can assure you, I'm not a spy. I do have some evidence to that truth, if you so need it.

At the very least, I would like an explanation as to why I was banned.. So that I can try to prevent this in the future.


Who the fuck are you?

Pearson 08-23-2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Nightlive (Post 55848)
Who the fuck are you?

Hmm.. ya I suppose I should have mentioned that part.

I joined your vent pretty much by random. I was bored with the douchebags in my old vent.. So I went on and picked a few unpassworded ventrilo's and joined them.

The name "Fuse" just cause my attention. So I copied-pasted your IP/port and joined. Of course I couldn't move arround, so I was stuck in the lobby for a few hours actually... Until a girl named Faustina joined the lobby and asked me who the fuck I was. I think she felt sorry for me, so she stayed and for a while until a bunch of other people joined...

I don't remember very many names... I remember some guy named Coog. And flyingbaby... Though I don't think Flyingbaby is in your guild.

Anyways.. ya.. I'm completely random :)

Veloz 08-23-2008 11:43 PM

Get a life you fucking weirdo.

Cruci 08-24-2008 12:33 AM

How do you know "flyingbaby" isn't in our guild? and you pos, why the fuck do you want unbanned anyway? nobody here could give a rats ass about you, honestly nobody cares if you're a spy or not, its a fuckin video game, and one that we've finished. But honestly, no better hobby than joining private ventrilo's? Pretty pathetic. Anyway, its a privte server you tool, no reason has to be given as to your ban.

and you still haven't given any mention as to who the hell you are. 10 year old kid with exceptional grammar I bet, our vent doesn't denote a WoW guild yet you've managed to figure that out and find our forums, gtfo asshat.

Tina 08-24-2008 06:21 AM

why are you guys so fucking nasty to people? he's just some guy that enjoyed spending time with us. you could at least be a little kinder in your explanations. jesus.

edit: as for how he knows who we are, he was asking me who we were, since he'd landed on our vent, so i told him. as for knowing flyingbabby is not in our guild, he was on our vent for quite some time during one of coogs noob trash runs, and before it. he was a nice person, if strange that he landed here.

Pearson 08-24-2008 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Cruci (Post 55856)
How do you know "flyingbaby" isn't in our guild?

I of course couldn't know for sure. But since he was marked as a "Guest" in vent, it meant he didn't have an account. Additionally, someone was shocked to see him in vent just after laughing about his name in-game.


Originally Posted by Cruci (Post 55856)
But honestly, no better hobby than joining private ventrilo's? Pretty pathetic. Anyway, its a privte server you tool, no reason has to be given as to your ban.

I do see that you guys added a password.. But at the time, there was no password. I know that doesn't mean it's open to everyone. But at the time, I was trying to get a hold of an admin to ask about that. I wanted permission to stay, and maybe even get some ability to move around. I had already asked some people there if its ok that I stay. They didn't have a problem with it, but they did mention they didn't have the authority to say otherwise.

I never implied that I'm entitled to an explanation of my ban.. I simply asked for one.


Originally Posted by Cruci (Post 55856)
and you still haven't given any mention as to who the hell you are. 10 year old kid with exceptional grammar I bet, our vent doesn't denote a WoW guild yet you've managed to figure that out and find our forums, gtfo asshat.

Well I'm sorry.. I didn't think you would want more details than what I had already given. In fact I'm pretty sure you still don't care. But to make sure no question goes unanswered. No I'm not 10.. I'm 20 and currently attending college for my associates degree in Computer Networking. I am white, blonde, and have blue eyes. I am of German decent, but no I'm not a Nazi, nor am I racist. I live in Illinois, but no where near Chicago. I do not have exceptional grammar, I just spend a lot of time making sure I don't sound like an idiot. I don't do it because I think I'm better than you, I do it to make sure my words are not misunderstood. I actually have the spelling skills of a 7th grader, I just happen to use Firefox, so that problem is easily solved. I don't normally have a lot of free time on my hands, and I've never randomly joined Ventrilos in the past. It was just a spur of the moment.

Your Vent probably doesn't say anything to that you're a WoW guild.. And no it doesn't have a website anywhere on it. But the time that I did spend in your Vent.. I heard a lot of things to help me find it.. I sat in while about 30 people did a raid. Most of the participants were Guests and so everyone stayed in the lobby. Also, like I said, I think Faustina felt sorry for me, and stayed and talked with me. I learned from her that Fuse is a WoW guild in the Cenarius server. And with a little help from Google, and a link from your WowWiki page, I found the forums.. It really wasn't that difficult.

I understand that this is completely random. And you don't understand why the fuck I would give a shit about your vent. But just because you might not do the same thing, doesn't mean I have ulterior motives.


Originally Posted by Cruci (Post 55856)
why the fuck do you want unbanned anyway? nobody here could give a rats ass about you, honestly nobody cares if you're a spy or not, its a fuckin video game, and one that we've finished.

I know it's just a video game. I don't play it, I don't care about spies anymore than you do. But I do know that some people take WoW that seriously. And given that Guests are restricted to the lobby, I thought that maybe you were already a little cautious about possible spies. I'm sorry if that assumption isn't true, I wasn't trying to offend you or anyone in your guild.

The people that I talked to in your vent were very hospitable. They were very understanding and amused that I randomly joined. Forgive me if I don't take your word that no one cares about me.

I hope I've answered all your questions. If you have anymore, don't hesitate.


P.S. (After reading Faustina's post) Thanks for the backup :)

rursusferre 08-24-2008 09:23 AM

I like this guy.

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