Gentlemen of Leisure

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Nightlive 11-25-2008 08:18 PM

It's Been Fun!
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know (those of you who actually know who I am) that I'm basically done with WoW for good. College life is picking up and after changing my lifestyle away from playing WoW, I feel much better as a person overall.

I'll still troll the forums now and then, but I am basically done. I had an awesome time playing with you guys, especially those from way back when on Azjol (fuck that place).

Love ya all,

Nucholza 11-25-2008 10:52 PM

can I have your stuff?

Yooxra 11-25-2008 10:52 PM

Didn't you quit 2 years ago?

Rhun 11-25-2008 11:05 PM

hey dude, good luck with everything

Yooxra 04-07-2009 05:32 AM

Removing your character Nightlive from guild since you are gone now!

Kz 04-07-2009 07:21 AM

browsing 6 month old posts man u must be super bored yooxine.

Yooxra 04-07-2009 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Tsuuga (Post 62939)
browsing 6 month old posts man u must be super bored yooxine.

Not really just have some free time.

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