Gentlemen of Leisure

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Nightlive 08-08-2009 12:26 PM

Blizzon 2009 Meetup
Hello everyone, its been a while since any of you heard from me eh?

Anyway, Blizzcon 2009 is around the corner (20th of August) and I bet I'm not the only one that is/was in Fuse that's going to be there. I think it'd be awesome if those coming could meet up sometime during the weekend and whatnot. Post if you're coming and we'll plan on from there!

Arieselle 08-09-2009 12:29 AM

I will be there.
I should be fairly easy to find on Friday at the main stage.

But yeah if there is a group that wants to meet up just say so.

Aurila 08-10-2009 10:47 AM

I'll be on my honeymoon, no go this year.

Jexoui 08-11-2009 06:41 AM

i will see you there friends its travel year for me why not blizzcon YEP

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