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Gogan 12-13-2011 07:30 AM

Time for a new thread now that the game is out. Got my early access as of 5:49am this morning.

And we're off!

Rolled my characters on:

Server: Space Slug
Type: PvE
Location: US West (PST)
Faction: Republic
Characters: Gogan

Fusa and Path:

Server: Davik's Estate
Type: PvP
Location: US East (EST)
Faction: Imperial


Server: Dark Reaper
Type: PvP
Location: US West
Faction: Republic

Gogan 12-13-2011 11:40 AM

Updated original post with server info for Fusa/Path and myself. I'm starting off Republic, but I've reserved some names Empire side, in case anyone wanted to play PvE Empire.

I'll try to keep the original post updated if people let me know who/where they land.

Gogan 12-13-2011 11:44 PM

Closing out my first night, about 16 hours, made it to level 21 on my Trooper. Skipped most of the dialog since I'd seen most of it in beta. Game just keeps getting better the higher level I get. Really really good game.

Yooxra 12-14-2011 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Gogan (Post 78831)
Closing out my first night, about 16 hours, made it to level 21 on my Trooper. Skipped most of the dialog since I'd seen most of it in beta. Game just keeps getting better the higher level I get. Really really good game.

Sounds like beastmode to me for someone that's a proclaimed carebear!

Gogan 12-14-2011 03:04 PM

I'm a hardcore carebear. =P

I took the day off (well, "worked from home") yesterday so I could indulge in the nostalgia of all-day mmo powerleveling. Ahh, how I missed it! Leveling was always my favorite part of these games. Unfortunately, I'm back to work now, so the indulgence is over... until the weekend.

Lachdanan 12-14-2011 05:01 PM

What level is Path and Fusa at now?

Gogan 12-14-2011 07:44 PM

Dunno. I'm playing on a different server. You'd have to ask them.

Gogan 12-15-2011 11:41 AM

Level 24 now after a short 5 hour session last night. 1 more level until I get my speeder! My leveling speed has slowed down quite a lot now that I'm listening to dialog again.

I think I'm already starting to out-level the zones I'm in. Finished Coruscant at ~18. Went to Taris (which is supposed to be 16-20) and finished it at 24 (although that includes some space combat). Off to Nar Shaddaa (20-24) tonight, and then Tattoine (24-28). So there's definitely no shortage of leveling content right now.

Had an optional quest last night where I was invited back to this npc chick's (Jaxo) house (because I had flirted with her earlier in the story) and we hooked up. =P Win! It wasn't worth much XP though, either because my char's performance was terrible or he does this kind of thing all the time. I'll assume the latter.

Started some crafting too, which gets kinda cool with multiple companions. I have 3 companions at the moment, and I can assign them each to go off crafting or running missions all at the same time. Even when I'm out in the world questing with one companion, I can assign my other 2 to do jobs.

Tried a bunch of space missions too, now that I have my ship. They're actually a good bit of fun. Worth a decent amount of XP and rewards. Definitely a nice distraction from questing. You can upgrade your ship just like you do with your own gear or companion's gear.

In WoW, I'd always play with all sound off. The music and sounds effects just never did anything for me. But the music and sound is amazing in SWTOR. When you fight a boss, the music really kicks in and makes the whole encounter feel epic -- much like the music you hear in the movies during a big battle or fight scene. I've done a bunch of group quests, but still haven't tried the flashpoints (dungeons) yet.

Taking the day off tomorrow, so I've got a lot of game time ahead of me for the weekend!

How are things going on your end, Fusa?

Lachdanan 12-15-2011 01:49 PM

Fusa says "less typing, more leveling"

Gogan 12-15-2011 01:54 PM

I'm at work!

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