Gentlemen of Leisure

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Xenosis 04-18-2012 06:35 AM

Just got a beta invite from a friend of mine, anyone else in the closed beta right now?

Fusa 04-18-2012 07:12 AM

get an authenticator for your beta!! a hacker is always spying

Xenosis 04-18-2012 11:16 AM

I'll be able to give out Friends and Family invites here and there, if anyone is interested in playing lemme know. About 2 hours into the game and so far it's real good. 300 player co-op world pve areas all the way down to 5 and 10 man pvp stuff.

Kz 04-18-2012 11:22 AM

i might be if its before D3 if after dont worry :o

Xenosis 04-18-2012 12:21 PM

It's basically Borderlands the MMO

Onion 04-18-2012 12:41 PM

I'd be interested, one of my friends got into the beta but I didn't :(

Pathology 04-18-2012 04:34 PM

I want firefall pretty please :)

Stag 04-18-2012 04:46 PM

whats fireball

Redkulaid 04-18-2012 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Xenosis (Post 79882)
It's basically Borderlands the MMO

if its like that, then I cant wait. Ive been waiting for BL2, looks great

Xenosis 05-01-2012 10:04 AM

Okay so Firefall just went from Alpha to Beta and they gave all of us 2 invites, I've got 1 for the first person who replies with an email address

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