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Stag 02-11-2013 05:46 PM

walking dead again
sundays episode was meh at best for me.

Yooxra 02-11-2013 05:51 PM

Yeah, but it wasn't bad. What's up with Rick still going crazy!

rursusferre 02-12-2013 08:10 PM

Agreed. I was surprised at how boring it was

Gogan 03-11-2013 09:59 AM

Last night might've been the worst episode to date. Not a damn thing happened in the entire episode.

And why didn't Rick just kill the governor when he had the chance? He knew at the end of their meeting he'd go to war with him. Why not just end things right there?

Getting annoyed with this show.

Gronthor 03-11-2013 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Gogan (Post 83409)
Last night might've been the worst episode to date. Not a damn thing happened in the entire episode.

And why didn't Rick just kill the governor when he had the chance? He knew at the end of their meeting he'd go to war with him. Why not just end things right there?

Getting annoyed with this show.

Maybe this is why two key writers have left the show due to show's direction.

Gronthor 03-11-2013 10:22 AM

I understand they are building tension but it was the slowest pace without anything actually happening, and the show to commercial ratio is getting pretty terrible with the show being in the 35-40 min range with 20-23 min of commercials while most network hour longs are 42-46 min with the rest commercials.

I am getting pretty upset more with that part of it than the slow nature of the last episode as they will probably cram so much action in the last episode to leave you with a WTF just happened emotion.

Pathology 03-11-2013 04:39 PM

I agree. When was the last time anything significant happened with the undead in the series? Other then the Gov's daughter, which I still find one of the worst side stories. Oh look at me I chained my daughter up because I love her. Bad season thus far, I hope they can turn it around.

I want GoT and at least Arrow is getting good. Also, I am really liking The Americans.

rursusferre 03-11-2013 08:37 PM

Wow, I really didn't think that episode was bad at all. I am surprised you guys are saying "worst yet". I thought it was pretty solid. Maybe not super exciting, but I don't mind slow pace I guess. I do find it interesting that like, the last 3-4 episode basically have ended with a musical montage.

Gogan 03-11-2013 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by rursusferre (Post 83418)
Wow, I really didn't think that episode was bad at all. I am surprised you guys are saying "worst yet". I thought it was pretty solid. Maybe not super exciting, but I don't mind slow pace I guess. I do find it interesting that like, the last 3-4 episode basically have ended with a musical montage.

Actually, the musical montages have been my favorite part of the episodes. They remind me of how Lost used to end their episodes. I've been digging their song choices too. So they get points for that.

As for the slow pacing... I don't at all mind slow pacing as long as it advances the story, develops the characters, or builds tension. But they're not doing any of those things. You could literally skip the last couple episodes -- certainly last night's -- and not be any worse off. That's the crux of my complaint.

rursusferre 03-11-2013 11:00 PM

Oh, I agree the montages have actually been pretty awesome. I also thing the episode before last, with Morgan, while maybe didn't completely advance the story, was one of the best episodes of the series. I dunno, I guess I've always viewed the show as a drama that just happened to have zombies. I know a lot of people keep complaining about the pace, and I can see their point, just hasn't really bothered me too much. I can only assume the pace will pick up for the last couple of episodes.

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