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Quintilian 08-15-2013 04:17 AM

Witcher 3 CGI Trailer

Serious fucking moan worthy shit there.

Yooxra 08-15-2013 08:01 AM

Saw this yesterday. Looks amazing.

rursusferre 08-15-2013 04:05 PM

I have no played any of these games, but this trailer did look amazing.

Fusa 08-15-2013 04:18 PM

now this video, this is a fucking amazing video. My cock was in my hand the whole time

Gogan 08-15-2013 04:52 PM


Quintilian 08-15-2013 09:41 PM

The first Witcher is kind of an acquired taste. The combat is a little janky, but the storyline, voice acting and old school RPG flavor to it is amazing. Hard to believe that it was built on a modified Neverwinter Nights Engine.

Witcher 2 is one of the best RPG's I've played. Especially cause it's almost two games. At the end of the first act you get to make a choice, and it's basically two enitrely serperate games after that. Different characters, stories, quests, everything. It's pretty amazing.

3 is supposed to be a lot more open world, Skyrim esque, and looks awesome.

Also, CDProjekt Red adds lots of DLC.. for free. They keep updating the games with awesome additions... for free. They recently added a HUGE mod pack, done by official designers on the game to add animations, combat tuning and tons of other stuff.

For free. You can usually get both games for like 5$ on any major sale.

There's the Witcher 2 trailer.

Pathology 08-16-2013 05:26 PM

I want cyberpunk 2077 but this looks amazing.

McGrupp 09-24-2013 08:46 PM

This is arguably one of the best RPG series ever made (up there with dragon age orignial, demon/dark souls, etc.). Yes, the first one is a little rough around the edges (combat/interface), but the story is bar none. The 2nd one has over 150 hours of gameplay (Think I have 240+) with multiple endings and makes good on everything. Make sure to save your favorite play-through separately so you can use it for the 3rd installment =)

Rhun 06-07-2014 10:20 PM

Sorry for the thread necro but...

They finally set a release date for this, it looks like an amazing game.

Available: February 24th, 2015

Pre-purchasable on steam right now, 20% off.

Yooxra 06-08-2014 09:07 AM

Day 1 buy for me

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