Gentlemen of Leisure

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Kz 10-02-2013 12:41 AM

we need to get a new thread that trolls the main posts and what not asano like the wow/d3 ones we have. also Beta Patch Tomorrow - Wipe Will Occur. It's finally here, the most hyped patch for Hearthstone is going to be deployed with tomorrow's maintenance!

most likely by next tuesday at the latest im thinking a major portion of the opt-in's will be going out. could happen as soon as maintenance is done but im thinking it will be starting next tuesday.

edit: also who else is excited about this shit! and there will be no more wipes they announced so this is it when ur in ur in. i recommend getting to level 10 with every class to get a feel for them and to unlock a buncha class cards, and if your not familiar with the game just play normals. but i plan on arena'n non stop to get my card packs instead of buying them. i feel i will be more than capable of being able to endlessly arena like trump does, hoping i get paired up vs him sometime.

Megasteve 10-02-2013 03:46 AM

Considering I almost sold a child to get into the beta, I'm pretty pumped.

This game is going to consume my soul. Blizzard does it again.

Gogan 10-02-2013 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Kz (Post 85086)
we need to get a new thread that trolls the main posts and what not asano like the wow/d3 ones we have.

What's the main news site for Hearthstone?

Kz 10-02-2013 10:57 AM

Gogan 10-02-2013 11:31 AM

Hmm... the forums don't seem to like the RSS feed for that site. I have Blizz's news in there now, but there's no content for each post so I may just remove it altogether. I'll take another look tonight.

Kz 10-02-2013 11:34 AM

aight. kinda odd that u cant get a RSS feed from that site concidering its just like the d3 and mmo site. all owned by curse.

Gogan 10-02-2013 11:51 AM

You'd think there were all same, but apparently not so. You can see the structure of the RSS feed is different between, say, diablofans and hearthpwn:


They're owned by the same parent company (Curse), but that's where the similarities end. Probably run by completely different tech stacks and servers.

rursusferre 10-02-2013 09:34 PM

man i am behind. I don't know what this is either

Gogan 10-02-2013 09:43 PM

Blizzard's latest game, a Magic the Gathering clone:

They first announced it only about 6 months ago.

Kz 10-02-2013 10:03 PM

i still find it dumb that they wouldn't do a reset prior to open beta, and god damnit i want in this god damn game right meow! twitter post saying opt-ins not going out til patches prolly tuesday is my guess.

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