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Gogan 11-02-2014 11:42 AM

Blizzcon '14
Anyone else get the online pass for Blizzcon on Fri/Sat?

The SC2 Ro16 matches were yesterday and were amazing if anyone is still watching WCS these days -- well worth watching the Zest v Life, Taeja v soO, Hyun v Innovation matches. Really looking forward to the Ro8 matches at Blizzcon.

The Hearthstone qualifying matches leading up to Blizzcon have been really good too. Hoping to hear about the next expansion (apparently 100+ cards) on Fri.

Gogan 11-07-2014 09:54 AM

Blizzard did a really good job on the Hearthstone stage. Looks amazing:

McGrupp 11-07-2014 02:13 PM

Will be/Currently watching HS games. Very good so far.

rursusferre 11-07-2014 02:26 PM

Apparently they took all the scraped titan work and turned it into another game. I am confuse .

Gogan 11-07-2014 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by McGrupp (Post 87326)
Will be/Currently watching HS games. Very good so far.

Yeah, I got the HS matches on one monitor and SC2 going on the other.

And then the servers died... all e-sports matches interrupted. Awkward.

McGrupp 11-07-2014 03:37 PM

Yea, Kolento had a possible win just swept out from under him. Interested to see what they do, had to pause for about 15min to cook dinner

McGrupp 11-07-2014 03:45 PM

Stream got screwed, what was the resolution of the mid-game DC?

Gogan 11-07-2014 03:49 PM

They started over with a fresh game, which Kolento won. But I think they're having issues again b/c all the matches are on break. In the meantime, the Panels stage is talking about the new HS xpac.

McGrupp 11-07-2014 03:56 PM

Cool thanks. These SC players are unbelievable. I can't fathom multi-tasking/micromanage that fast

Fusa 11-07-2014 05:40 PM

300+ apm is very fast, watching from the observers perspective gives it no justice.

if you watch their game screen would give the common person a seizure and they would have not a fucking clue what is going on, they have many hot keys just for camera position.

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