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McGrupp 12-01-2014 03:52 PM

Tales of Maj'Eyal
This was the find of the year for me. Old school roots, active community, brilliant.

Gogan 12-01-2014 04:17 PM

Wow, that's super old school. I used to love those tile-based RPGs. A couple of my favorites from those days were Realmz and the Exile series, which nobody will have heard of since they were primarily Mac-based shareware games. And of course there's Angband which was an awesome ascii-based (!) dungeon crawler.

Cool to see someone creating modern-day games using those old-school mechanics.

Kz 12-01-2014 05:12 PM

all the tales of series are really good.

Yooxra 12-01-2014 06:16 PM

Wow, reminds me of old Ultima and that era of games. Classics.

McGrupp 12-14-2014 02:05 AM

The depth and effort put into the classes is spectacular. The difficulty of the game is frustrating at times, but rewarding. Check it out if you haven't

Gogan 03-07-2015 01:18 AM

Picked this one up tonight. You weren't kidding about the difficulty. Got to level 7 on two different chars before running into higher level mobs in the second dungeon that I just can't get past. Rough game.

Edit: Finally found another dungeon around my level (Old Forest) that got me over the hump. Fun, challenging game. I like how you unlock new classes while playing.

Edit 2: Okay, I'm starting to cruise now -- Level 16. The trick to the early game was realizing different classes start in different areas and have their own low-level dungeons. So you can just go around to all those starter dungeons to level up. Played an Alchemist, Shadowblade, and Summoner so far, the last of which is my current character. Really loving the playstyle. And I love how different they all play. You were right; the depth and effort to the classes is great. Lots of fun. Good recommendation!

McGrupp 03-08-2015 10:36 AM

Glad you're enjoying. Summoner is a great class to use to complete your first run. I've been trying to complete an Insane - Adventure run, but haven't had luck. I've logged a couple Nightmare completions, which is rewarding. What's your Steam ID? Can give you some addon recommendations/etc

Gogan 03-08-2015 04:03 PM

Level 27 now, but I'm on my last life (Normal difficulty). Doubt I'll complete the game on this character, but I'm kinda looking forward to playing a new character and actually following the story. There didn't seem to be much of a story until I got teleported to some new land with elves and got a bunch of story-related quests.

Anyway, my steam id is STEAM_0:0:40298436 (

McGrupp 03-15-2015 01:25 PM

Just wanted to drop a few suggestions to improve gameplay until 1.3 is released (March 18)

The Developer pushes events during London prime time, so I usually window my game and minimize it over night/while at work in order to get some of the benefits

Zomnibus addon pack is the main one I suggest. It really clears up the UI and adds better shortcuts via Right-Click

Marson's UI Modifications is also a good one. Fixes some graphical issues such as view point, scrolling distance, and adds better cooldown notifications on the hotbar.

Enhanced Escorts, Bazaar, and Melinda on the Map are the other Add-ons I suggest to improve gameplay. Some of the race addons put some cool things into the game, Turtles and Draconians come to mind.

Gogan 03-15-2015 04:04 PM

Cool, thanks for the suggestions.


Originally Posted by McGrupp (Post 87830)
The Developer pushes events during London prime time, so I usually window my game and minimize it over night/while at work in order to get some of the benefits

What's the advantage of having the game open when updates are pushed?

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