Gentlemen of Leisure

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Lynched 12-12-2014 12:55 PM

it's been a while
Miss you guys, idk if you remember me. Raided in Fuse.

was the gnome rogue Lynched/Neriana or something like that cause blizz changed my name

hope all is well with you guys

Gogan 12-12-2014 01:56 PM

Hey Neri, what have you been up to?

I don't think I'll ever *not* remember you. Your memory lives on in Yoox's signature every time he posts a message:

And now Nuch passes on his nurturing and compassionate ways to today's youth...

Lynched 12-12-2014 01:59 PM

LMAO! thats amazing. She's actually still kickin, but she's losing her mind now days, cant do much to prevent that.

As far as what i've been up to, just keeping busy. Got my life in line. I manage a Ford store now, got my body in shape, and playing a TON of Destiny.

You guys playing anything now?

Fusa 12-12-2014 02:00 PM

fucking lol'd

Gogan 12-12-2014 02:05 PM

Good to hear!

Everyone is kinda all over the place these days. Nobody is really playing WoW anymore, at least not like we used to. Most of us still play games of some sort though when time allows... Path of Exile, Hearthstone, and other assorted single-player (or in Blake's case, Korean) games. Like you, people are growing up, getting busy with work, relationships, families, etc.

Folks still check in on the forums to keep in touch relatively frequently though, which is cool.

Lynched 12-12-2014 02:17 PM

Well it's funny. Because we spent 6pm to 2am together sometimes, and we all got close.

Miss you guys though

Yooxra 12-12-2014 10:11 PM

Good to hear from ya man. Oh man, that brings up memories.

Lynched 12-17-2014 02:22 PM

I still think online gaming was probably the most fun ive had in life, sadly to say.

I've done a bunch of shit, work with a ton of great people. but nothing beats the good ol' wipes and laughing it off for hours.

Esp the Ulduar Mimiron hardmode, Fire everywhere. People cussing eachother out.


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