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Gogan 11-26-2016 01:20 PM

Rogue One: Tickets on sale Monday
If you haven't heard, ticket for Dec 16th's Rogue One go on sale at 12:01am Monday.

Even though they're not expecting Force Awakens level of ticket sales, I'm still guessing opening day tickets will go fast.

rursusferre 11-26-2016 10:25 PM

Please dont suck....please dont suck

Gogan 11-27-2016 09:10 PM

Should've noted the tickets went on sale at midnight EST. So right now.

Got mine!

Kz 11-28-2016 08:43 AM

nice asano. hf with all the nerds there :x

Kz 11-28-2016 08:43 AM

i wanna see it but never on opening day

Gogan 11-28-2016 11:40 AM

Opening day is the best day to see it! Especially since it's showing pretty early on the west coast. I have 7pm tickets on the 15th. I was expecting to have to wait until midnight. Also got tickets for Friday since I'm positive I'll want to see it again.

I never go to the theater anymore because I hate dealing with the crowds, but opening day for a new Star Wars film is not even in question for me.

rursusferre 11-28-2016 10:55 PM

I'm with you asano. People are so hyped in the theater, it makes it so much more fun.

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