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Gogan 12-18-2016 03:04 PM

Rogue One Review
I've seen it twice now, and I came away from both viewings feeling the same. Overall, I give it 3.5 stars. The last 45 minutes bumped it up from 2.5 stars.

In short, the first 90 minutes are a snooze fest. Even the action scenes were generic and uninspired. The last 45 minutes, however, were fantastic and everything I expected from a Star Wars film. The last 5 minutes were out of this world outstanding. Maybe the best Star Wars scene ever? I won't gush too much and overhype it, but it goes a long way towards redeeming an otherwise disappointing movie.

The actors were all great. I loved that it was a dark film, from start to finish. The comic relief from K-2SO was fantastic, and not overdone in the slightest (unlike Force Awakens). They definitely knew how they wanted to end the story (the last 45 mins), but I don't think they knew exactly how they wanted to tell the first half of the movie. Just a bad script, I guess.

rursusferre 12-20-2016 08:05 PM

Haven't seen this yet, but it seems to be the overwhelming sentiment I've read.

Kz 12-21-2016 07:21 AM

haven't seen it yet either but ill see it at some point just super busy right now.

Fusa 12-22-2016 08:13 PM

I agree with asano without getting into spoilers, I like their characters.

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