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Gogan 04-03-2017 12:27 PM

Walking Dead S7
Anyone still watching this? Season 7 was, imo, the worst so far. I haven't watched the finale that aired last night yet, but judging how they led up to it last week I'm not expecting much. Negan is a great character -- probably the best on the show now -- but man the show has dragged ass all season, and much of last season too.

I miss the earlier seasons. Probably won't watch at all next season.

Fusa 04-04-2017 04:59 AM

it was bad asano. like a 2/10

rursusferre 04-17-2017 11:51 PM

yeah, I'm not sure why I keep watching it.

McGrupp 05-27-2017 08:55 PM

JDM as Negan is the only reason I keep watching.

rursusferre 06-03-2017 09:18 PM

I agree Grupp, he's been awesome. But yeah, the show has really tapered off.

Stag 06-04-2017 08:46 AM

I still watch based of the fact that I followed it this long so I won't quit on it.

rursusferre 06-04-2017 10:09 PM

Haha, thats pretty much where I'm at Stag. Still better than Fear the Walking Dead.

Fusa 06-07-2017 04:43 AM

I have never seen "fear the walking dead" wouldn't know if it good/bad/indifferent.

but the walking dead I like 3-4 people that's it.

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