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Yooxra 04-18-2017 07:13 PM

Krypton, will syfy be worthy again?
Krypton - Promo 2017

I don't know since I still have a hard time watching syfy after they canceled SGU.

rursusferre 04-26-2017 12:42 PM

it kind of looks like a CW show. But we'll see.

Yooxra 02-21-2018 04:50 PM

Brainiac trailer

Torchholder 03-21-2018 01:12 AM

The Expanse is pretty good. But syfyhas been doing pretty crap shows for a while.

Yooxra 03-21-2018 09:44 AM

The expanse is the only show I watch on syfy right now.

rursusferre 03-24-2018 11:59 AM

The Expanse is good, but it definitely has a different vibes from the book (which is a little more Firefly).

Also....what the fuck is up torchholder?

Torchholder 04-01-2018 01:56 AM

Not too much, still in the Seattle area, working on VR stuff. I played WoW for a bit when Legion came out, but haven't been playing for a while.

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