It has a really in-depth crafting component which allows for just about everything, from the standard blacksmithing to building houses and ships and developing plots of land into /gasp guild halls and better. So that aspect is taken from several games, but the housing from Ultima Online, which is always a good thing.
Game itself is very good. Very group oriented. It's essentially the same leveling curve as 1-60 in Warcraft, except it's 50 levels, and the first 20 aren't easy like WoW. The only major difference -- and it is major -- is it can be very difficult to solo significant portions of the game. But conversely, it's also easy to find groups, as everyone else needs them too.
I'm playing the FFA server. Lots of PVP!
Instance design is excellent. Outdoor stuff is excellent. It's more of a large-scale game, where EQ2 emphasize the small-party goal.
I'd love to have a few more people trying it out. That's for sure.