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Old 07-24-2009, 10:57 AM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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B) I don't know much about these tri-core cpus, but I'd bet money that a dual core 3.2 will still be marginally better than a tri-core 2.8 for WoW. Games in general aren't very well multi-threaded, so you're better off with whatever gets you a faster clock speed. I personally wouldn't waste the money on the new cpu.

C) Going from the 800/ddr2 to 1600/ddr3 may be worth it, though I'm not sure how big of a gain you'll realize from it. As for moving to 6GB, unless you're running 64-bit XP/Vista/7, the most your system will recognize and use is 4GB (it's actually a bit less than 4GB). As for the gains of triple channel vs dual channel, again the gains are pretty small and only realized when you can fully saturate the memory bus, which you won't do in something like WoW.

In summary, everything I've read and experienced tells me the biggest gains you'll see for gaming come from 1) fastest cpu clock speed and 2) best video card you can get.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru
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