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Old 06-22-2011, 03:28 PM
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Yooxra Yooxra is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Hell, Last level
Posts: 6,998
Q. No spoilers plz but would you say the class stories are more like “ah, ok, nice to know *yawn* “ or more like “damn, i wanted to sleep 5 hours ago but i need to know juuuust a little more” ?

A. It’s really hard to put the game down.
Q. In games like WOW, some areas are reused, such as cave interiors and buildings. Is there anything like this in TOR or is everywhere unique?

A. So far every single area, phased zone, building, etc. has been unique and hand-crafted. None of that copy-pasted cave crap like in WoW
Q. Are there currently any major PvP imbalances between classes?

A. Not that I’ve seen. I’m sure there are issues, but I don’t see a lot of griping.
Yoox: Only death awaits...

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