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Old 10-08-2011, 12:39 PM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: California
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Played a Bounty Hunter till level 10. Pretty good game, but I'm afraid it's not the WoW-killer everyone was hoping for. Obviously 10 levels is not very much to judge the game by -- maybe 6 hours or so (it's much slower paced than WoW). But Rift felt much more impressive and exciting in the early game than SWtoR has so far. Rift's graphics are much better, for example -- awe inspiring at times. SW is pretty disappointing in that regard.

The gameplay is pretty fun. Plenty of abilities and cooldowns to manage, even early on. The quests are fairly interesting too. Very story driven and immersive -- not your typical "go here and kill X enemies" or "go there and gather Y things". In fact, I think I've only had a couple gathering quests so far. The voice acting is all really well done. Clearly, the story is the big draw in this game, and so far, it's pretty good.

Overall, I give it a solid B grade. The graphics and overall feel of the game leave much to be desired, but the gameplay works, servers seem quite stable, and the story-driven approach is novel enough to stick with it to see what the end-game is like.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru
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