The first Planetside was really fucking awesome til SOE ruined it. The PS1 beta and maybe the first few months after it hit retail were some of the best gaming days of my life.
It was so fun for me because I'm not that good at twitch fps, so I was a horrible infantry, but I can drive a tank like nobody's fucking business.
That's one of the best parts about this game, you can either do full fps, or full support, or a mix, and still do really well, feel like you're actually making a difference, and accomplishing stuff.
And that's just solo play, if you get a good coordinated squad going, you can absolutely wreck shit.
I have so fucking many stories of just epic fucking wins and good times from the first game. I really wish I still had all my old screenshots.
I'm really really excited for this game, I just hope SOE doesn't ruin it somehow.