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Old 05-28-2012, 10:44 AM
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Redkulaid Redkulaid is offline
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Originally Posted by Yooxra View Post

Last night's episode "blackwater" was really good. Is the dwarf dead?! Dog - "fuck the king's guard, fuck the city, fuck the king", I lol'd. Queen is about to find out about Shae. Stannis Baratheon is gonna be piked it looks like. Joffrey being a pussy after talking about how he was gonna give Stannis a red smile was a great scene followed by the dwarf speech.
They changed it from the book a bit, but the general idea is there. From taking to others about it, and ill have to re read it after this season, the [P]Imp is supposed to get burned, not cut. He does live, but I wont spoil it anymore. A lot happens after this, and I wounder where they will leave it for the end of the season. S3 is gonna be great, but i think they will split the book into two seasons, as a ton of stuff happens, including the Red Wedding.

Good season so far, I just want more already. They have kept pace with the books, but I have noticed more and more changes from the book as it goes on.
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